Main yield curve inverted. This really makes the tax cuts (especially


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2002
the individual side) extremely careless and a complete waste. We got a total of 20-24 months of the tax cuts until a recession kicks in? Yuck. At least we can get the Dow to break 26,000 later this week when the fed cuts rates in an emergency meeting. Only about the 20th time we'll break 26,000 since late 2017. :joy::joy::joy:
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the individual side) extremely careless and a complete waste. We got a total of 20-24 months of the tax cuts until a recession kicks in? Yuck. At least we can get the Dow to break 26,000 later this week when the fed cuts rates in an emergency meeting. Only about the 20th time we'll break 26,000 since late 2017. :joy::joy::joy:

We are sitting at about 1,000 points off where the market was in January of 2018.

If you are a day trader, and lucky, you have made some money during that time as you ride the waves. If you, like most people who own any stock, have it in a 401K the last could years have been a wash at best. In what world can anyone see the last 18 months of this market being good?
We are sitting at about 1,000 points off where the market was in January of 2018.

If you are a day trader, and lucky, you have made some money during that time as you ride the waves. If you, like most people who own any stock, have it in a 401K the last could years have been a wash at best. In what world can anyone see the last 18 months of this market being good?
A flat market with 18 months of inflation. Mild inflation mind you (for now), but inflation nonetheless. All of this after a massive tax cut and an explosion in government spending.
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A flat market with 18 months of inflation. Mild inflation mind you (for now), but inflation nonetheless. All of this after a massive tax cut and an explosion in government spending.
$4.7 trillion budget. Imagine what the bifftards would have done if Obama had a $4.7T budget.

$4.7 trillion budget. Imagine what the bifftards would have done if Obama had a $4.7T budget.

I simply can't understand why you Socialists are upset with Government spending money? At what point during the previous 8 years were any of you who are so exercised over this current budget and its concurrent deficits, complaining about the record deficits were were running prior to "sequestration"

Remember that? Virtually all members of your party fought that small measure of fiscal discipline tooth and nail! There were enough Republicans and two faced Democrats to overcome the majority of Leftist opposition (including Obama's) but not one of the complainers was the least bit concerned while we were accumulating more debt than ALL the previous US administrations combined!

Even today, virtually any efforts to cut discretionary spending or impose some sort of fiscal restraint on our non-mandated or non-entitlement spending draws no support from you whiners about these current deficits.

Why not?

The main problem is trump screwed the short sellers yesterday and they needed a reason to drive down stock market so they can cover their shorts.
A flat market with 18 months of inflation. Mild inflation mind you (for now), but inflation nonetheless. All of this after a massive tax cut and an explosion in government spending.

YOU and your misinformed Socialist brethren were predicting massive inflation and an economy in a tailspin due to the tax cuts.

To this day you all refuse to admit you all were dead wrong, and now you're trying to diminish the spectacular wage growth and earnings we've experienced since those taxes were cut. Deficits have increased, but it's not because of less revenue...that's another bald faced lie! Government is still doing what it's always done with more revenue (we're collecting record revenues)... which is spend beyond its means.

Why are you Socialists complaining about that now?

Ans: 'Cause you all aren't spending it!

Frauds...all of you.
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We are sitting at about 1,000 points off where the market was in January of 2018.

If you are a day trader, and lucky, you have made some money during that time as you ride the waves. If you, like most people who own any stock, have it in a 401K the last could years have been a wash at best. In what world can anyone see the last 18 months of this market being good?

If you're a welcher...any bets you made on the stock market and lost are still waiting for you to pay up.
It's clear to me what this incompetent media is up to. They are trying to "talk" everyone into believing we're heading for "recession" almost trying to generate the outcome they're predicting.

None of them can even define what a recession is, as Tapper clearly pointed out.
.@jaketapper do you even know what a "recession" is?

A "recession" is three consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.

There's not a single economic indicator that reflects a negative GDP outcome in Q3. [eyeroll] …

The Lead CNN


Analyst: Signs signal a nearing global recession @RanaForoohar and Mark Zandi discuss
It's clear to me what this incompetent media is up to. They are trying to "talk" everyone into believing we're heading for "recession" almost trying to generate the outcome they're predicting.

None of them can even define what a recession is, as Tapper clearly pointed out.
.@jaketapper do you even know what a "recession" is?

A "recession" is three consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.

There's not a single economic indicator that reflects a negative GDP outcome in Q3. [eyeroll] …

The Lead CNN


Analyst: Signs signal a nearing global recession @RanaForoohar and Mark Zandi discuss
You do understand that this is a pretty reliable predictor of an upcoming recession, not something that says we are currently in a recession. I've heard that historically the recession is within 2 years of the inverted yield.
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A flat market with 18 months of inflation. Mild inflation mind you (for now), but inflation nonetheless. All of this after a massive tax cut and an explosion in government spending.
Yeah, letting the people keep their money and not have govt control it's spending. More you tax, the less growth you get. Nothing is ever going to slow down govt spending cause we've screwed the pooch.
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You do understand that this is a pretty reliable predictor of an upcoming recession, not something that says we are currently in a recession. I've heard that historically the recession is within 2 years of the inverted yield.

Let's not start talking "recession" until we see three straight quarters of negative GDP. We're no where close to that now as Tapper correctly pointed out.
Yeah, letting the people keep their money and not have govt control it's spending. More you tax, the less growth you get. Nothing is ever going to slow down govt spending cause we've screwed the pooch.

What I'm dumbfounded trying to understand Airport is why these Socialists are all of a sudden so upset with Government deficit spending? o_O

Where have they been for the last 50 years?
Let's not start talking "recession" until we see three straight quarters of negative GDP. We're no where close to that now as Tapper correctly pointed out.
Economics is about trying to predict what is coming based on what we are currently seeing. The inverted yield is a predictor, and, historically, it has been a reliable predictor. I don't see the problem with stating that this historically reliable predictor of a coming recession just occurred.
Economics is about trying to predict what is coming based on what we are currently seeing. The inverted yield is a predictor, and, historically, it has been a reliable predictor. I don't see the problem with stating that this historically reliable predictor of a coming recession just occurred.

"Predicting" economic future activity is like "predicting" the weather. Sure you can view systems, or approaching fronts, and even take measurements, but there is no way anyone can "predict" with exact precision exactly what the weather will be from minute to minute, much less in a "five day forecast"![eyeroll]

"Climate changes" don't 'ya know?

Similarly, economics is primarily about people. People are unpredictable. Folks make decisions with their money in their own best interests based on conditions they either judge to be positive or negative. Those conditions are always changing. So are their decisions. Let's just wait and see? Nothing wrong with looking at indicators, but no one who's predicting a "recession" today, knows exactly what the next 3 quarters of GDP are going to look like.

Anything short of 3 straight quarters of negative growth is NOT a the classic definition of one. Again, we're no where near why even discuss it?

(Unless you're a Leftist without a plan to get elected absent a poor economy) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
"Predicting" economic future activity is like "predicting" the weather. Sure you can view systems, or approaching fronts, and even take measurements, but there is no way anyone can "predict" with exact precision exactly what the weather will be from minute to minute, much less in a "five day forecast"![eyeroll]

"Climate changes" don't 'ya know?

Similarly, economics is primarily about people. People are unpredictable. Folks make decisions with their money in their own best interests based on conditions they either judge to be positive or negative. Those conditions are always changing. So are their decisions. Let's just wait and see? Nothing wrong with looking at indicators, but no one who's predicting a "recession" today, knows exactly what the next 3 quarters of GDP are going to look like.

Anything short of 3 straight quarters of negative growth is NOT a the classic definition of one. Again, we're no where near why even discuss it?

(Unless you're a Leftist without a plan to get elected absent a poor economy) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Or unless you are trying to plan an investment or manufacturing strategy. Ford and GM are preparing for a recession. Do you think they just started that today because of the news? And I pointed out that the recession is generally within 2 years of this predictor. You are looking at the next 8 quarters, not the next 3.
Or unless you are trying to plan an investment or manufacturing strategy. Ford and GM are preparing for a recession. Do you think they just started that today because of the news? And I pointed out that the recession is generally within 2 years of this predictor. You are looking at the next 8 quarters, not the next 3.

OK Mule my Man...YOU go ahead and plan for a recession. It's still a free country.

For now [winking]
OK Mule my Man...YOU go ahead and plan for a recession. It's still a free country.

For now [winking]
I'm not in sales. It may impact my investment strategy, but I have still have recovery time. I'd recommend that you plan for a recession given that your livelihood is largely dependent on people making fairly large purchases.
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I'm not in sales. It may impact my investment strategy, but I have still have recovery time. I'd recommend that you plan for a recession given that your livelihood is largely dependent on people making fairly large purchases.

Mule my Man, I can't "plan" for people not coming into my Dealership with liquid assets they wish to transfer onto the purchase of brand new transportation my friend. That's why I get up in the morning!

If we're planning on NOT having folks come into our Dealership to purchase our products, we might as well not even bother to open up each day.


*There's an old saying in the automobile business my friend.... "there's an ass for every seat, even if you have to deal with a few of 'em to find one" [winking]
Yeah, letting the people keep their money and not have govt control it's spending. More you tax, the less growth you get. Nothing is ever going to slow down govt spending cause we've screwed the pooch.
Not sure you totally understand my argument.
I simply can't understand why you Socialists are upset with Government spending money? At what point during the previous 8 years were any of you who are so exercised over this current budget and its concurrent deficits, complaining about the record deficits were were running prior to "sequestration"

Remember that? Virtually all members of your party fought that small measure of fiscal discipline tooth and nail! There were enough Republicans and two faced Democrats to overcome the majority of Leftist opposition (including Obama's) but not one of the complainers was the least bit concerned while we were accumulating more debt than ALL the previous US administrations combined!

Even today, virtually any efforts to cut discretionary spending or impose some sort of fiscal restraint on our non-mandated or non-entitlement spending draws no support from you whiners about these current deficits.

Why not?

You are a closet socialist. You love the spending and corporate handouts.
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I really don’t give a crap as it is irrelevant to the topic.

Like always with you OM1...I get your pasty white ass on the court...we square off one-on-one and I'm like.......

Take that you rummy!!!!!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I just dunk all over your spastic ass all day, every day!!!!

the individual side) extremely careless and a complete waste. We got a total of 20-24 months of the tax cuts until a recession kicks in? Yuck. At least we can get the Dow to break 26,000 later this week when the fed cuts rates in an emergency meeting. Only about the 20th time we'll break 26,000 since late 2017. :joy::joy::joy:
Obama was a waste. Terrible experiment.
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Retail sales surge in July in a reassuring sign for the U.S. economy.
Marketwatch Thu. Aug 15, 2019
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