Libs don't take losing very well


Gold Member
Jan 27, 2005
I played a lot of sports throughout my life. A lot. Almost every coach told us that you lose with grace. You shake hands, congratulate the other team and walk away (but beat the hell out of them the next time, lol).

With the libs, we have this display:

1. Pointless recounts
2. Playing games with the Electoral College
3. On show after show, libs saying he is illegitimate because he didn't win the popular vote
4. Protests/riots in the streets
5. Bill Clinton blaming angry white men
6. Podesta and others blaming Comey
7. All libs blaming the Russians
8. Artists mandating that Ivanka Trump take down the art she purchased from them
9. Ivanka and her children accosted on a Jet Blue airplane
10. Entertainers threatened if they perform at the Inauguration
11. Fashion designers falling all over themselves saying they won't "dress" Melania (although several others have stepped into that void)
12. Protests during and after the inauguration
13. Obama blames Fox News and Rush Limbaugh
14. Major threats made against Electors if they did not switch their vote
15. Unprecedented assassination threats made against Trump
16. Colleges have counseling sessions and excusing kids from taking exams
17. The DC Metro not acknowledging on their Inauguration Day passes as they have done for other Presidents
18. Comedians mocking Melania Trump and her accent and devotion to her husband
19. Protests outside of Trump tower
20. Blacks castigating Kanye West, Jim Brown and Ray Lewis for even meeting with Trump some calling them not authentically black.

I could go on and on. Libs are very sore losers. Classless fools. They thought Hillary was entitled. She thought she was entitled. Losing is hard, But lose with grace and dignity. The Bush's certainly did.
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This election cycle exposed the fact that they are totally unprincipled, unhinged, angry, lunatics. I will always be indebted to Trump for blocking Nuttall Hildabeast path to her coronation by the dimwitted Democfats.
This election cycle exposed the fact that they are totally unprincipled, unhinged, angry, lunatics. I will always be indebted to Trump for blocking Nuttall Hildabeast path to her coronation by the dimwitted Democfats.

I read today that Jimmy Carter will attend the inaugural. I don't like his politics or his policies at all (he is dangerously naive) but at least he has some respect for the office and some class. I wonder what the Bush's will do. They vigorously opposed Trump. Will they attend? Hmmmm?
I played a lot of sports throughout my life. A lot. Almost every coach told us that you lose with grace. You shake hands, congratulate the other team and walk away (but beat the hell out of them the next time, lol).

With the libs, we have this display:

1. Pointless recounts
2. Playing games with the Electoral College
3. On show after show, libs saying he is illegitimate because he didn't win the popular vote
4. Protests/riots in the streets
5. Bill Clinton blaming angry white men
6. Podesta and others blaming Comey
7. All libs blaming the Russians
8. Artists mandating that Ivanka Trump take down the art she purchased from them
9. Ivanka and her children accosted on a Jet Blue airplane
10. Entertainers threatened if they perform at the Inauguration
11. Fashion designers falling all over themselves saying they won't "dress" Melania (although several others have stepped into that void)
12. Protests during and after the inauguration
13. Obama blames Fox News and Rush Limbaugh
14. Major threats made against Electors if they did not switch their vote
15. Unprecedented assassination threats made against Trump
16. Colleges have counseling sessions and excusing kids from taking exams
17. The DC Metro not acknowledging on their Inauguration Day passes as they have done for other Presidents
18. Comedians mocking Melania Trump and her accent and devotion to her husband
19. Protests outside of Trump tower
20. Blacks castigating Kanye West, Jim Brown and Ray Lewis for even meeting with Trump some calling them not authentically black.

I could go on and on. Libs are very sore losers. Classless fools. They thought Hillary was entitled. She thought she was entitled. Losing is hard, But lose with grace and dignity. The Bush's certainly did.
Dudes,when the TRUTH comes out about "The Kenyan in Chief " ain't seen NUTHIN YET!! And when Sessions puts Killary in an orange jump suit..this shit gets REAL..REAL QUICK!! There is LOTS and
LOTS AND LOTS of evidence coming to the top of Ovomits forged "birth"..BIG LEAGUE! !