It's on now

I myself was wondering where Coop's anger over all of this spending is? Wasn't he on here a week or so ago saying he's always been against deficit spending? I haven't seen one post from him upset about this boondoggle...only blaming Trump, and it's not even his budget!
Seriously? I've posted 3-4 threads on the matter. I HATE all involved, I'm merely mocking you stupid Trump supporters that are somehow shocked by this and think he bears no blame.
He is very dishonest. Most Leftists are. Do you think he has any credibility on this board?

Only as a certified liar.
To quote a very famous man: "There you go again". Spouting one-sided statements with no basis--is there any proof that Leftists are any more dishonest than rightists? I would agree whole-heartedly if you included both sectors equally.
Well the lefts insistence that socialism will work, this time, is a pretty big doozy.
If Trump is as smart as I think he is, he will listen to his constituents and keep his promise not to let them down and veto this bill. I know how much you support fiscal restraint so I'm sure you'll support his veto and demand Congress cut the deficit spending.
Well, what do you think now after he didn't veto. Is he as smart as you perceived him to be? Let's try another one -- Who is going to pay for the wall?
Well, what do you think now after he didn't veto. Is he as smart as you perceived him to be? Let's try another one -- Who is going to pay for the wall?

The voters are smarter than everyone else Finney. (including the Russians) Trump still has 3 more years to get that wall built...funding to come from Mexico.

Be patient. The Left and 'deep state' have been trying for a year to discredit his win last year and turn folks against him and you haven't done it yet.

Keep trying.
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To quote a very famous man: "There you go again". Spouting one-sided statements with no basis--is there any proof that Leftists are any more dishonest than rightists? I would agree whole-heartedly if you included both sectors equally.

Well let's put it to the test in a little on-the-spot comparison OK Finney my Man?

Most Leftists don't admit they're Socialists and that's fine...but do Socialists ever admit they advocate for Supremacy of the State over individuals? As an attachment, do Leftists essentially disagree with Socialists over that? (ie: individuals do indeed have pre-eminence over the State?)

If so, in what way?

An honest well thought out answer would of course disprove my point but an answer filled with obfuscations, caveats, suppositions, or outright lies including clever avoidance of the direct question in my opinion proves my point! Leftists lie and cannot be honest about what they actually believe or advocate. Socialists are Leftists.

So there you go Finney...have at it. Disprove my point

BTW..."rightists" as you described them believe the Constitution which guarantees individual Liberty and supremacy of the individual over the State through the Bill of Rights is supreme because it limits Government authority over us by spelling out our natural rights to Freedom from Government controls. Nothing the Left advocates comes close, in fact almost everything the Left advocates is the exact opposite of Freedom and increases Government controls over human affairs. Feel free to disprove that also with your Leftist examples.
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Seriously? I've posted 3-4 threads on the matter. I HATE all involved, I'm merely mocking you stupid Trump supporters that are somehow shocked by this and think he bears no blame.

So you support his call for a line item veto of all of this deficit spending and pork right Coop?
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Well let's put it to the test in a little on-the-spot comparison OK Finney my Man?
Is this to be taken as one sentence or is it really two?

Most Leftists don't admit they're Socialists and that's fine...but do Socialists ever admit they advocate for Supremacy of the State over individuals? As an attachment, do Leftists essentially disagree with Socialists over that? (ie: individuals do indeed have pre-eminence over the State?)

If so, in what way?

Hard for me to answer this question as I don't stereotype people as to Socialist, Leftist, Progressive, Centrist, or Far Right; rather I make my judgements based on what they say or do. That is my criteria for who gets my support and vote.

An honest well thought answer would of course disprove my point but an answer filled with obfuscations, caveats, suppositions, or outright lies including clever avoidance of the direct question in my opinion proves my point! Leftists lie and cannot be honest about what they actually believe or advocate. Socialists are Leftists.
But are all leftists Socialists? Are all righties constitutionalists?
There are liars, decievers and crooks on both the sides of the fence. o there you nney...have at. Disprove my point
you ssssosogo Finney...have at it. Disprove my point

SOOSasoo there you go Finney...have at it. Disprove my pointyou go Finney...have at it. Dispmy pmmdmmdmddmoinou go Finney...have at it. Disprove my point.

You didn't make a point , you only offered your opinion

BTW..."rightists" as you described them believe the Constitution which guarantees individual Liberty and supremacy of the individual over the State through the Bill of Rights is supreme because it limits Government authority over us by spelling out our natural rights to Freedom from Government controls. Nothing the Left advocates comes close, in fact almost everything the Left advocates is the exact opposite of Freedom and increases Government controls over human affairs. Feel free to disprove that also with your Leftist examples.

I'll just say this; I spent over thirty years of my life in supporting and defending the Constitution. I have see "left", "right" and and "centrist" Administrations -- they all had their flaws to include liars.
I'll just say this; I spent over thirty years of my life in supporting and defending the Constitution. I have see "left", "right" and and "centrist" Administrations -- they all had their flaws to include liars.

Thanks for proving my point.
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do Socialists ever admit they advocate for Supremacy of the State over individuals?

Finney didn't answer this.

Most Leftists don't admit they're Socialists

Finney wouldn't admit to this.

As an attachment, do Leftists essentially disagree with Socialists over that? (ie: individuals do indeed have pre-eminence over the State?)

Finney wouldn't answer this.

If so, in what way?

Finney didn't answer this.

Leftists lie and cannot be honest about what they actually believe or advocate.

Finney never honestly answered my questions directly.

Socialists are Leftists.

Finney didn't admit to this either.

An honest well thought answer would of course disprove my point but an answer filled with obfuscations, caveats, suppositions, or outright lies including clever avoidance of the direct question in my opinion proves my point!

Finney proved my point by the way he didn't/couldn't/wouldn't answer these questions.

Thanks Finney :eek:kay:
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How did I prove your point? I said nothing to either prove or disprove your chatter.


You like most Leftists refuse to answer direct questions about what you really believe or advocate and I find it beyond amusing the lengths you all go to both deny that or avoid doing it!

It's classic.

I posted question after question I asked you directly to disprove my comment that "Leftists lie and part of the reason they do is because they can't honestly admit to what they actually believe".

Then you proceed to prove my point by doing exactly what I said Leftists do when they are asked direct questions to either admit honestly to what they actually believe or defend it honestly. Now you are trying to insist I didn't prove my point because you didn't do exactly what I said you'd do to prove you can't be honest about what you believe being on the Left!

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You like most Leftists refuse to answer direct questions about what you really believe or advocate and I find it beyond amusing the lengths you all go to both deny that or avoid doing it!

It's classic.

I posted question after question I asked you directly to disprove my comment that "Leftists lie and part of the reason they do is because they can't honestly admit to what they actually believe".

Then you proceed to prove my point by doing exactly what I said Leftists do when they are asked direct questions to either admit honestly to what they actually believe or defend it honestly. Now you are trying to insist I didn't prove my point because you didn't do exactly what I said you'd do to prove you can't be honest about what you believe being on the Left!

Why must you label people? You call me a leftist because I don't think as you think. I believe that our Government is there to do one thing and that is work for the good of the American people (all) and do so in compliance with the Constitution of the United States. That has not happened very often -- two times maybe, from the beginning of the Reagan Administration until the present. During that period of time, we have had a balanced budget how many times; two? Two separate wars in. the Middle East, one still in progress in it's 17th year and for what reason? Supposedly, for (1) revenge of 9-11, and two due to an unproved belief of an eliminating weapons of mass destruction.

The time I speak of is a period of thirty nine+ years governed by both left, right and independents; all of whom lied to "we the people". In my mind it really has nothing to with party lines, they are for the most part, guilty of deception, outright lying, and taking care of themselves.

If those thoughts make me a leftist, them I am a leftist.
Why must you label people? You call me a leftist because I don't think as you think. I believe that our Government is there to do one thing and that is work for the good of the American people (all) and do so in compliance with the Constitution of the United States. That has not happened very often -- two times maybe, from the beginning of the Reagan Administration until the present. During that period of time, we have had a balanced budget how many times; two? Two separate wars in. the Middle East, one still in progress in it's 17th year and for what reason? Supposedly, for (1) revenge of 9-11, and two due to an unproved belief of an eliminating weapons of mass destruction.

The time I speak of is a period of thirty nine+ years governed by both left, right and independents; all of whom lied to "we the people". In my mind it really has nothing to with party lines, they are for the most part, guilty of deception, outright lying, and taking care of themselves.

If those thoughts make me a leftist, them I am a leftist.

Yes you're a Leftist. All you had to do was answer the questions and you didn't.

I'll just say this; I spent over thirty years of my life in supporting and defending the Constitution. I have see "left", "right" and and "centrist" Administrations -- they all had their flaws to include liars.

Finney said:
Hard for me to answer this question as I don't stereotype people as to Socialist, Leftist, Progressive, Centrist, or Far Right; rather I make my judgements based on what they say or do. That is my criteria for who gets my support and vote.

You're trying to claim a non partisan non ideological position but you only criticize folks on the right calling for smaller Government. Where's your criticism of profligate spenders on the Left calling for higher taxes and more deficit spending?

Feel free to post your past criticisms of deficit spenders.
I have see "left", "right" and and "centrist" Administrations -- they all had their flaws to include liars.


What's the biggest lie told on the "Right"?

What's the biggest lie told on the "Left"?

What's the biggest lie told by "Centrists"?

What should the Truthful standard for the American people be when it comes to the shape, size, scope, purpose, and functioning of the U.S. Government?

Give me your best "non partisan" desire you want our elected Representatives to both support & vote for?
Finney said:
Hard for me to answer this question as I don't stereotype people as to Socialist, Leftist, Progressive, Centrist, or Far Right; rather I make my judgements based on what they say or do. That is my criteria for who gets my support and vote.

You're trying to claim a non partisan non ideological position but you only criticize folks on the right calling for smaller Government. Where's your criticism of profligate spenders on the Left calling for higher taxes and more deficit spending?

Feel free to post your past criticisms of deficit spenders.
Please show me where I critized anyone on the Right for wanting smaller Government.

As to the extravagant spending, how about Congress giving themselves a raise (numerous times) that covers left, right, and independent. I have a hard time accepting the food stamp debacle that all parties are guilty of supporting for decades. Extensive travel expense for personal reasons. The list is longer but I am sure you get the point.

You believe the Left Governance is the carrier of bad government and I believe that all facets (L/C/R)
of Governance are the carriers of bad government.
Please show me where I critized anyone on the Right for wanting smaller Government.

As to the extravagant spending, how about Congress giving themselves a raise (numerous times) that covers left, right, and independent. I have a hard time accepting the food stamp debacle that all parties are guilty of supporting for decades. Extensive travel expense for personal reasons. The list is longer but I am sure you get the point.

You believe the Left Governance is the carrier of bad government and I believe that all facets (L/C/R)
of Governance are the carriers of bad government.

All right then Finney, join us in the effort to drain the Swamp which I agree includes many members of both parties. I'm frankly tired of parsing this with you. I read your posts, they're almost all negative against Trump and he was elected to drain the Swamp. Why aren't you with him on that? Who had your answers last election? Who got your vote? I'll bet dollars to doughnuts it was Hillary. I'd be shocked if you voted for any Freedom caucus members. They've consistently voted against ALL of this pork barrel spending...did you support any of them? Doubt it.

OK so you don't want to admit you're on the Left. Figures. You're not a Socialist. Really? You don't like Republicans. I get that too. Centrists are liars? Could have fooled me. You don't like anyone. You're no where, then. Can't be criticized... won't criticize...above the fray, can't be pinned down...won't take a stand...they're all liars, none of 'em is any good...especially Trump...yada...yada...yada...

So who's telling the Truth? Which candidates are worthy of your support?

You have no credibility and you're not a very good liar.
All right then Finney, join us in the effort to drain the Swamp which I agree includes many members of both parties. I'm frankly tired of parsing this with you. I read your posts, they're almost all negative against Trump and he was elected to drain the Swamp. Why aren't you with him on that? Who had your answers last election? Who got your vote? I'll bet dollars to doughnuts it was Hillary. I'd be shocked if you voted for any Freedom caucus members. They've consistently voted against ALL of this pork barrel spending...did you support any of them? Doubt it.

OK so you don't want to admit you're on the Left. Figures. You're not a Socialist. Really? You don't like Republicans. I get that too. Centrists are liars? Could have fooled me. You don't like anyone. You're no where, then. Can't be criticized... won't criticize...above the fray, can't be pinned down...won't take a stand...they're all liars, none of 'em is any good...especially Trump...yada...yada...yada...

So who's telling the Truth? Which candidates are worthy of your support?
You have no credibility and you're not a very good liar.

I voted the Democratic Ticket in Presidential Election two times in the last 54 years -- both Clinton Terms. This past election I voted a write-in as I did not then and do not now believe that either Candidate would be a good President. Also just to clear the air, I have all the credibility that I need and, you are right I am not a very good liar -- that is because I do not lie. Lying always come back to bite you in the ass. I also have not called you any names. You have a good day sir.
I voted the Democratic Ticket in Presidential Election two times in the last 54 years -- both Clinton Terms. This past election I voted a write-in as I did not then and do not now believe that either Candidate would be a good President. Also just to clear the air, I have all the credibility that I need and, you are right I am not a very good liar -- that is because I do not lie. Lying always come back to bite you in the ass. I also have not called you any names. You have a good day sir.

You didn't answer those questions either. Who was the "write in" candidate that had all of your answers and met all of your demands?

Tell the Truth.
You didn't answer those questions either. Who was the "write in" candidate that had all of your answers and met all of your demands?

Tell the Truth.
My write in candidate was Alf Landon, He was the Republican Presidential Candidate that lost to FDR by the biggest margin in U.S. History. I chose him because he and both 2017 candidates imo
were also big losers. That is the second time you either called me a liar or intimated that I am a liar.
I don't appreciate it and if you said it to me face to face you just might get your ass kicked by a seventy six year old man. :boxing: :americanflag:
My write in candidate was Alf Landon, He was the Republican Presidential Candidate that lost to FDR by the biggest margin in U.S. History. I chose him because he and both 2017 candidates imo
were also big losers. That is the second time you either called me a liar or intimated that I am a liar.
I don't appreciate it and if you said it to me face to face you just might get your ass kicked by a seventy six year old man. :boxing: :americanflag:

Well if you say so. However a quick search of Landon's positions on the issues did not line up with your previous statements on what you said were key positions that needed to be addressed for your vote. So while I have no way of proving you to be a liar, your statments relative to Landon's candidacy do not honestly line up.

Carry on Finney.
My write in candidate was Alf Landon, He was the Republican Presidential Candidate that lost to FDR by the biggest margin in U.S. History. I chose him because he and both 2017 candidates imo
were also big losers. That is the second time you either called me a liar or intimated that I am a liar.
I don't appreciate it and if you said it to me face to face you just might get your ass kicked by a seventy six year old man. :boxing: :americanflag:

Negan was a better choice.
Well if you say so. However a quick search of Landon's positions on the issues did not line up with your previous statements on what you said were key positions that needed to be addressed for your vote. So while I have no way of proving you to be a liar, your statments relative to Landon's candidacy do not honestly line up.

Carry on Finney.

Do you have a reading deficiency?

I told you I did a write in vote for Alf Landon based on the landslide loss he had against Roosevelt in the 1939 Presidential Election and stated he was a big loser. What his position was on issues were is far above my mental capacity as his loss to Roosevelt happened six years before I was born. Also my comment,
"Hard for me to answer this question as I don't stereotype people as to Socialist, Leftist, Progressive, Centrist, or Far Right; rather I make my judgements based on what they say or do. That is my criteria for who gets my support and vote. " is offeredin the above quote as counterpoint to your saying
"your previous statements on what you said were key positions that needed to be addressed for your vote." Where did I use the wording "key positions". Those are your words not mine.
Do you have a reading deficiency?

I told you I did a write in vote for Alf Landon based on the landslide loss he had against Roosevelt in the 1939 Presidential Election and stated he was a big loser. What his position was on issues were is far above my mental capacity as his loss to Roosevelt happened six years before I was born. Also my comment,
"Hard for me to answer this question as I don't stereotype people as to Socialist, Leftist, Progressive, Centrist, or Far Right; rather I make my judgements based on what they say or do. That is my criteria for who gets my support and vote. " is offeredin the above quote as counterpoint to your saying
"your previous statements on what you said were key positions that needed to be addressed for your vote." Where did I use the wording "key positions". Those are your words not mine.

Finney my Man you either weren't serious about your vote last year or you're not serious about the problems you pointed to in this thread if you wrote in a cadidate from nearly 100 years ago!

Why are you going to such lengths to prove you are not a Leftist? If you had been as eager to defend your Socialism as you've been to attack Trump I'd have a better idea of just what exactly it is you do support?

I know it's not Trump, and you're too embarrassed to admit it's the Democrat Left's you reach back into the archives and drag out Alf Landon? All to avoid defending the Leftist agenda you no doubt actually prefer.

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Finney my Man you either weren't serious about your vote last year or you're not serious about the problems you pointed to in this thread if you wrote in a cadidate from nearly 100 years ago!

Why you are going to such lengths to prove you are not a Leftist? If you had been as eager to defend your Socialism as you've been to attack Trump I'd have a better idea of just what exactly it is you do support?

I know it's not Trump, and you're too embarrassed to admit it's the Democrat Left's you reach back into the archives and drag out Alf Landon? All to avoid defending the Leftist agenda you no doubt actually prefer.

Are you truly that dense? I voted for Alf Landon because he was no worse a Candidate than either Hillary Clinton or your savior, the Donald. It had nothing to do with politics.

I'll reverse your question and ask you why do you continually characterize me as a leftist because I do not concur with your way of thinking.
Are you truly that dense? I voted for Alf Landon because he was no worse a Candidate than either Hillary Clinton or your savior, the Donald. It had nothing to do with politics.

I'll reverse your question and ask you why do you continually characterize me as a leftist because I do not concur with your way of thinking.

I do it to prove to the board how you folks on the Left can never admit to what it is you are or actually believe. Funny thing is Finney you've spent this whole thread trying to disprove what I'm asserting all the while proving it!

You've even gone back as far as Alf Landon to prove you're not a Leftist. Now that's rare.

I started out making a statement about Leftists that you denied, then I offered some questions to prove my point which you again denied, then I asked a few more questions to refute what you denied and you denied you ever proved my point all the while proving it by your denials! You've never answered any of the questions I asked thus proving my point, and you insist I've proved nothing. Too funny!

So you're not on the're certainly not on the Right... and you're not quite in the Center either. So where exactly are you Alf?

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I do it to prove to the board how you folks on the Left can never admit to what it is you are or actually believe. Funny thing is Finney you've spent this whole thread trying to disprove what I'm asserting all the while proving it!

You've even gone back as far as Alf Landon to prove you're not a Leftist. Now that's rare.

I started out making a statement about Leftists that you denied, then I offered some questions to prove my point which you again denied, then I asked a few more questions to refute what you denied and you denied you ever proved my point all the while proving it by your denials! You've never answered any of the questions I asked thus proving my point, and you insist I've proved nothing. Too funny!

So you're not on the're certainly not on the Right... and you're not quite in the Center either. So where exactly are you Alf?

I am glad you asked that? I am a natural born USA citizen, Registered Democrat, 76 yr old male who has voted in every since the Kennedy assination. Voted Republican in every election excepting the Clinton years. Big dissapointment in Bush2 and Obama years. I'd say that puts me right where you said, close to the center, but not quite there. Could be a little left or a little right. Yeah, I look for the good and bad in both sides. I believe it falls in line with the 1st and 2nd Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.
Yeah, I look for the good and bad in both sides. I believe it falls in line with the 1st and 2nd Amendments of the U.S.

Go back through the thread where I asked you to name the worst of each side (Left, Right, Center). Try to answer it again. Don't know why you avoided it. Perfect chance for the board to see where you draw your political differences?

Since most of your criticisms to date have only been for Trump and the Right I know you can easily point that out. But what bugs you the most about the Left? What really irritates you about the Center?

Be honest because honestly it is hard to pin you down. You're like Lord boomerang, another deceitful poster on this board who claims to consider all sides equally but is as Left wing partisan as any other Socialist Leftist posting here. He won't defend his Socialist affinity either.
Go back through the thread where I asked you to name the worst of each side (Left, Right, Center). Try to answer it again. Don't know why you avoided it. Perfect chance for the board to see where you draw your political differences?

Since most of your criticisms to date have only been for Trump and the Right I know you can easily point that out. But what bugs you the most about the Left? What really irritates you about the Center?

Be honest because honestly it is hard to pin you down. You're like Lord boomerang, another deceitful poster on this board who claims to consider all sides equally but is as Left wing partisan as any other Socialist Leftist posting here. He won't defend his Socialist affinity either.

I really don't know where you are coming from; I have told you numerous times that I cast my support for either right, left or center, dependent on the Candidate whom I think will do the best job for our country. This past The same is true for my vote towards my states represenatives to Congress.

As to what bugs me about Left, the Center or the Right; they all have their flaws and usually vote along party lines with regard to party rather than the people.

What's the biggest lie told on the "Right"?

What's the biggest lie told on the "Left"?

What's the biggest lie told by "Centrists"?

What should the Truthful standard for the American people be when it comes to the shape, size, scope, purpose, and functioning of the U.S. Government?

Give me your best "non partisan" desire you want our elected Representatives to both support & vote for?

1. For the Right. --Let's go with "Weapons of Mass Destruction" Iran Contra Deal, Watergate
2. For the Left - - Abortion, Food Stamp, Allowing the opiod crisis thru weak or non existant regulation.
3. For the Center -- Going along with both the Left and Right issues and providing no resolution for same.
1. For the Right. --Let's go with "Weapons of Mass Destruction" Iran Contra Deal, Watergate
2. For the Left - - Abortion, Food Stamp, Allowing the opiod crisis thru weak or non existant regulation.
3. For the Center -- Going along with both the Left and Right issues and providing no resolution for same.

Finney My Man you are just digging yourself deeper.

Iran Contra, Watergate, WMD...all were administration policy predicaments. Those weren't any hard positions held on the Right.

Abortion? Most Leftists will tell you they are personally opposed to it, but simply will not "impose" their morality onto others. Food stamps? They recruit folks to sign up for them and call Republicans who want to means test them evil people. I don't see anyone on the Left saying it's OK to take opioids, but most of them do favor elimination of Marijuana as an illegal substance.

As for the Center I thought that's where you stood? Why are you upset with them?

Nice try.
1. For the Right. --Let's go with "Weapons of Mass Destruction" Iran Contra Deal, Watergate
2. For the Left - - Abortion, Food Stamp, Allowing the opiod crisis thru weak or non existant regulation.
3. For the Center -- Going along with both the Left and Right issues and providing no resolution for same.

Okay Finney let's try it this way since you are struggling so much.

What's your biggest disagreement with the Right over?

How about the Left what do you disagree with them the most on?

The Center doesn't count because you just admitted a couple of posts ago that you disageee with them over everything because they don't fight the Right or Left.
The '16 election is being replayed through this "omnibus spending" package. The establishment essentially threw a huge 'take that' into Trump's face, daring him to veto more spending in six months than in the history of the Republic!

No Wall...nothing to fix DACA...full funding for Planned Parenthood...essentially business-as-usual in the Swamp.

Trump voters and fiscal reformers were outraged. Less than an hour for lawmakers to read a massive two thousand page spending plan that does reign in profligate spending of money we simply do not have? It was an insult and a message to Trump voters from the swamp dwellers: "we're still in control and there isn't a damn thing you're going to do about it!"

Well Trump fired back this morning with a Tweet "I'm considering vetoing this spending bill"

Game on.
Come on ATL,you know BETTER than that.. This is a full and complete troll trap. "Research" the 1974 omnibus law...The 45th told his "opponents". "Try on this really cool rope necklace that I bought on Amazon,look at the "pretty beads and glitter,doesn't it have a "nice fit"? Trap set..just in time for the mid terms,now for the (5:5) to fall....VERY,VERY SOON. The 45th played them BIG LEAGUE! The omnibus bill..
IS suggestions for the POTUS to act on..oh,he'll ACT right along..the "obstructionist" don't have a clue what they're in for!!! If he'd went along with their "budget",Congress could've told how and where to spend our money. With this bill,he OWNS THE MUTE BUTTON!