It's on now


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 9, 2004
The '16 election is being replayed through this "omnibus spending" package. The establishment essentially threw a huge 'take that' into Trump's face, daring him to veto more spending in six months than in the history of the Republic!

No Wall...nothing to fix DACA...full funding for Planned Parenthood...essentially business-as-usual in the Swamp.

Trump voters and fiscal reformers were outraged. Less than an hour for lawmakers to read a massive two thousand page spending plan that does reign in profligate spending of money we simply do not have? It was an insult and a message to Trump voters from the swamp dwellers: "we're still in control and there isn't a damn thing you're going to do about it!"

Well Trump fired back this morning with a Tweet "I'm considering vetoing this spending bill"

Game on.
The '16 election is being replayed through this "omnibus spending" package. The establishment essentially threw a huge 'take that' into Trump's face, daring him to veto more spending in six months than in the history of the Republic!

No Wall...nothing to fix DACA...full funding for Planned Parenthood...essentially business-as-usual in the Swamp.

Trump voters and fiscal reformers were outraged. Less than an hour for lawmakers to read a massive two thousand page spending plan that does reign in profligate spending of money we simply do not have? It was an insult and a message to Trump voters from the swamp dwellers: "we're still in control and there isn't a damn thing you're going to do about it!"

Well Trump fired back this morning with a Tweet "I'm considering vetoing this spending bill"

Game on.
Would be nice if he did.
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He won't veto. His tweet yesterday confirmed his ownership.

If this is signed he can kiss '20 goodbye.
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He won't veto. His tweet yesterday confirmed his ownership.

If this is signed he can kiss '20 goodbye.

I think he's hearing it from his political advisors that if he does not are correct.
Dems have us over a barrel. We need it for the military.

I disagree with that. Since military spending is part of the discretionary budget, they can make a single appropriation under budget reconciliation to fund it, and deal with the rest later at reduced levels. Nothing in the Law that says this has to be an 'omnibus' spending plan. Republicans are just more concerned about their re-election than doing what the American voters who elected them sent them to D.C. to do.

Cut wasteful spending! Where is the attempt in this omnibus plan to do that?
The '16 election is being replayed through this "omnibus spending" package. The establishment essentially threw a huge 'take that' into Trump's face, daring him to veto more spending in six months than in the history of the Republic!

No Wall...nothing to fix DACA...full funding for Planned Parenthood...essentially business-as-usual in the Swamp.

Trump voters and fiscal reformers were outraged. Less than an hour for lawmakers to read a massive two thousand page spending plan that does reign in profligate spending of money we simply do not have? It was an insult and a message to Trump voters from the swamp dwellers: "we're still in control and there isn't a damn thing you're going to do about it!"

Well Trump fired back this morning with a Tweet "I'm considering vetoing this spending bill"

Game on.

But didn't he say yesterday that he would vote for it?.....I guess Fox News got to him. (personally, I believe this bill is a joke as has been the case of every rushed bill since he took office)
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I disagree with that. Since military spending is part of the discretionary budget, they can make a single appropriation under budget reconciliation to fund it, and deal with the rest later at reduced levels. Nothing in the Law that says this has to be an 'omnibus' spending plan. Republicans are just more concerned about their re-election than doing what the American voters who elected them sent them to D.C. to do.

Cut wasteful spending! Where is the attempt in this omnibus plan to do that?
The dems have happily cut our defense dept. It is getting to the ridiculous point.
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But didn't he say yesterday that he would vote for it?.....I guess Fox News got to him. (personally, I believe this bill is a joke as has been the case of every rushed bill since he took office)

Yes it is a well as the whole budget process! We have not had a working budget since early 2000's. We're operating on CR's (continuing resolutions) because Congress can't get it's act together and figure out a way to spend less than roughly 3 Trillion dollars a year without running up more debts!

It's an outrageous abuse of American taxpayers by a bunch of folks who only squabble over that big pile of money that get's collected in D.C. and who gets to spend it?

Trump loses my support if he doesn't tell them "no" and insist they do their jobs and listen to the people who voted for them.
The dems have happily cut our defense dept. It is getting to the ridiculous point.

Agreed...but again that's discretionary spending. We have appropriations committees who can decide where those dollars are priority.
Imagine if you had all of the GOP on the same page and didn't need the Democrats for anything.
Agreed...but again that's discretionary spending. If have appropriations committees who can decide where those dollars are priority.
Nothing can get thru. Senate is 50/50 with two almost dead repub, Mcain and cochran
As a fiscal reformer and concerned taxpayer, you of course reject this deficit spending right Keyser?
I'm just waiting for November, Trump hasn't a clue how to get anything through congress, he thinks only his base matters which ain't exactly the same base Moderate republicans in blue states have to appease.
Lol, enjoy all this winning, you are really showing November voters how the GOP with Trump at the head governs. It's all good 24 - 7, you gonna watch that winning special on 60 minutes Sunday? Word on the street is that Stormy has pics!
Nothing can get thru. Senate is 50/50 with two almost dead repub, Mcain and cochran

It's an election year...let them vote against full funding for the Military. McCain and Cochran aren't returning and are anti-Trumpers for sure, but their replacements will have to answer to the same constituents and any Democrats running from those districts in favor of this budget expecting to win votes from those same folks is nuttier than Squirrel dung.
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But didn't he say yesterday that he would vote for it?.....I guess Fox News got to him. (personally, I believe this bill is a joke as has been the case of every rushed bill since he took office)
IMO, he's just setting his super fans up for the whining to start. And they'll fall for it and blame da RINOs and democrats, but not Saint Trump.
Lol, enjoy all this winning, you are really showing November voters how the GOP with Trump at the head governs. It's all good 24 - 7, you gonna watch that winning special on 60 minutes Sunday? Word on the street is that Stormy has pics!

We're facing a fiscal budget crisis 'cause we're hopelessly in debt & broke, dealing with a trade War v China for stealing our intellectual property, Muslim terrorists still attacking our allies overseas, illegal aliens who are criminals roaming our streets under 'sanctuary' here at home and the possibility of both a Nuclear armed N. Korea and Iran threatening Global stability and you're worried abut some Porn Star who has pics of her and Trump showing their asses?

A very informed voter proud of yourself?
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I'm just waiting for November, Trump hasn't a clue how to get anything through congress, he thinks only his base matters which ain't exactly the same base Moderate republicans in blue states have to appease.

If Trump is as smart as I think he is, he will listen to his constituents and keep his promise not to let them down and veto this bill. I know how much you support fiscal restraint so I'm sure you'll support his veto and demand Congress cut the deficit spending.
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If Trump is as smart as I think he is, he will listen to his constituents and keep his promise not to let them down and veto this bill. I know how much you support fiscal restraint so I'm sure you'll support his veto and demand Congress cut the deficit spending.
Hard to support a veto being threatened because we are not spending ENOUGH money. He's not threatening (lmao) a veto on fiscal merits.
If Trump is as smart as I think he is, he will listen to his constituents and keep his promise not to let them down and veto this bill. I know how much you support fiscal restraint so I'm sure you'll support his veto and demand Congress cut the deficit spending.
Should Republicans in blue states listen to their constituents? Ya'll act like ya have a majority or something, lol.
Hard to support a veto being threatened because we are not spending ENOUGH money. He's not threatening (lmao) a veto on fiscal merits.

I think he just is not well informed enough of what we need or don't need to spend. In D.C. those bureaucrats think all spending is needed and justified. He hasn't been convinced they're wrong.
Should Republicans in blue states listen to their constituents? Ya'll act like ya have a majority or something, lol.

The beauty of the electoral process is everyone gets to participate. If enough voters in Blue or Red states turn out the folks who think all of this deficit spending is a good idea....they're gone. Good riddance.

This is not what most of us voted for period. We just have to go back and reemphasize that point.
The '16 election is being replayed through this "omnibus spending" package. The establishment essentially threw a huge 'take that' into Trump's face, daring him to veto more spending in six months than in the history of the Republic!

No Wall...nothing to fix DACA...full funding for Planned Parenthood...essentially business-as-usual in the Swamp.

Trump voters and fiscal reformers were outraged. Less than an hour for lawmakers to read a massive two thousand page spending plan that does reign in profligate spending of money we simply do not have? It was an insult and a message to Trump voters from the swamp dwellers: "we're still in control and there isn't a damn thing you're going to do about it!"

Well Trump fired back this morning with a Tweet "I'm considering vetoing this spending bill"

Game on.
“Draining the swamp” must be interpreted as replacing ALL main stream republicans along with the communist/socialist left wing Democrats. Do NOT blame Trump for the failures to get ALL his agenda put into action. Blame lies with the Congress. Must run people supportive of what the President and party speak about. Otherwise those not really left wing will over react and still vote for the Dems and get more of what we had with Obama. yUK!!!!
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“Draining the swamp” must be interpreted as replacing ALL main stream republicans along with the communist/socialist left wing Democrats. Do NOT blame Trump for the failures to get ALL his agenda put into action. Blame lies with the Congress. Must run people supportive of what the President and party speak about. Otherwise those not really left wing will over react and still vote for the Dems and get more of what we had with Obama. yUK!!!!
lol. The Trumpophants are in the denial stage it seems.
“Draining the swamp” must be interpreted as replacing ALL main stream republicans along with the communist/socialist left wing Democrats. Do NOT blame Trump for the failures to get ALL his agenda put into action. Blame lies with the Congress. Must run people supportive of what the President and party speak about. Otherwise those not really left wing will over react and still vote for the Dems and get more of what we had with Obama. yUK!!!!

We'll get it right...with or without Trump's help. He could have done more. He could have vetoed this crap. That's OK....we voters can do more too.
IMO, he's just setting his super fans up for the whining to start. And they'll fall for it and blame da RINOs and democrats, but not Saint Trump.

I've seen several Trump supporters say that are upset with his choice not to veto. Haven't seen your fat ass condemn anyone other than Trump? You are truly one of the most ignorant posters on this board.
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I've seen several Trump supporters say that are upset with his choice not to veto. Haven't seen your fat ass condemn anyone other than Trump? You are truly one of the most ignorant posters on this board.

I myself was wondering where Coop's anger over all of this spending is? Wasn't he on here a week or so ago saying he's always been against deficit spending? I haven't seen one post from him upset about this boondoggle...only blaming Trump, and it's not even his budget!
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Must run people supportive of what the President and party speak about.

More Freedom caucus members is a good place to start come primary season. None of them voted for any of this, stayed true to their promise to oppose deficits and were just ignored by the leadership. We'll get it right...primaries are just around the corner for the fall elections.
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lol. The Trumpophants are in the denial stage it seems.

We're not in denial. Of what? There isn't one Trump supporter who's happy with this omnibus bill, or his refusal to veto it. But we get the final say starting in November.

He gets another chance with FY'19...that budget proposal should be hitting right around election time. If he's with us, that'll be his chance to prove it.

So far, he hasn't been able to make much difference at least when it comes to the overall budget but he got some much needed Military increases and he's still got a little more time to attack other areas of waste. Congress is finished. There will be new leadership for the next Congress.
Bank on it.
I myself was wondering where Coop's anger over all of this spending is? Wasn't he on here a week or so ago saying he's always been against deficit spending? I haven't seen one post from him upset about this boondoggle...only blaming Trump, and it's not even his budget!

This! wvupooper has consistently lol'd at those who call who Paul Ryan and McConnell RINO's. The guy isn't very smart.
This! wvupooper has consistently lol'd at those who call who Paul Ryan and McConnell RINO's. The guy isn't very smart.

He is very dishonest. Most Leftists are. Do you think he has any credibility on this board?

Only as a certified liar.

He deserves our support on what what he's done right but he still needs to hear it from us on where he's F'd up! He F'd up here on this omnibus sh*t and he's hearing it from us!

We're not abandoning him, we're just warning him he's on thin ice and letting him know Republican leadership is already under water. More swamp draining coming in the Fall.
Trump being Trump, making a lot of threats that he isn't planning to follow through with.

He screwed you like he was always going to.