It's a great time to be a Mountaineer where ever you may be

I wasn't born in Ohio either, dumb a$$. In fact, I was born not too far away from where you used to live, but my parents, who have IQs that exceed yours by at least 50 points, had the good sense to move to the Great State of Ohio when I was a small child.
didn't think they had an IQ test for small farm animals
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Honest taxpayers don't worry about audits, but thanks for continuing to prove my ownership of you by making threats on a message board.
This coming from the tough guy who said he would come to my office and shove his Ohio state and Ohio u diplomas up my rear.

But alas a no show.

But keep that tough talk coming!
No coward like a Westside coward. Revising history, as always. Lies about his name, and invites me to come see him at his alleged place of business. Hides behind tall fences and security guards, and beats his chest behind his computer screen. LMAO at this total coward.

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