in Venezuela... Maduro has fled from the Miraflores Palace........

Infiltration and Terrorists attacks cost less than drones.

This is why Nation building there was as stupid as importing a bunch of them here.

Yet she will end up endorsing Harris/Walz showing she doesn't care about her fans. Just shut up and buy the ticket.

Hezbollah in South America and the United States or Hezbollah units near Isarel right now?


Don't fear, get prepared. Just incase. Could be now, 6 months from now, or years from now.
And Iran continues to hold the economy of several countries hostage.


That looks like a future problem coming across the border. That is if Harris and Walz don't fly him in.
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Lol Calm down dude. He is just posting information that could be gathered from multiple open sources. Iran doesn't even know for sure yet if they want to attack or just keep letting proxies do all the work. He is just pointing out activity in the area. Being they have allies all over world including here. Keeping an eye on that activity might become relevant.

Though he has some good ones this is not one of is better takes. See below.
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A climate of terror’: Maduro cracks down on Venezuelans protesting contested election win​

After apparent efforts to steal the election, the president sent forces to round people up in ‘Operation knock-knock’


Socialist Venezuelan Leader Steps Up Arming of Supporters After Outlawing, Confiscating Civilian Guns​

Venezuela crushes 2,000 guns in public, plans registry of bullets​

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How about you go help the Hindu people getting killed in Bangladesh by Islamic Jihadist.

And buisness continues to suffer even if Iran does very little. Helping BRICS and BDS.
Lol Calm down dude. He is just posting information that could be gathered from multiple open sources. Iran doesn't even know for sure yet if they want to attack or just keep letting proxies do all the work. He is just pointing out activity in the area. Being they have allies all over world including here. Keeping an eye on that activity might become relevant.

Though he has some good ones this is not one of is better takes. See below.

This is true. So maybe cut the guy above a break. World Wars start with a skirmish and ignite from there. He posting information of how it starts. In the meantime proxies are preparing and this Administration is trying to buy Iran off until after the election.

The U.S. Army has not been to war since WWIIThe Sergeant Major of the Army prepares the Army and the Nation for War which is different than Combat—Colonel (Retired) John MillsThere is a difference between Combat and War. We are headed for War, which is not the same as Combat, and the Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA), SMA Weimer shares words of wisdom as the top enlisted member of the U.S. Army tries to prepare the Army for War in the Western Pacific and worldwide.The role of a real Sergeant Major, Command Sergeant Major, or SMA reflects the irreplaceable mission and purpose of an E-9 across the Service environment.When a real E-9 speaks, stop what you are doing and pay attention.

Members of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), meeting behind closed doors, recently pulled “Draft Our Daughters” out of the legislative dustbin.

SASC Chairman Jack Reed, D-R.I., “sweetened” this year’s version with a trade-off deal purporting to exempt female draftees from being “compelled to join combat roles that were closed to women prior to December 3, 2015.”

The defense bill would automatically register all persons of draft age (18-26) who are subject to Selective Service law, extending government power into the lives of every young person in America while weakening military readiness.

The “combat carve-out” ploy was a false promise that should have fooled no one, but the measure passed on a 16-9 bipartisan vote.

Why a Combat Carve-Out for Women Is Not Credible​

If the Senate wanted to exempt women from direct ground combat, they should have done so across the board, instead of approving a ruse involving Selective Service registration.

Direct ground combat units, such as the infantry, armor, and special operations, attack the enemy with deliberate offensive action. The “Draft Our Daughters” legislation mentions the 2015 date when then-Defense Secretary Ashton Carter denied Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford’s formal request that these specialties and units remain all-male.

The former commandant backed his request with three years of scientific research. According to a summary of field tests, fighting teams composed of average-ability men outperformed mixed-sex units with highly qualified women in 69 percent of evaluated tasks, including hiking under load and typical combat maneuvers.

The research also confirmed significant differences in the physical strength, speed, and endurance of male and female Marines performing heavy-duty close combat tasks. Carter ignored these inconvenient facts, assigning priority to “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) goals.

Full article

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