In case you were wondering

Uhhhhhh....POTUS carries a smidge more weight. As would a police chief, mayor, etc. Is it a threat, is it not a threat....I don't know (don't care either), but let's not hold our President to the same standard as Catturd
I get it. Equal justice for all except the President or mayor. Suggesting something needs to be investigated isnt a threat. Well unless by investigated you mean 3 years of constant innuendo with no actual facts....
I get it. Equal justice for all except the President or mayor. Suggesting something needs to be investigated isnt a threat. Well unless by investigated you mean 3 years of constant innuendo with no actual facts....
I mean....yeah. People in places of authority are held to a higher legal and moral standards. Surely you knew that.

Innuendo and no facts? Alrighty then. :eek:

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