I'm sure those Ethiopian Christians had it coming.

I'm sure you can blame it on the damn liberals somehow.

Why doesn't Cliven Bundy start an armed revolt/militia and go over seas and start fighting ISIS? He and his like are such "patriots". That sounds like something a "patriot" would do.
You wouldn't know a patriot from poontang.

And that was exposed for all to see when you didn't even know how this country (and government) began.

I know exactly how this country was founded

And it was a revolt against the BRITISH government, not the United States government. Your logic makes no sense when you equate people like Ted Cruz, who want to abolish the IRS and shuts down the U.S. government, to Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. It also makes no sense when people make people like Cliven Bundy "heroes and patriots", who are nothing more than tax dodgers.

I'm guessing you think Merikuh is a Christian nation too.
Re: I know exactly how this country was founded

Well if anyone would know Tax dodgers, it would be this administration. They certainly surrounded themselves with a hunch while harping about fair share.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
And the British "Government" had a "King"

Screw the mean girls club, they don't debate!
Hey, dumbass ....... Jefferson's comments were made AFTER ...........

........... he took office and were in reference to the very government he served. He is considered one of the greatest watchmen for in-country tyranny ........... his comments, as well as those of Franklin and Mason, had NOTHING to do with the Revolutionary War.

Good grief, were you sleeping during history or just tossing off?
So, every time someone makes a post that points out your

incorrect re-write of U.S. history, you resort to name calling?

So Tom Jefferson and Ben Franklin revolted against the british government and not the government that they founded 10 years later? Gripping analysis.
They were two of the 56 signers of


So dave, what were they declaring independence from?

I love you man, you are so entertaining.
Re: They were two of the 56 signers of

Originally posted by countryroads89:

And it was a revolt against the BRITISH government, not the United States government.
So you are saying they were revolting against the government they were under at the time, and not the government which had yet to be formed?

It was simply a Declaration of Independence, not a Declaration from. **

Re: They were two of the 56 signers of


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