If we -as a nation- cannot provide enough

EERs 3:16

Heisman Winner
Oct 17, 2001
Police protection for the President to deliver his State of the Union Address, then we cannot provide enough security for the Super Bowl, and therefore it should be cancelled.
Police protection for the President to deliver his State of the Union Address, then we cannot provide enough security for the Super Bowl, and therefore it should be cancelled.

If we cannot protect our youth from gun violence by whackos, then guns need to be banned completely.......

(See, works so easily.....)
If we cannot protect our youth from gun violence by whackos, then guns need to be banned completely.......

(See, works so easily.....)
And we can start by building a wall at the southern border which will help limit the flow of illegal guns and gang members...

Thanks for agreeing with me
If we can't provide enough protection from lobotomized Socialist Leftists who see big confiscatory Government as the only answer to all that ails us, maybe we should get rid of them and their Socialist income redistributionist Government schemes?

See how easy that works?
Police protection for the President to deliver his State of the Union Address, then we cannot provide enough security for the Super Bowl, and therefore it should be cancelled.


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