"I did not have 'Pelosi in Kente cloth' on the bingo card..."


A former national surrogate for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., ripped into white congressional Democrats on Monday after they wore African-patterned garb and knelt in a demonstration against racism and police brutality.

"I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that they draped these white people in kente cloth to 'honor' him. This has to be hell," author Frederick Joseph tweeted, also arguing that black Americans are "being pandered to, and ultimately, disrespected."

"This is a mess," Joseph said in one tweet. In another, he added: "If anyone can’t understand why Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and them dressed up like they’re trying to sneak into Wakanda is disrespectful and appropriative you have a great deal to learn." Wakanda is the fictional land in Africa associated with the Marvel superhero Black Panther
A former national surrogate for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., ripped into white congressional Democrats on Monday after they wore African-patterned garb and knelt in a demonstration against racism and police brutality.

"I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that they draped these white people in kente cloth to 'honor' him. This has to be hell," author Frederick Joseph tweeted, also arguing that black Americans are "being pandered to, and ultimately, disrespected."

"This is a mess," Joseph said in one tweet. In another, he added: "If anyone can’t understand why Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and them dressed up like they’re trying to sneak into Wakanda is disrespectful and appropriative you have a great deal to learn." Wakanda is the fictional land in Africa associated with the Marvel superhero Black Panther
That group never sneaks anywhere.....loud and proud
All of this is nothing more than a desperate last ditch attempt to keep Blacks from voting for Trump. Democrats read the same polls Trump does. They see how aggressively he is going after the African American vote. They know Dems cannot win without at least 85% solid Black support. They know Trump is polling well into double digits with Black voters. They know that cannot stand. They cannot win if he gets that much Black support. Understand that, and all of these phony pics...these "photo ops" Leftists get so upset with Trump over explain everything.

Won't work. Black folks are tired of gettin' played by these phony Liberals who offer them nothing but the same old tired "Republicans are racists" rhetoric. Watch Trump pull 25, 30, perhaps as much as 40% of the Black vote and watch the Democrat "poverty pimp party implode".
Nadler didn't even kneel. Good for him.

I know he couldn't if he did his belt around his neck would've been even a poorer look. Even so it looks bad him just standing in the photo. Thanks Jerry for being your ole doofus self.

I still laugh my ass off when I think of Schitt calling... "Jerry....Jerry...Jerry!"
The same people that support kente cloth stoles as ethnic pride also get mad at others who have Confederate flags.

82 is just the best. No wonder the Left avoids you like the Covid-19 virus. You'd make them all sick with your constant exposure of their rank hypocrisy.
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Outstanding 82! Know what's so funny about that little "photo op" Nancy and the rest of the fraudulent Left staged? Not even many Black folks (American) knew what that cloth is or what it represents! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks for posting, you're doing the Lords work!

The "prayer cloth" desperate Dems wore to try to hang onto the massive number of African Americans leaving the Democrat party
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I’m a registered Democrat. Love my country. Lean to the left on most social issues. Lean to the right when it comes to my money. The Kente Clothe thing. Shewwwww. Embarrassing and ridiculous. Wow
I’m a registered Democrat. Love my country. Lean to the left on most social issues. Lean to the right when it comes to my money. The Kente Clothe thing. Shewwwww. Embarrassing and ridiculous. Wow

Political pandering at its worst. Desperate Democrats pandering for cheap votes. If they cared about emancipating Black folks, why are they opposing school choice vouchers?
Political pandering at its worst. Desperate Democrats pandering for cheap votes. If they cared about emancipating Black folks, why are they opposing school choice vouchers?
Political pandering? Absolutely. And really bad. I think President Trump’s photo op on June 1st was way worse political pandering tho and it’s not even close. Surely you would admit that.
Political pandering? Absolutely. And really bad. I think President Trump’s photo op on June 1st was way worse political pandering tho and it’s not even close. Surely you would admit that.

No I wouldn't. Trump was telling terrorists who fire bombed a House of Worship they cannot kill Almighty God's word nor our Faith in it.

What was Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats saying wearing a Kente cloth?
The June 1st photo op was a terrible decision. I think someone on the right should admit that. Seriously.
Explain why it was such a terrible decision?
If you don’t know why June 1st was a terrible political decision then your head is buried in the sand. There are a myriad of reasons. Google it. It will go down in the history books as a major tone deaf political blunder. Barr will ultimately get the blame. Anyway, turned off a lot of independents. Kind of a final straw type of deal.
If you don’t know why June 1st was a terrible political decision then your head is buried in the sand. There are a myriad of reasons. Google it. It will go down in the history books as a major tone deaf political blunder. Barr will ultimately get the blame. Anyway, turned off a lot of independents. Kind of a final straw type of deal.

I ask YOU to tell me why Trump's walk to a burned out Church to hold up a Bible was a bad political decision according to your own opinion and you tell me to "Google it"?

Why didn't you just say that in the first place if you had someone else's opinion in mind passing it off as your own?
I ask YOU to tell me why Trump's walk to a burned out Church to hold up a Bible was a bad political decision according to your own opinion and you tell me to "Google it"?

Why didn't you just say that in the first place if you had someone else's opinion in mind passing it off as your own?
Looked like the first time President Trump ever held a Bible in his hand to me. Looked awkward. And fake.
It was just a bs political photo op by a desperate politician. That’s my opinion. The events that led up to the bs political photo op were not anything that Jesus would have condoned
Looked like the first time President Trump ever held a Bible in his hand to me. Looked awkward. And fake.

So by your own admission you'd never seen Trump holding a Bible? So how would you know that first time you saw him holding it was "fake"?

Are these?






What would have made him holding the Bible "real" to you?
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So by your own admission you'd never seen Trump holding a Bible? So how would you know that first time you saw him holding it was "fake"?

Are these?






What would have made him holding the Bible "real" to you?
Nope. They all look awkward and fake. President Trump couldn’t even name his favorite passage of the Bible when he’s been asked. He’s never read a word of that book.
Looked like the first time President Trump ever held a Bible in his hand to me. Looked awkward. And fake.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but Trump is the first President to host the National day of Prayer inside the White House where he read extensively from the Bible. He was the first President to address in person the annual National Right to Life rally where again he quoted Scripture, and he is the first Republican President to address C-PAC and read directly from the Bible during his address. (C-PAC is the Conservative political action committee).

If you don't like him that's fine, you're not alone. However you cannot say he is disingenuous or "phony" about his Faith, that would be taking your hatred of him across the line into Religious bigotry.
atlkvb winner as usual. [thumbsup][thumbsup][thumbsup][thumbsup]
Winner? Bec
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but Trump is the first President to host the National day of Prayer inside the White House where he read extensively from the Bible. He was the first President to address in person the annual National Right to Life rally where again he quoted Scripture, and he is the first Republican President to address C-PAC and read directly from the Bible during his address. (C-PAC is the Conservative political action committee).

If you don't like him that's fine, you're not alone. However you cannot say he is disingenuous or "phony" about his Faith, that would be taking your hatred of him across the line into Religious bigotry.
Ok I respect your opinion. I personally don’t believe that he is a Christian. I will leave it at that. Have a good night. And I hope you have a good day tomorrow sir
Nope. They all look awkward and fake. President Trump couldn’t even name his favorite passage of the Bible when he’s been asked. He’s never read a word of that book.

How do you know that when earlier ITT you said you'd never seen him even holding a Bible? I just posted several examples where he's read from it in public during huge gatherings and you have no idea what he does in his private time.

Do you read it? If not why are you so worried about if or when he does?
Winner? Bec

Ok I respect your opinion. I personally don’t believe that he is a Christian. I will leave it at that. Have a good night. And I hope you have a good day tomorrow sir

OK just be careful how you pass judgement along about someone's Faith. None of us knows anything about one's personal relationship with Christ unless they either tell us or show us. Trump's done enough for me on both. Take care.