Hey TVZ, what's up?

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@Jason Voorhees you should refrain from ruining thread after thread. If you want to chat with me you’ll need to come into this thread. This is the thread dedicated to you and all of your loser handles. Stop being a loser. No one likes a loser.
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@Jason Voorhees you should refrain from ruining thread after thread. If you want to chat with me you’ll need to come into this thread. This is the thread dedicated to you and all of your loser handles. Stop being a loser. No one likes a loser.
Greg the reason you want talk about finance in the other thread is because you're a fraud. You're not a top 1% wage earner. If you were as successful as you claim you would probably be in some club in the burgh throwing money at chics half your age. Come monday you would be telling the world how many times you got laid next to the water cooler.
Greg the reason you want talk about finance in the other thread is because you're a fraud. You're not a top 1% wage earner. If you were as successful as you claim you would probably be in some club in the burgh throwing money at chics half your age. Come monday you would be telling the world how many times you got laid next to the water cooler.
Instead he comes here to promote mega threads....BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Greg the reason you want talk about finance in the other thread is because you're a fraud. You're not a top 1% wage earner. If you were as successful as you claim you would probably be in some club in the burgh throwing money at chics half your age. Come monday you would be telling the world how many times you got laid next to the water cooler.

Puppet on a string haha. Welcome back to your thread. Have you jumped on the sidelines pre election? How’s your 401k doing? Of course I’m assuming you have a job.
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And this post shows what a ****ing dumbass bitch gregor is.....keep doing this dumbass dance for me bitch gregor....MY thread will soon hit 30 pages.

With your dementia sitting in may not remember all the previous pages...

I‘ll troll you tomorrow. The last few minutes of my day will be given to your other handle. That handle was kind enough to come back home so please respect my decision to put you off til tomorrow. Thanks in advance.
Its actually our mega thread if we stoped responding Greg would only have his cucks michiganherd and the fake ohio state T shirt fan. We already know that wvuallen is his alter.

Hey hey be respectful of the wizardry of Herd and the thread steward that pops you in the mouth with facts, @tOSUGrad90. Those two HOFers have always owned you but this thread really put you in your place. Every time You claim it as your own only solidifies this HOF Platinum Meca Mega Thread as the GOAT of all threads. Your participation is mandatory as well as hilarious haha. Good night ya itty bitty sock puppet.
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Hey hey be respectful of the wizardry of Herd and the thread steward that pops you in the mouth with facts, @tOSUGrad90. Those two HOFers have always owned you but this thread really put you in your place. Every time You claim it as your own only solidifies this HOF Platinum Meca Mega Thread as the GOAT of all threads. Your participation is mandatory as well as hilarious haha. Good night ya itty bitty sock puppet.
Once again Greg needs to tag one of his sock puppets to defend him. The fake 1% wage earner needs to exit the stage so he can work the overnight drive thru at Mcdonalds.
This thread is all about you, so in a way, it is your thread. Yours and TVZs other three or four dozen alters. He created you as his fragile band geek persona. haha and bitch gregor continue to have no idea how f'ing stupid you look thinking I'm tvz.

Full blown stupidity for the entire board to see.....I love it.

And I know the routine with you assclowns...when the truth comes will say...we knew he wasn't, we were just trolling him...hyuck, hyuck, hyuck...

And you and bitch gregor like to use the term band geek...i know people in the WVU band that would knock you out with one keep calling those in the band, geeks.
Wow, this HOF super mega 3X solid gold thread is on the verge of hitting the 1,000 mark!

Thank you TVZ (and alters) for simply being you! haha
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Just so I get this clear,@WVUFanForever @Jason Voorhees @TownesVanZandt @RichardCranium1 and all of your other humiliated handles, is this thread which is dedicated to humiliate you at 11k plus views? Am I reading that right? And, the next closest thread is at 1k? That alone may make this the GOAT thread.

This GOAT HOF Meca Mega Thread is going to be recognized as the standard that all Mega Threads are measured against. I’ve started many of Mega Threads, some call me the Mega Godfather, but I have to give @MichiganHerd credit where credit is due. This masterpiece is unparalleled and probably the one record that will never be topped.
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TVZ made a late night visit to the forum, but obviously left his alters in the basement.

Did the alters rent a fishing boat together? TVZ, let the alters have a little fun. Open the door, and let them display their band geek wisdom.
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Let us not forget what this thread is truly about...

Yep and all of these....

  1. bEastTexas

    Sep 2, 2018
  2. BigButtTranny

    Sep 24, 2018
  3. CrookedHillary

    Friday at 2:14 PM
  4. DonaldTrumpsHair

    Wednesday at 2:38 PM
  5. DrinkmoreMilk

    Saturday at 2:07 PM
  6. InterwebPolice

    Aug 18, 2018
  7. JustCallMeDad

    Yesterday at 4:32 PM
  8. LordLonghorn

    Sep 27, 2018
  9. MaleStripper

    Sep 30, 2018
  10. RockyTopVol1999

    Aug 29, 2018
  11. SheriffBufordTJustice

    4 minutes ago
  12. SmokeMoreMeth

    Sep 18, 2018
  13. StormyDaniels4Prez

    Yesterday at 5:42 AM
  14. TellMomHi

    Sep 2, 2018
  15. TexasisBack

    Friday at 8:13 PM
  16. TexasTrill2018

    Yesterday at 6:32 PM
  17. TheAlphaMale

    Friday at 7:30 AM
  18. TheFakeNewsMan

    Oct 1, 2018
  19. TheHomelessguy

    Sep 29, 2018
  20. TheOneandOnly77

    Yesterday at 10:18 PM
  21. TheRealMikeTyson

    Sep 26, 2018
  22. TheTruthof2018

    Yesterday at 8:41 PM
  23. TheUnKosherHebrew

    Saturday at 4:06 PM
  24. TownesVanZandt

    Today at 12:19 AM
  25. YourMomsButtPlug

    Sep 12, 2018

Who knows how many more she has.
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I don't see a WVUFan4Ever or Jason Voorhees on there


@WVUFanForever lets talk football with all of your handles. @TownesVanZandt is a boring and racist alter.
@Jason Voorhees is a low IQ and weird alter. Bring back the alters that aren’t banned. I mean you’re not
fooling anyone so let’s end this thing with a hilarious roll call. At least your @RichardCranium1 material was funny sometimes. Get them in here if they aren’t banned.
I have damaged the Shitbirds on this site so bad they are looking for me under the bed...

Bring solid content to this board and I will play nice.

Herdgirl posted all my alters in the beginning.
So you can go through and figure things out for yourself
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