Hey TVZ, what's up?

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TVZ is still really angry, lying his a$$ off, and desperately trying to curry favor with his fellow WVU fans because his "board cred" is on life support. This is an epic meltdown by the King of Profiles, and must see message board material. TVZ is too dense to understand that masquerading as a Texas fan on a WVU board was a big mistake, and sealed his fate, even with other WVU fans. Texas recently offered a WVU verbal commitment, and is in the same conference as WVU. You simply can't be a fan of both schools. Heads you win, tails you lose, Chrissy.
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You're really bad at the message board "thingy," Chrissy. Take a mental health break, and leave, as you have promised to do for weeks now. R e a d t h i s s l o w l y: Nobody would care much, if you truly were a Texas fan. The problem with you, and everybody sees it, is that you are a WVU fan who fakes being a Texas fan from time-to-time. You even created at least three handles with Texas in the name. This would be like my pretending to be a Penn State fan. Nobody takes you seriously, and the guy staring back at you in the mirror is to blame.
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Message Board thing...

You mean creating lies.

I am better than that and I don't shit on my front lawn.
Making people stupid doesn't do anything for me.

I am trying to connect your logic
Because you obviously are a Fake Ohio State fan...
This is well known

It is alright for a Fake Ohio St and Michigan Fan to post on here with multiple profiles

But not a Texas one.

Sounds like your attacks on me are attacks on yourself
The chronic liar continues to project and post lie after lie, even after he had promised to leave the board just last night. I'm not the one who was exposed by the board owner for having created at least 25 different handles. No, that was you, Chrissy. I'm not the one who throws a temper tantrum whenever an old WVU fan is criticized for being a blind homer, either, Chrissy. That's you, too. You're also the one who never stops posting about nothing Marshall, and accusing everybody of being a Marshall fan, as if any Texas fan would know anything about the Herd. What has made you so angry the past couple of days is that so many different posters have ridiculed you for being the fraud that you are. Instead of doubling down every day and night, you should learn your lesson, and finally accept the fact that nobody likes a fraud.
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Guess I am really hitting the mark here...

If you want to shit on WVU.
Wouldn't be a better idea to do it where more people can see it.

This message board has a small auidence and has turned into a circle jerk of Marshall Fans...

Most of us see it for what it is...
But we laughing because of how serious you take it.

What do you care. Remember you’re a Texas guy haha.
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So let me get things straight

Something wrong with people being a
blind homer on a WVU message board

Called this site a WVU propaganda machine

Something wrong with someone calling people out on here who partake in trolling of an old man

This message board is a messed up place.

I have never seen a place where people are called out and ridiculed for supporting WVU...

This message board serves that purpose. It supposed to be a place for people to show their support for WVU and decide if they want more in depth info....

Especially in regards to recruiting

So the purpose of this message board is for people to show their support

In the end you can only attack me for what you scumbags have done for years

Hide under fake accounts and behind other teams...

So if that is wrong we are all wrong
This board turned to shit the first time gregor called someone a homer.

This was a WVU board for people to talk about WVU sports...but he came along and bullied people for having opinion with his stupid 'homer' and 'bandgeek' posts... So the first exodus starts because who wants be here and get belittled by a pitt fan.

then assclown shows up and continually tells everyone how wvu sucks at everything and osu is the best ever, the greatest ever and is a million times better than wvu will ever people get tired of being told wvu is inferior by two people overtaking the board and leave in droves.

Then to top it off, another non WVU fan shows up in turbdoy...sucking their dicks and lapping up everything that they shovel and runs off the few remaining people.

They always want to call you out tvz for all your profiles, and rightfully so, but they refuse to take any responsibility for turning this place into a shit show and where wvu fans don't want to post.

None of them will actually acknowledge this post and gregor will say something stupid about puppets or mega threads for oh...i don't know...the millionth time.

and gregor...thanks for the three shout outs while I was away for two days...always nice to know when I'm not around you are always still thinking about me!
This board turned to shit the first time gregor called someone a homer.

This was a WVU board for people to talk about WVU sports...but he came along and bullied people for having opinion with his stupid 'homer' and 'bandgeek' posts... So the first exodus starts because who wants be here and get belittled by a pitt fan.

then assclown shows up and continually tells everyone how wvu sucks at everything and osu is the best ever, the greatest ever and is a million times better than wvu will ever people get tired of being told wvu is inferior by two people overtaking the board and leave in droves.

Then to top it off, another non WVU fan shows up in turbdoy...sucking their dicks and lapping up everything that they shovel and runs off the few remaining people.

They always want to call you out tvz for all your profiles, and rightfully so, but they refuse to take any responsibility for turning this place into a shit show and where wvu fans don't want to post.

None of them will actually acknowledge this post and gregor will say something stupid about puppets or mega threads for oh...i don't know...the millionth time.

and gregor...thanks for the three shout outs while I was away for two days...always nice to know when I'm not around you are always still thinking about me!
weak effort, but typical for a poster who shadows the people he supposedly wants rid of. have a take, and don't suck, fan4ever.
weak effort, but typical for a poster who shadows the people he supposedly wants rid of. have a take, and don't suck, fan4ever.
Ah...assclown liked another post about me....I shadow people? bitchgregor called me out three times while I was away....who is shadowing who dumbass?

You may call it a weak effort but its the truth...but I know you three assclowns will ever accept any responsibility for turning the free board into a shit show....
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Yeah they will
They are proud of it ..

Because they believe what is said on this message board somehow changes things.

So they can't let the "propaganda" happen

tOsugrad was created right after Ohio State got into the CFP over TCU

MichiganHerd was created right after John Beilein left for Michigan

There is a reason for what they do.
The TVZ/Dick sock puppet show is in full throttle. The fraud with 30+ profiles is flappin' his gums about handles that we've had for years, and from which we've never deviated. That's some rich hypocrisy right there. Chrissy sees frauds around every corner because he actually thinks that other people would create 30+ handles to try to impress other on a message board. He still can't comprehend that he's the only one so desperate to do such a thing.
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Having multiple accounts and acting like you are the fan of another team is bad..

Amirite... MichiganHerd

Stay on the Woodshed

When Butler eer asked for another board for all this bullshit...

One is already there. Most of you pollute that message board with your anti WVU bullshit
That is fine. But this is the board for WVU

Stay on the Woodshed

When Butler eer asked for another board for all this bullshit...

One is already there. Most of you pollute that message board with your anti WVU bullshit
That is fine. But this is the board for WVU 4 dozen fake, make believe Texas fans.
So let me get things straight

Something wrong with people being a
blind homer on a WVU message board

Called this site a WVU propaganda machine

Something wrong with someone calling people out on here who partake in trolling of an old man

This message board is a messed up place.

I have never seen a place where people are called out and ridiculed for supporting WVU...

This message board serves that purpose. It supposed to be a place for people to show their support for WVU and decide if they want more in depth info....

Especially in regards to recruiting

So the purpose of this message board is for people to show their support

In the end you can only attack me for what you scumbags have done for years

Hide under fake accounts and behind other teams...

So if that is wrong we are all wrong

Sorry pal not reading your jibberish.
This board turned to shit the first time gregor called someone a homer.

This was a WVU board for people to talk about WVU sports...but he came along and bullied people for having opinion with his stupid 'homer' and 'bandgeek' posts... So the first exodus starts because who wants be here and get belittled by a pitt fan.

then assclown shows up and continually tells everyone how wvu sucks at everything and osu is the best ever, the greatest ever and is a million times better than wvu will ever people get tired of being told wvu is inferior by two people overtaking the board and leave in droves.

Then to top it off, another non WVU fan shows up in turbdoy...sucking their dicks and lapping up everything that they shovel and runs off the few remaining people.

They always want to call you out tvz for all your profiles, and rightfully so, but they refuse to take any responsibility for turning this place into a shit show and where wvu fans don't want to post.

None of them will actually acknowledge this post and gregor will say something stupid about puppets or mega threads for oh...i don't know...the millionth time.

and gregor...thanks for the three shout outs while I was away for two days...always nice to know when I'm not around you are always still thinking about me!

Not reading your jibberish Texass but appreciate you being used as a one man sock puppet show haha.
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Sorry pal not reading your jibberish.
This is always bitch gregor's response when handed something he doesn't like...hates to see the truth posted about his dumbass.

Every move he makes on this board is paint-by-numbers....

Just admit you have had a huge hand in turning the free board into a shit show with your other assclowns...
Richard Cranium was created right after Vernon released his 'Top 25'. lol

btw, Dick just posted a few minutes before you did. haha

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Back to the thread basics @TownesVanZandt^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

So @TownesVanZandt @WVUFanForever @RichardCranium1 @Jason Voorhees and the rest of the goofball handles need to come out and defend their troll positions. Your handles are a mixture racist, homophobic, angry, uninformed, pathetic and disturbing examples a mental disorder that should be addressed by a mental heath expert. So sad.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Back to the thread basics @TownesVanZandt^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

So @TownesVanZandt @WVUFanForever @RichardCranium1 @Jason Voorhees and the rest of the goofball handles need to come out and defend their troll positions. Your handles are a mixture racist, homophobic, angry, uninformed, pathetic and disturbing examples a mental disorder that should be addressed by a mental heath expert. So sad.
LMAO...advice from a complete clown thinking we are all the same person....

What ever you say pozie....I would be taking a long hard look in the mirror if I were you talking about a mental disorder....

You seem triggered tonight bitchgregor......everything okay?
I guess Greg and I are the only two posters on this message board.

Because anyone who doesn't protect him is me.
Weird thinking but there could be a reason behind it.
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I guess Greg and I are the only two posters on this message board.

Because anyone who doesn't protect him is me.
Weird thinking but there could be a reason behind it.
I really think greg has mental issues.

Even for a message board....who actually acts like he does?

Presents this fake one percent persona...then gets excited about puppets and mega threads...the only person here that cares about likes....his behavior is very strange.
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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Quit bullying me you two losers^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Quit bullying me you two losers^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
At least gregor realizes we are two different people with this one we will be the same person again....he is very confused at times...
This is always bitch gregor's response when handed something he doesn't like...hates to see the truth posted about his dumbass.

Every move he makes on this board is paint-by-numbers....

Just admit you have had a huge hand in turning the free board into a shit show with your other assclowns...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Texass back in the house haha^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
LMAO...advice from a complete clown thinking we are all the same person....

What ever you say pozie....I would be taking a long hard look in the mirror if I were you talking about a mental disorder....

You seem triggered tonight bitchgregor......everything okay?

You spend a lot of time laughing your ass off..................aaaahahaha.........#metoo

Pozie? Ya wanna go, ya wanna go?
You spend a lot of time laughing your ass off
Well I am dealing with you and the other two assclowns....I can't help it if you keep making complete jackasses out of yourselves...

And the fact that you think I'm tvz is BEYOND funny...shows how stupid you really are.
@WVUFanForever @Jason Voorhees lis ten handles I have posted multiple times that I will address wvuloserfanforever and his lame Texass handles in this HOF Platinum Meca Mega Thread only. Sorry handles but those are the site rules.
Keep dancing for me bitch make it far to easy anymore.

Now I'm back to being tvz with this latest post....poor bitch gregor...I usually feel sorry for patients with dementia...

Are you going to dress in your one percenter costume for Halloween?
@Jason Voorhees keep up loser. I didn’t go into that thread on my own. The Texass brigade tagged me in. Granted I did give my opinion about the content once I got tagged into the thread.
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