This board turned to shit the first time gregor called someone a homer.
This was a WVU board for people to talk about WVU sports...but he came along and bullied people for having opinion with his stupid 'homer' and 'bandgeek' posts... So the first exodus starts because who wants be here and get belittled by a pitt fan.
then assclown shows up and continually tells everyone how wvu sucks at everything and osu is the best ever, the greatest ever and is a million times better than wvu will ever people get tired of being told wvu is inferior by two people overtaking the board and leave in droves.
Then to top it off, another non WVU fan shows up in turbdoy...sucking their dicks and lapping up everything that they shovel and runs off the few remaining people.
They always want to call you out tvz for all your profiles, and rightfully so, but they refuse to take any responsibility for turning this place into a shit show and where wvu fans don't want to post.
None of them will actually acknowledge this post and gregor will say something stupid about puppets or mega threads for oh...i don't know...the millionth time.
and gregor...thanks for the three shout outs while I was away for two days...always nice to know when I'm not around you are always still thinking about me!