Here's the REAL media threat...censorship


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 9, 2004
While Leftists on the board bleat and whine about alleged "lies" coming from one of the most popular media organizations in modern times if not THE most popular, another more insidious development in today's media goes virtually unnoticed.

Here is an excellent read on the Congressional hearings underway on the euphemism given to government/media censorship dubiously entitled "The Twitter files." It's a hearing into how the government, with prodding from Democrats conspired with media and big tech to effectively silence dissident voices during both the last election cycle as well as during the fake plandemic.

A few excerpts:
"It should be one of the biggest stories of a generation: uncovering the government’s coordinated efforts to violate the First Amendment rights of so many Americans.

But with a few exceptions, the mainstream media have ignored the reporting or ridiculed the factually undisputed reports of large-scale government censorship — the kind most Americans would have told you does not happen in our country.

Journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger were a credit to their profession and to all Americans who genuinely care about a free press and the First Amendment.

And Democrats — who questioned, mocked, belittled and scolded them for not meekly accepting government knows best and Americans should just unquestionably accept what the fearsome threesome of “security state-Big Tech-Democrat ruling elite” thinks we should be able to say, read and hear — were an embarrassment."

In fact it's gotten so bad, the details emerging from this hearing should concern every American. The author is a life long Democrat, and now wants noting more to do with a party that censors dissent! Censorship not only stifles free speech, it stops open discussion of life or death issues...such as the censorship that occurred during the fake plandemic, where people who questioned the effectiveness of mask mandates and a potentially dangerous vaccine, weren't allowed to even publicly speak:

"Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) decried the censorship for affecting his ability to have an honest conversation with his constituents about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s inaccurate vaccine information.

Twitter — working “in partnership” with the CDC — flagged Massie’s factually correct tweets about the superiority of natural immunity to the available COVID vaccines as “misinformation” and, worse, disabled comments.

The congressman pointed out that this made it impossible for his constituents to engage with him on the topic — in effect silencing them as well."

This is not even being talked about in the legacy media, but it should be. Of course, the mind numbed Leftists posting on this forum about "lies" from Fox news which IS covering this btw, are clueless about any of this but they'll be the first ones whining & complaining about Fox news once it silences all the other media news pretenders by running them all out of business! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

An excellent read

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While Leftists on the board bleat and whine about alleged "lies" coming from one of the most popular media organizations in modern times if not THE most popular, another more insidious development in today's media goes virtually unnoticed.

Here is an excellent read on the Congressional hearings underway on the euphemism given to government/media censorship dubiously entitled "The Twitter files." It's a hearing into how the government, with prodding from Democrats conspired with media and big tech to effectively silence dissident voices during both the last election cycle as well as during the fake plandemic.

A few excerpts:
"It should be one of the biggest stories of a generation: uncovering the government’s coordinated efforts to violate the First Amendment rights of so many Americans.

But with a few exceptions, the mainstream media have ignored the reporting or ridiculed the factually undisputed reports of large-scale government censorship — the kind most Americans would have told you does not happen in our country.

Journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger were a credit to their profession and to all Americans who genuinely care about a free press and the First Amendment.

And Democrats — who questioned, mocked, belittled and scolded them for not meekly accepting government knows best and Americans should just unquestionably accept what the fearsome threesome of “security state-Big Tech-Democrat ruling elite” thinks we should be able to say, read and hear — were an embarrassment."

In fact it's gotten so bad, the details emerging from this hearing should concern every American. The author is a life long Democrat, and now wants noting more to do with a party that censors dissent! Censorship not only stifles free speech, it stops open discussion of life or death issues...such as the censorship that occurred during the fake plandemic, where people who questioned the effectiveness of mask mandates and a potentially dangerous vaccine, weren't allowed to even publicly speak:

"Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) decried the censorship for affecting his ability to have an honest conversation with his constituents about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s inaccurate vaccine information.

Twitter — working “in partnership” with the CDC — flagged Massie’s factually correct tweets about the superiority of natural immunity to the available COVID vaccines as “misinformation” and, worse, disabled comments.

The congressman pointed out that this made it impossible for his constituents to engage with him on the topic — in effect silencing them as well."

This is not even being talked about in the legacy media, but it should be. Of course, the mind numbed Leftists posting on this forum about "lies" from Fox news which IS covering this btw, are clueless about any of this but they'll be the first ones whining & complaining about Fox news once it silences all the other media news pretenders by running them all out of business! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

An excellent read

I've tried following this pretty close . This is very scary stuff .
A thing to remember is that up until 5-10 years ago, Taibbi and Shallenberger would have been considered far Left. And they haven't changed in the last 5-10 years.
While Leftists on the board bleat and whine about alleged "lies" coming from one of the most popular media organizations in modern times if not THE most popular, another more insidious development in today's media goes virtually unnoticed.

Here is an excellent read on the Congressional hearings underway on the euphemism given to government/media censorship dubiously entitled "The Twitter files." It's a hearing into how the government, with prodding from Democrats conspired with media and big tech to effectively silence dissident voices during both the last election cycle as well as during the fake plandemic.

A few excerpts:
"It should be one of the biggest stories of a generation: uncovering the government’s coordinated efforts to violate the First Amendment rights of so many Americans.

But with a few exceptions, the mainstream media have ignored the reporting or ridiculed the factually undisputed reports of large-scale government censorship — the kind most Americans would have told you does not happen in our country.

Journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger were a credit to their profession and to all Americans who genuinely care about a free press and the First Amendment.

And Democrats — who questioned, mocked, belittled and scolded them for not meekly accepting government knows best and Americans should just unquestionably accept what the fearsome threesome of “security state-Big Tech-Democrat ruling elite” thinks we should be able to say, read and hear — were an embarrassment."

In fact it's gotten so bad, the details emerging from this hearing should concern every American. The author is a life long Democrat, and now wants noting more to do with a party that censors dissent! Censorship not only stifles free speech, it stops open discussion of life or death issues...such as the censorship that occurred during the fake plandemic, where people who questioned the effectiveness of mask mandates and a potentially dangerous vaccine, weren't allowed to even publicly speak:

"Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) decried the censorship for affecting his ability to have an honest conversation with his constituents about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s inaccurate vaccine information.

Twitter — working “in partnership” with the CDC — flagged Massie’s factually correct tweets about the superiority of natural immunity to the available COVID vaccines as “misinformation” and, worse, disabled comments.

The congressman pointed out that this made it impossible for his constituents to engage with him on the topic — in effect silencing them as well."

This is not even being talked about in the legacy media, but it should be. Of course, the mind numbed Leftists posting on this forum about "lies" from Fox news which IS covering this btw, are clueless about any of this but they'll be the first ones whining & complaining about Fox news once it silences all the other media news pretenders by running them all out of business! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

An excellent read

I keep hearing the Big Lie. Yet, I’m still searching for one example that proves this. Just one that shows Trump lied about the stolen election. Why can’t anyone provide this?
A thing to remember is that up until 5-10 years ago, Taibbi and Shallenberger would have been considered far Left. And they haven't changed in the last 5-10 years.
Hell Elon Musk is a life long Democrat. Now called a Trumper.. haha
A thing to remember is that up until 5-10 years ago, Taibbi and Shallenberger would have been considered far Left. And they haven't changed in the last 5-10 years.
Taibbi wrote for Rolling Stone; the bastion of conservatism that it is. I remember when I first started posting on this board about 10 years ago, you’d have been considered a leftist. I damn sure don’t see you aligned with the likes of the New Democratic Party.
I keep hearing the Big Lie. Yet, I’m still searching for one example that proves this. Just one that shows Trump lied about the stolen election. Why can’t anyone provide this?
Because those accusing Fox of telling the "big Lie" are the "biggest liars". I mean how hard is it to name what "lies" have been told, and then correct the record with the Truth? They can't. Know why? Because the '20 election WAS stolen!

Why were those vote counts shut down all at the same time? No one can explain that.
Because those accusing Fox of telling the "big Lie" are the "biggest liars". I mean how hard is it to name what "lies" have been told, and then correct the record with the Truth? They can't. Know why? Because the '20 election WAS stolen!

Why were those vote counts shut down all at the same time? No one can explain that.
And why did it take nearly a month to tabulate it? And if they did need a month, how did they declare the winner? Why was it tabulated soo much faster in 2016? Or just about every other election in history? Only a brain dead fool would not see this
Taibbi wrote for Rolling Stone; the bastion of conservatism that it is. I remember when I first started posting on this board about 10 years ago, you’d have been considered a leftist. I damn sure don’t see you aligned with the likes of the New Democratic Party.
I've been registered Independent my entire life. Until the last five years so so I've voted 3rd party more than either Dem or GOP, but I've voted Dem more than GOP.

I think the thing that has happened in recent years is people have gone from being tribal to hyper-tribal when it comes to politics. It's like, people feel like they have to be with their tribe no matter what their tribe says. If you say "I agree with my tribe mostly, but issues X and Y I think they're wrong" then you're an outcast. It's true to some degree on the Right it's true to an extreme degree on the Left.

That's not good but if the positions on which people were being forced to conform or be cast out (I think that's a Rush lyric from "Subdivisions") were normal then it wouldn't have such a negative in effect in the real world. But a lot of the positions aren't normal. If you went back 10 years in time and proposed these positions, 100% of the Right and 99% of the Left would be against them. But people feel such pressure to comply with their tribe they go along with it anyway.

I feel confident there are a lot of people on the Left that think to themselves...and only to themselves..."This is absolutely crazy" with regards to some things the Left does. But they simply can't say it. Now and then you see someone on the Left come out and say it and when they do I commend them for bravery because they suffer real world consequences for it.

I think a big problem in general is we have no societal discussions about things. Instead, the people in power in the institutions and MSM decide X is true and just go with it and act as if it's a given and that anyone that thinks X isn't true is crazy and/or evil. Naturally, such an approach completely degrades the peoples trust in institutions and the MSM.
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I've been registered Independent my entire life. Until the last five years so so I've voted 3rd party more than either Dem or GOP, but I've voted Dem more than GOP.

I think the thing that has happened in recent years is people have gone from being tribal to hyper-tribal when it comes to politics. It's like, people feel like they have to be with their tribe no matter what their tribe says. If you say "I agree with my tribe mostly, but issues X and Y I think they're wrong" then you're an outcast. It's true to some degree on the Right it's true to an extreme degree on the Left.

That's not good but if the positions on which people were being forced to conform or be cast out (I think that's a Rush lyric from "Subdivisions") were normal then it wouldn't have such a negative in effect in the real world. But a lot of the positions aren't normal. If you went back 10 years in time and proposed these positions, 100% of the Right and 99% of the Left would be against them. But people feel such pressure to comply with their tribe they go along with it anyway.

I feel confident there are a lot of people on the Left that think to themselves...and only to themselves..."This is absolutely crazy" with regards to some things the Left does. But they simply can't say it. Now and then you see someone on the Left come out and say it and when they do I commend them for bravery because they suffer real world consequences for it.

I think a big problem in general is we have no societal discussions about things. Instead, the people in power in the institutions and MSM decide X is true and just go with it and act as if it's a given and that anyone that thinks X isn't true is crazy and/or evil. Naturally, such an approach completely degrades the peoples trust in institutions and the MSM.
Why I call people old school Democrat ( what I was at one time ) and New school Democrat. Seems to be a big difference between the two . I'm independent leaning right have voted more republican but have voted Democrat several times . I can't understand why liberals in this country are not going crazy over the twitter files, just blows my mind .
Why I call people old school Democrat ( what I was at one time ) and New school Democrat. Seems to be a big difference between the two . I'm independent leaning right have voted more republican but have voted Democrat several times . I can't understand why liberals in this country are not going crazy over the twitter files, just blows my mind .
It is amazing what gets them angry, and what they casually ignore.

Trump "paying off" a porn star? Oh, the OUTRAGE!!!! :mad:

Biden taking bribes from the Chi-Coms? 😏

Trump calling the media "fake news"? :mad:

Media conspiring with big tech and Dems in Government to lie about Covid and censure scientific dissent? 🧐

Jan 6th protestors demanding an investigation into evidence of voter fraud? :mad:

Dems in Congress lying and making up stories about Officers killed during an "armed insurrection"? :mask:
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It is amazing what gets them angry, and what they casually ignore.

Trump "paying off" a porn star? Oh, the OUTRAGE!!!! :mad:

Biden taking bribes from the Chi-Coms? 😏

Trump calling the media "fake news"? :mad:

Media conspiring with big tech and Dems in Government to lie about Covid and censure scientific dissent? 🧐

Jan 6th protestors demanding an investigation into proven voter fraud? :mad:

Dems in Congress lying and making up stories about Officers killed during an "armed insurrection"? 😏
Dems lack common sense.
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