herdies lose again

Yeah, I thought we might beat that bunch...UTSA is woeful

but I guess woeful is better that dreadful.I think we'll only win one more game all season.
need to give him a year or maybe two more..but methinks

Dandy Dan may be in over his head. I don't think the NBA style will go well in the land of the fat may get ugly
It's already ugly but Dan still has support...most lucid fans

know he inherited a empty cubbard. I knew we'd be bad...but didn't know we'd be this bad! We showed a little spark in a close loss to WVU and had our moments against Louisville but we flat hit the wall at Christmas. I think we'll win one more game but don't ask me who we'll beat.
Tony I've tried to tell you before

He has already lost the support of most in the AD. That is a fact.
But DD is building a.......

new house in Barboursville. Bad investment?