Help me understand something

The biggest thing for me personally is: I hate it that I live in a country where an unarmed man running from a police officer was shot in the back 5 times (shot at 7 times). You can change the color of the officer and you can change the color of the unarmed man running away (and choose any combination of the above), and I would still hate it. I hate it that I live in a country where an unarmed man (Eric Garner) and father of 5 children was not being aggressive, in fact he was backing away, was placed in a chokehold by a police officer that took his life.

Both of these instances happened to be captured on video camera and were shared for the entire nation to view. Both of these instances happened to have a black man as the one that lost their life at the hands of a non-black police officer. Right, wrong or indifferent, agree or disagree, the blacks in this country are fed up with black men losing their lives at the hands of police officers. They are expressing how they feel (sometimes incorrectly). We as a nation owe it to them to at least listen and try to make changes.
In the case of Gardner he was resisting arrest.
In the case of Gardner he was resisting arrest.
Simply by backing away and trying to prevent being handcuffed. Yes, technically he was resisting arrest. He did not throw any punches or show any aggression toward the officers and it certainly did not justify being placed in a deadly chokehold. No one in their right freaking mind can justify the choking to death of Eric Garner, a human being. We have really lost common sense in this country. Some wingnut I went to high school with defended it.
Simply by backing away and trying to prevent being handcuffed. Yes, technically he was resisting arrest. He did not throw any punches or show any aggression toward the officers and it certainly did not justify being placed in a deadly chokehold. No one in their right freaking mind can justify the choking to death of Eric Garner, a human being. We have really lost common sense in this country. Some wingnut I went to high school with defended it.
No, what you are talking about is assaulting an officer. He was resisting. Plain and simple.

How many time do you think in an officer's career do you think it goes from backing away (resisting) to throwing punches (assault) to outright trying to kill him?

Gardner would still be alive if he hadnt first broken the law and 2nd resisted arrest.
He was placed under arrest, what did you expect the police to do, walk away?