Haley calls Trump a liar. “every single thing that he’s said has been a lie”

Yet you voted for Joe Biden who dropped out in 1988 for being a habitual lier. Don't forget the lap top is not Hunter's
Never spoke to Hunter's business partners
Civil rights activists
Go ahead stay on that fool train won't be long you'll be a conductor.
So you’re calling Niki Haley a liar?
It’s only a lie when it’s proven to be a lie. Was it ever investigated?
A lie is a lie whether it’s investigated or not. For example, if I call you an elephant, that would be a lie the instant I make the statement. There’s no need for an investigation.
I give 0 bucks about who banged who or when, I care about policies.
If I cared about someone's sexual past I wouldn't have voted for Trump.
If I had a chance I would drag my little willy through her myself.
You’d commit adultery? I guess you believe in 9 of the 10 commandments.
There simply isn’t anything more to say. I believe Trump is a liar and there was no election fraud. You believe there was fraud and he isn’t a liar. It is what it is. I don’t get worked up over Biden comments and pictures. Personally I think we’d be further ahead with two new ones running for president.
You can't say there was "no election fraud" when you can't explain how more votes than registered voters were counted in places like Wisconsin, PA, and here in GA. What's accurate to say is there hasn't been any fraud investigated and disproven which would be 100% correct.

Still the anomalies and questions about the '20 election remain...that also is a true statement. You're not the only one who thinks Trump "lies" but you are among many who cannot seem to specify what "lie" he's told that's been disproven by the facts or the Truth.

Just as @Gunny46'll have a binary choice later this year. You'll get what you vote for.
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It was stolen. Why were those vote counts shut down with Biden losing every race where they stopped counting? If you can't answer that, then we can assume it was stolen because he won every race after the counts resumed without observers and with extra absentee ballots added in.

Those are indisputable facts. Why wasn't it stolen?
I can answer that question.
a. You’re gullible
b. You’re stupid
c. You’re a liar

What was it, 60-some courts found no evidence the election was stolen?
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You’d commit adultery? I guess you believe in 9 of the 10 commandments.
You don't believe in or follow any of 'em so what are you carping about? You Leftists tickle me...absolute rejection of anything to do with Almighty God's Holy Word, yet constantly throwin' it up whenever you think it's being violated by folks YOU disagree with! :rolleyes:

Do you know what the 1st commandment is? Why don't you follow it?
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I can answer that question.
a. You’re gullible
b. You’re stupid
c. You’re a liar

What was it, 60-some courts found no evidence the election was stolen?
Honestly I'd engage you, but I don't feel like chasing after your coward ass when I present facts to you as I did the last time we squared off. So I'll just invite you right now to run along before I embarrass you again.

So get to steppin'....
A lie is a lie whether it’s investigated or not. For example, if I call you an elephant, that would be a lie the instant I make the statement. There’s no need for an investigation.
Then why did we spend 3 years investigating "collusion" with the Russians? Wasn't that a lie? You can't admit it even to this day and we all know it was! Shut up.
So you’re calling Niki Haley a liar?
No I'm not . Where did you read I did ? I didn't see what she was calling Trump out for .
What I am doing is calling all you Democrats who voted for Biden out for claiming Trump a lier ( but won't post his lies ) and still supporting Biden who we all know has a well known past of lying and plagiarism. It's fact that Biden has been a habitual lier since 1988 ...
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No I'm not . Where did you read I did ? I didn't see what she was calling Trump out for .
What I am doing is calling all you Democrats who voted for Biden out for claiming Trump a lier ( but won't post his lies ) and still supporting Biden who we all know has a well known past of lying and plagiarism. It's fact that Biden has been a habitual lier since 1988 ...
Ask one of them to admit the Trump "collusion" scam was a totally fabricated 100% lie, complete with illegal spying no less. I'll 100% guarantee not one of them so upset over all of Trump's so called "lies" will admit that was a totally made up, fake, phony, DOJ/Obama/Hillary set up. Matter of fact most of them STILL believe Trump "colluded" with the Russians. Mueller just couldn't prove it! I know Hillary remains convinced.

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You’d commit adultery? I guess you believe in 9 of the 10 commandments.
No sir I believe in all 10 of the commandments. I believe in God the father, the son and the holy ghost. I also believe one sin is the same as the others.
I'm a believer and I'm a sinner. I know that if I don't change my ways I'll end in hells fire . I'm not a hypocrite, I'm a lot of things mostly bad , but not a hypocrite. I'm a realist. Good people cheat , good people make mistakes, good people do things .... that don't seem right sometimes .... our constitution was written by good people whom made mistakes because they are human. Asked me if I would commit adultery... not planning on it . What's worse committing adultery or sex before marriage, or killing a unborn baby or lying or gay acts ? I don't profess to be a Christian and I don't judge people or do my best not to , I am human so I will occasionally. Would I commit adultery.....God only knows and time will only tell....
Ask one of them to admit the Trump "collusion" scam was a totally fabricated 100% lie, complete with illegal spying no less. I'll 100% guarantee not one of them so upset over all of Trump's so called "lies" will admit that was a totally made up, fake, phony, DOJ/Obama/Hillary set up. Matter of fact most of them STILL believe Trump "colluded" with the Russians. Mueller just couldn't prove it! I know Hillary remains convinced.

They all support the sham cases knowing its bullshit to the core . Hate him or not supporting this crap make you a hypocrite at the highest level.
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This article doesn't definitively state "there was voter fraud" in the '20 election. Rather it points out a more important fact that's never been adequately addressed? Evidence that exists of voter fraud has never been fully investigated. It lays out plenty of evidence, and not one Leftist can explain why none of it has been refuted or fully investigated yet?

New peer reviewed research finds evidence of 2020 voter fraud

By a margin of 52% to 40%, voters believe that “cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.” That’s per a Rasmussen Reports survey from this month. This stands in stark contrast to the countless news stories editorializing about “no evidence of voter fraud” and “the myth of voter fraud.”

It isn’t just Republicans who believe this cheating occurred. Even 34% of Democrats believe it, as do 38% of those who “somewhat” support President Biden. A broad range of Americans think this: men, women, all age groups, whites, those who are neither white nor black, Republicans, those who are neither Republicans nor Democrats, all job categories, all income groups except those making over $200,000 per year, and all education groups except those who attended graduate school.

New research forthcoming in the peer-reviewed economics journal Public Choice, finds evidence of around 255,000 excess votes (possibly as many as 368,000) for Joe Biden in six swing states where Donald Trump lodged accusations of fraud. Biden only carried these states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – by a total of 313,253 votes. Excluding Michigan, the gap was 159,065.

The point of this work isn’t to contest the 2020 election, but to point out that we have a real problem that needs to be dealt with. Americans must have confidence in future elections.

*editor's note

Leftists have been steadily resisting all efforts since the '20 election to clean up voter rolls, insure voter integrity, and strengthen existing voter I.D. or signature verification protocols that certify the accuracy of each vote cast. Why? Because the harder it is for them to cheat, the more they resist establishing protocols making sure they can't. Wherever you find boisterous resistance to stronger voter integrity initiatives, you'll find Leftists.

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This article doesn't definitively state "there was voter fraud" in the '20 election. Rather it points out a more important fact that's never been adequately addressed? Evidence that exists of voter fraud has never been fully investigated. It lays out plenty of evidence, and not one Leftist can explain why none of it has been refuted or fully investigated yet?

New peer reviewed research finds evidence of 2020 voter fraud

By a margin of 52% to 40%, voters believe that “cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.” That’s per a Rasmussen Reports survey from this month. This stands in stark contrast to the countless news stories editorializing about “no evidence of voter fraud” and “the myth of voter fraud.”

It isn’t just Republicans who believe this cheating occurred. Even 34% of Democrats believe it, as do 38% of those who “somewhat” support President Biden. A broad range of Americans think this: men, women, all age groups, whites, those who are neither white nor black, Republicans, those who are neither Republicans nor Democrats, all job categories, all income groups except those making over $200,000 per year, and all education groups except those who attended graduate school.

New research forthcoming in the peer-reviewed economics journal Public Choice, finds evidence of around 255,000 excess votes (possibly as many as 368,000) for Joe Biden in six swing states where Donald Trump lodged accusations of fraud. Biden only carried these states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – by a total of 313,253 votes. Excluding Michigan, the gap was 159,065.

The point of this work isn’t to contest the 2020 election, but to point out that we have a real problem that needs to be dealt with. Americans must have confidence in future elections.

*editor's note

Leftists have been steadily resisting all efforts since the '20 election to clean up voter rolls, insure voter integrity, and strengthen existing voter I.D. or signature verification protocols that ensure the accuracy of each vote cast. Why? Because the harder it is for them to cheat, the more they resist establishing protocols making sure they can't. Wherever you find boisterous resistance to stronger voter integrity initiatives, you'll find Leftists.

If I was Joe biden and was accused of cheating to win I would have directed the doj to find proof of it and been so transparent that wouldn't have been any question. I would have done everything legally in my power to directed state courts to listen to all cases.... for the sake of democracy.... had I not cheated....
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No sir I believe in all 10 of the commandments. I believe in God the father, the son and the holy ghost. I also believe one sin is the same as the others.
I'm a believer and I'm a sinner. I know that if I don't change my ways I'll end in hells fire . I'm not a hypocrite, I'm a lot of things mostly bad , but not a hypocrite. I'm a realist. Good people cheat , good people make mistakes, good people do things .... that don't seem right sometimes .... our constitution was written by good people whom made mistakes because they are human. Asked me if I would commit adultery... not planning on it . What's worse committing adultery or sex before marriage, or killing a unborn baby or lying or gay acts ? I don't profess to be a Christian and I don't judge people or do my best not to , I am human so I will occasionally. Would I commit adultery.....God only knows and time will only tell....
'Ya know what the funny thing is @roadtrasheer? Folks who commit Sin know it instantly (it's imprinted in their consciousness from Almighty God) that's why the first thing they do is try and justify it or even deny it is Sin! However just as you always know when you're lying (because you know what the Truth is before you lie... that's why you lie to avoid it) you always know when you Sin. The next thing you then do is try to convince yourself it wasn't Sin, or it's OK if it is. Denial always follows Sin. Always.

Animals are incapable of Sin. Know why? They have no consciences. They'll eat each other and think nothing of it. We however are different...created in Almighty God's image with a clear conscience and knowledge of good & Evil.

Our Pastor tells us that you surely can fool yourself, even easily fool others, but you cannot fool the Law giver who knows your Sins before you think of them. That's why you must confess your Sin (as you did) and ask for forgiveness. You can't remove that stain unless or until you do, and Almighty God (while forever Merciful) keeps the record to remind you until you face him in judgement.
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If I was Joe biden and was accused of cheating to win I would have directed the doj to find proof of it and been so transparent that wouldn't have been any question. I would have done everything legally in my power to directed state courts to listen to all cases.... for the sake of democracy.... had I not cheated....
He did the exact opposite, and in fact tried to put Trump in jail simply for questioning the obvious anomalies and asking for a full investigation. Good post.
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'Ya know what the funny thing is @roadtrasheer? Folks who commit Sin know it instantly (it's imprinted in their consciousness from Almighty God) that's why the first thing they do is try and justify it or even deny it is Sin! However just as you always know when you're lying (because you know what the Truth is before you lie... that's why you lie to avoid it) you always know when you Sin. The next thing you then do is try to convince yourself it wasn't Sin, or it's OK if it is. Denial always comes after Sin. Always.

Animals are incapable of Sin. Know why? They have no consciences. they'll eat each other and think nothing of it.

Our Pastor tells us that you surely can fool yourself, even easily fool others, but you cannot fool the Law giver who knows your Sins before you think of them. That's why you must confess your Sin (as you did) and ask for forgiveness. You can't remove that stain unless or until you do, and Almighty God keeps the record to remind you until you face him in judgement.
That's why I'm a realist. I don't make excuses for the wrong I do , I know it's wrong, I know it's a sin . My conscience won't allow me to make chicken shit excuses for what I do or my mistakes . I'm a free man all that happens to me good or bad is by my free choice. I understand my next choice will be from my last choice and so forth ... I thank God everyday that I have that choice. Like now I choose to have a drink , my choice to have a drink is liable to lead me to make a bad choice..... but it will be my choice ... freedom has consequences .....
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Leftists scoffing at this thread ask yourselves. Why were we so anxious, even enthusiastic investigating mere allegations of "collusion" despite a lack of hard evidence? Not one of you objected to that three year farce, which included proven evidence of illegal spying that no one has been prosecuted for yet!

As the article I linked to in post # 56 points out...there is hard, provable, defined evidence of voter fraud in the'20 election that to this day HAS NEVER BEEN FULLY INVESTIGATED! Can any one of you convinced of Biden's legitimate victory explain why the lack of evidence of Trump's collusion deserved a full 3 year investigation with a special prosecutor no less, while the preponderance of fraud evidence that exists in the '20 election has never even so much as been fully aired in court? 🤔

I don't think any of you can explain that, but it's a good reason why we need Trump back in there to expose the obvious two tiered injustice.

I'll get to the bottom of it...promise

They know it DJT...that's why they're determined to stop you!
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That's why I'm a realist. I don't make excuses for the wrong I do , I know it's wrong, I know it's a sin . My conscience won't allow me to make chicken shit excuses for what I do or my mistakes . I'm a free man all that happens to me good or bad is by my free choice. I understand my next choice will be from my last choice and so forth ... I thank God everyday that I have that choice. Like now I choose to have a drink , my choice to have a drink is liable to lead me to make a bad choice..... but it will be my choice ... freedom has consequences .....
Your honesty is refreshing. As long you place your Faith in your Salvation, and do all in your power to turn away from Sin...even when you fall Christ is there to pick you up, build you back up, and send you along stronger to face your weaknesses. You can't overcome Sin without him, but facing it with him gives you the strength to resist or overcome. God Bless you @roadtrasheer.
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Damn...Nikki...which face are you wearing today?

It's hard to stay on one side when you have to appeal to all sides!

Well how about just picking "a" side and sticking to it huh Nikki? 🤔

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