GoT - Booooooooo *spoilers*


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
In some way I figured no one is safe...but c'mon Jon Snow?!?!
Melisandre shows up the same night? I think she brings him back.
Melisandre shows up the same night? I think she brings him back.
Good thought.

Where the hell did Reek and Sansa jump into? Was there water down there?

I think Cersie is going to unleash some hell on the Sparrows next season.
Melisandre shows up the same night? I think she brings him back.
Read an interview where as far as Kit Harington knows - he is dead and will not be coming back. Now that doesn't mean that the writers won't bring him back, but as far as the actor knows he is dead.
Read an interview where as far as Kit Harington knows - he is dead and will not be coming back. Now that doesn't mean that the writers won't bring him back, but as far as the actor knows he is dead.
F'n hard out there for a Stark. Arya dead too? Or just blind so she and her lame brother can join up.

BTW, that female knight may be the worst person at her job ever. EVER.
F'n hard out there for a Stark. Arya dead too? Or just blind so she and her lame brother can join up.

BTW, that female knight may be the worst person at her job ever. EVER.

Arya is just blind for now...and who knows if that is temporary or not...I'm not sure why they blinded her though...why not just kill her?

Yeah you don't want Brienne on your security detail...although I still think she kills Ramsey...but then again I have learned with GoT that all the good characters get killed off so I'm sure she'll get killed in season 6.
Yeah you don't want Brienne on your security detail...although I still think she kills Ramsey...but then again I have learned with GoT that all the good characters get killed off so I'm sure she'll get killed in season 6.

What exactly is she good at? Banging Pod?
What exactly is she good at? Banging Pod?
Well she has good intentions - I guess I was counting that. Thanks for the image of her banging Pod...somehow I see him bent over taking it from her.
Also, where was Jon Snow's dog?
Yeah I kept waiting for it to leap out and protect him.

What are the Wildlings going to do now? How many are there compared to the Croes? I can see things getting a little testy when they find out about Jon.
Sansa and Theon/Reek jumped into a snowdrift on the side of a hill, and will survive the jump.
Arya was blinded by the substance on the back of the face she put on, as she did it without permission or knowledge of how to properly put the face on. She will regain her eyesight, but in the meantime her other senses will be sharpened.
BenJen Stark (Ned Stark's brother, mentioned last night) will return from north of the Wall, and help "dispatch" f***ing Ramsay Bolton.
Bran Stark is one to watch. Crazy, but what about him ending up as King? His return next season will be interesting.
Did Jon Snow warg into his direwolf?
Did Brienne actually kill Stannis?
When the GoT showrunners don't actually show conclusively that someone is dead, it seems the door is open for a shock.
Why did Melisandre show up at Castle Black when she did? Will she red-magic him back?
I don't know, haven't read the books. At the rate characters appear to be getting killed off, who will be left to rule by the end?
Sansa and Theon/Reek jumped into a snowdrift on the side of a hill, and will survive the jump.
Arya was blinded by the substance on the back of the face she put on, as she did it without permission or knowledge of how to properly put the face on. She will regain her eyesight, but in the meantime her other senses will be sharpened.
BenJen Stark (Ned Stark's brother, mentioned last night) will return from north of the Wall, and help "dispatch" f***ing Ramsay Bolton.
Bran Stark is one to watch. Crazy, but what about him ending up as King? His return next season will be interesting.
Did Jon Snow warg into his direwolf?
Did Brienne actually kill Stannis?
When the GoT showrunners don't actually show conclusively that someone is dead, it seems the door is open for a shock.
Why did Melisandre show up at Castle Black when she did? Will she red-magic him back?
I don't know, haven't read the books. At the rate characters appear to be getting killed off, who will be left to rule by the end?

All is possible with this show - but the actor that plays Jon said he was told that his character is dead...but someone said he was signed for season 6...if he worged into his wolf would that keep him alive?
All is possible with this show - but the actor that plays Jon said he was told that his character is dead...but someone said he was signed for season 6...if he worged into his wolf would that keep him alive?
I don't understand the whole warging thing, but I reckon so. Combine Jon Snow warging out of his murdered body into his dire wolf (the one that saved Sam and Gilly recently, so we know he's at Castle Black) with Melisandre just showing up at Castle Black with her magic hoo-hahs, and maybe you have a combination to resurrect Jon Snow. His death would cleanly free him from his lifetime vows to the Nights Watch and his re-emergence would then enable him to pursue the throne, or at least go help his sisters and brothers. I mean, damn, the Starks have to start dishing out some ice-cold revenge to all these jerks. We'll find out next April.
I don't understand the whole warging thing, but I reckon so. Combine Jon Snow warging out of his murdered body into his dire wolf (the one that saved Sam and Gilly recently, so we know he's at Castle Black) with Melisandre just showing up at Castle Black with her magic hoo-hahs, and maybe you have a combination to resurrect Jon Snow. His death would cleanly free him from his lifetime vows to the Nights Watch and his re-emergence would then enable him to pursue the throne, or at least go help his sisters and brothers. I mean, damn, the Starks have to start dishing out some ice-cold revenge to all these jerks. We'll find out next April.

Hold the phone...if Jon has Targaryen blood in him...and the Croes burn him like they usually do when someone dies so they don't come back as White Walkers...couldn't the fire bring him back like Daenerys in Season 1!?
Hold the phone...if Jon has Targaryen blood in him...and the Croes burn him like they usually do when someone dies so they don't come back as White Walkers...couldn't the fire bring him back like Daenerys in Season 1!?
well, now, that's a hell of an idea. except the fire didn't bring her back; Daenerys wasn't dead, she stood in the fire because of her grief from Kal Drago dying. but i like the idea. it's just that the Stark family has a history of that warg ability, and Melisandre did give Jon Snow the googly-eyes earlier this season when she was present for the death of Mance at Castle Black, and she just happened to be back at Castle Black moments before Jon Snow was knifed. lot of possibilities. Whatever happens happens. just as long as one of the Starks gets to kill Ramsay Bolton and his father in some drawn out, excruciating, give-him-justice type of way.
i still think (even though Jon Snow appears to be dead) that at some point Jon Snow (either as Jon Snow or as a resurrected warrior - can't think of his name - and Daenerys and Tyrion join forces, and each rides a dragon into battle against the White Walkers, while Ser Jorah Mormont leads an army of Greyscalers against the White Walkers (the infantry). i don't think the White Walkers or their king yet realize that there are still 3 dragons left.
geez. first Star Wars (the original three) and then Lord of the Rings (the original three) and now Game of Thrones. my wife is right: geek.
Hold the phone...if Jon has Targaryen blood in him...and the Croes burn him like they usually do when someone dies so they don't come back as White Walkers...couldn't the fire bring him back like Daenerys in Season 1!?
The old man maestor at the wall was burned and didnt come back to like.

I dont see how the story works with jon dead though. They keep pointing out he is dead. Red magic has brought others back to life so they could be acting coy.
I think its one part coy and one part that he may not be around next season.... But the season after?

Also, how about Jaime having his daughter acknowledge him to then only die in his arms.

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