Gee on expansion and upcoming meetings

Someone in the radio business reporting that ESPN might construct a conference is irrelevant. ESPN once reported that Clemson, Florida St, Louisville and Georgia Tech were joining the SEC. How did that "report" turn out? ESPN also reported that Texas, Oklahoma, Texas Tech, Oklahoma St and Texas A&M were joining the Pac 12. How did that "report" turn out. "The Dude" reported that Clemson and Florida St were joining the Big 12. How did that report turn out? So, when you tell me a "radio personality" reported ESPN is forming a new conference, it literally means nothing.

Gee also made a simple comment that "other variations" are possible. Gee's comment, in no way, shape, or form, validates this report by "radio personality." Gee's comment in no way suggests the formation of a new conference.

I'm happy for you that you think you've won an argument.

But let me give you some food for thought. Gee's comment in no way suggests that there couldn't be the formation of a new conference.

But again .... I'm happy for you that you think you've won an argument.

One more nugget for thought .... I did not report that a radio personality said that ESPN is forming a new conference.

And finally .... again .... I'm happy for you that you think you've won an argument.