Faux-ahontas Warren gets her rear handed to her

Are we talking about the problem being black lives being shot by police, or black on black crime?

You said that black on black crime is so extensive because "blacks don't feel their lives matter", which was either an empathetic post describing the negative state of black youth confused and frustrated by constraints of racial barriers and poverty, or a statement addressing the fact that black on black crime is a result of a different perspective of life in the black community. I assumed wrong I'm guessing?
Actually, you accused us on the right of only caring about blacks when it comes to abortions. I simply stated Blacks don't care about their own lives and gave a generic example alluding to inner city violence but provided no rationale as to why it occurs. But to the point of this specific post. BLM lost me before they got started. I think it's easy to point at the cops and say we're being targeted instead of introspection and realizing it's as simple as do what you're told and stop breaking the law. I'm not going to get into a statistics discussion about their misplaced angst because it's been hashed and rehashed on this board since Ferguson.
Actually, you accused us on the right of only caring about blacks when it comes to abortions. I simply stated Blacks don't care about their own lives and gave a generic example alluding to inner city violence but provided no rationale as to why it occurs. But to the point of this specific post. BLM lost me before they got started. I think it's easy to point at the cops and say we're being targeted instead of introspection and realizing it's as simple as do what you're told and stop breaking the law. I'm not going to get into a statistics discussion about their misplaced angst because it's been hashed and rehashed on this board since Ferguson.
I never said anything about abortion.
Perhaps you should try what I did in younger years, with a few beers. We pulled for different baseball teams. My team was behind his team after pulling a stupid play and I was raising hell with the TV. Fairly well tanked father in law walked in and started shit. I told him to sit and shut up. He took offense and made a motion toward me. I slapped him as hard as I could. Wives came running and screaming. Nothing more to the incident, but he didn't razz me again while my team was losing.

You may want to try it just to get his attention.
I've definitely have wanted to slap the bastard, that's for sure. The man owns a car service, smokes weed in the car, is late for pickups, has only family members working for him....and he blames Obama for his failing business. Like Uber doesn't have anything to do with it.

He's the type of Republican loyalist that gives conservatives a bad name, imo.