Faux-ahontas Warren gets her rear handed to her

OAN? Jesus, you may as well post videos from the Weekly World News - at least they admit they make shit up. Who is that - a Kellyanne Conway clone?

Abortions accounted for 3 percent of the nearly 10.6 million total services provided by Planned Parenthood clinics in 2013, according to its annual report.
Some services it provided in addition to abortions were:
  • 4.5 million tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections
  • 3.6 million contraception related services
  • 935,573 cancer screenings including breast exams and Pap tests
  • 1.1 million pregnancy tests and prenatal services
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OAN? Jesus, you may as well post videos from the Weekly World News - at least they admit they make shit up. Who is that - a Kellyanne Conway clone?

Abortions accounted for 3 percent of the nearly 10.6 million total services provided by Planned Parenthood clinics in 2013, according to its annual report.
Some services it provided in addition to abortions were:
  • 4.5 million tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections
  • 3.6 million contraception related services
  • 935,573 cancer screenings including breast exams and Pap tests
  • 1.1 million pregnancy tests and prenatal services
How many abortions does planned parenthood do in a year? I must have missed your answer on that one. Do they do mammograms?
OAN? Jesus, you may as well post videos from the Weekly World News - at least they admit they make shit up. Who is that - a Kellyanne Conway clone?

Abortions accounted for 3 percent of the nearly 10.6 million total services provided by Planned Parenthood clinics in 2013, according to its annual report.
Some services it provided in addition to abortions were:
  • 4.5 million tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections
  • 3.6 million contraception related services
  • 935,573 cancer screenings including breast exams and Pap tests
  • 1.1 million pregnancy tests and prenatal services

That 3% number has been debunked. Maybe you should post a more legitimate source. You might as well just have posted a link from Weekly World News
OAN? Jesus, you may as well post videos from the Weekly World News - at least they admit they make shit up. Who is that - a Kellyanne Conway clone?

Abortions accounted for 3 percent of the nearly 10.6 million total services provided by Planned Parenthood clinics in 2013, according to its annual report.
Some services it provided in addition to abortions were:
  • 4.5 million tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections
  • 3.6 million contraception related services
  • 935,573 cancer screenings including breast exams and Pap tests
  • 1.1 million pregnancy tests and prenatal services

Fun with statistics it seems.

How about this. If it's such an important "service" provider, then let it stand on its own without government funding. While I may be pro-choice, I understand the argument that the pro-life crowd has when it comes to their money being used to fund abortion.
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OAN? Jesus, you may as well post videos from the Weekly World News - at least they admit they make shit up. Who is that - a Kellyanne Conway clone?

Abortions accounted for 3 percent of the nearly 10.6 million total services provided by Planned Parenthood clinics in 2013, according to its annual report.
Some services it provided in addition to abortions were:
  • 4.5 million tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections
  • 3.6 million contraception related services
  • 935,573 cancer screenings including breast exams and Pap tests
  • 1.1 million pregnancy tests and prenatal services

Fun with statistics it seems.

How about this. If it's such an important "service" provider, then let it stand on its own without government funding. While I may be pro-choice, I understand the argument that the pro-life crowd has when it comes to their money being used to fund abortion.
OAN? Jesus, you may as well post videos from the Weekly World News - at least they admit they make shit up. Who is that - a Kellyanne Conway clone?

Abortions accounted for 3 percent of the nearly 10.6 million total services provided by Planned Parenthood clinics in 2013, according to its annual report.
Some services it provided in addition to abortions were:
  • 4.5 million tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections
  • 3.6 million contraception related services
  • 935,573 cancer screenings including breast exams and Pap tests
  • 1.1 million pregnancy tests and prenatal services

Did they donate money to any political candidates or institutions?
Fun with statistics it seems.

How about this. If it's such an important "service" provider, then let it stand on its own without government funding. While I may be pro-choice, I understand the argument that the pro-life crowd has when it comes to their money being used to fund abortion.
Without government funding? Aren't those called doctor offices then?
Did they donate money to any political candidates or institutions?
Now you've got a point. The organizations should not be able to donate funds to political candidates. Oh wait....they can't! Planned Parenthood PACs are PACs the same as any other PAC.
That 3% number has been debunked. Maybe you should post a more legitimate source. You might as well just have posted a link from Weekly World News
Debunked by who? That Kellyanne Conway clone from OAN? The number is from Planned Parenthood's annual report. And by the way, the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits PP from using any taxpayer dollars, was passed in the Carter Administration. Of course, there wouldn't be a need for as many abortions if the Moral Majority didn't make it their mission to make sure that nobody gets rational sex education or easy access to contraception. Hypocrites, don't mind making women carry babies to term regardless, but God forbid they should get any help preventing an unwanted pregnancy - not to mention cutting off any services after those babies are born.
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Debunked by who? That Kellyanne Conway clone from OAN? The number is from Planned Parenthood's annual report. And by the way, the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits PP from using any taxpayer dollars, was passed in the Carter Administration. Of course, there wouldn't be a need for as many abortions if the Moral Majority didn't make it their mission to make sure that nobody gets rational sex education or easy access to contraception. Hypocrites, don't mind making women carry babies to term regardless, but God forbid they should get any help preventing an unwanted pregnancy - not to mention cutting off any services after those babies are born.

Here you go Mr. Low Information Voter

I guess you didn't follow the link. The statistics I posted are from Planned Parenthood's annual report. Next.
And you actually believe that report? slants their facts to suit their agenda. The name Parenthood is itself a fraud. Being a "parent" is about raising a child.....not killing one. How many adoptions does PP do a year?
And you actually believe that report? slants their facts to suit their agenda. The name Parenthood is itself a fraud. Being a "parent" is about raising a child.....not killing one. How many adoptions does PP do a year?

Popeer is a low information voter.
And you actually believe that report? slants their facts to suit their agenda. The name Parenthood is itself a fraud. Being a "parent" is about raising a child.....not killing one. How many adoptions does PP do a year?
So what you're saying is that Factcheck edited excerpts from Planned Parenthood's report to suit an agenda. Right. And the name is Planned Parenthood, meaning helping people "plan" whether and when to have children. But hey, keep clinging to that old lie that their primary aim is to end as many pregnancies as possible if that's what gets it up for you.
So what you're saying is that Factcheck edited excerpts from Planned Parenthood's report to suit an agenda. Right. And the name is Planned Parenthood, meaning helping people "plan" whether and when to have children. But hey, keep clinging to that old lie that their primary aim is to end as many pregnancies as possible if that's what gets it up for you.
I knew the info WVU2007 gave you would go right over your head. Did you ever find out how many abortions have been done by PP vs. how many adoptions they did. I'm not clinging to any "old lie"...... they are an abortion and genocide operation......just like Margaret Sanger wanted it to be. The number of African American babies they kill is totally disproportionate to the overall population numbers.
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Look how Trumps minions ape his little bully nicknames
I knew the info WVU2007 gave you would go right over your head. Did you ever find out how many abortions have been done by PP vs. how many adoptions they did. I'm not clinging to any "old lie" they are an abortion and genocide operation......just like Margaret Sanger wanted it to be. The number of African American babies they kill is totally disproportionate to the overall population numbers.
Black lives matter when it's an abortion eh? Ya'll so freaking full of it.
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Look how Trumps minions ape his little bully nicknames

Black lives matter when it's an abortion eh? Ya'll so freaking full of it.
When did I ever say Black Lives don't matter? Check all my posts........I've NEVER posted a single word on the BLM discussion. You're the one that's full of it.
OAN? Jesus, you may as well post videos from the Weekly World News - at least they admit they make shit up. Who is that - a Kellyanne Conway clone?

Abortions accounted for 3 percent of the nearly 10.6 million total services provided by Planned Parenthood clinics in 2013, according to its annual report.
Some services it provided in addition to abortions were:
  • 4.5 million tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections
  • 3.6 million contraception related services
  • 935,573 cancer screenings including breast exams and Pap tests
  • 1.1 million pregnancy tests and prenatal services
Look how Trumps minions ape his little bully nicknames

Black lives matter when it's an abortion eh? Ya'll so freaking full of it.
No, blacks don't feel their lives matter, they show that everyday.
So do I. And your first reaction was a snap to "wow".
No I address the problem, not the ridiculous notion that the problem has something to do with the color of someone's skin. The problem has to do with conditions, culture, family life, education, options, and lack of emotional support, imo. Maybe you weren't trying to pin the problem on simply race, but it sure seemed that way.

My hardcore Republican father in law, hates liberals and we obviously have some difficult conversations which I try to negotiate gingerly to say the least. And I listen, I try to understand his views on assistance programs, BLM, and education initiatives in places like where I taught. He makes good points....bootstrap stuff, that I've heard many say in WV, Iowa, SC and Ohio. And to some levels I agree. I even thought that his desire to prevent funds from flowing to poverty stricken, mostly minority, communities had nothing to do with racist ideology. That was until he let slip one conversation that "the black race is the worst race". He knew he let something slip, and didn't discuss it further. And I didn't try to press him on his views. But all of his "logic" on what to do with the problems of the inner cities lost total credibility. I don't think all, or even most, Republicans see race in such a way....and frankly I'm tired of hearing the left play the card. But I wonder how many conservatives honestly see issues in these terms of black and white. "Lazy", "freeloading", "lawless" people that have no respect for their lives.
Look how Trumps minions ape his little bully nicknames

Black lives matter when it's an abortion eh? Ya'll so freaking full of it.
Black lives only matter to you if they believe what you believe and vote the way you want them to vote. You are the worst kind of racist.
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I'm sorry, what does the B in BLM stand for again?
Are we talking about the problem being black lives being shot by police, or black on black crime?

You said that black on black crime is so extensive because "blacks don't feel their lives matter", which was either an empathetic post describing the negative state of black youth confused and frustrated by constraints of racial barriers and poverty, or a statement addressing the fact that black on black crime is a result of a different perspective of life in the black community. I assumed wrong I'm guessing?
But I wonder how many conservatives honestly see issues in these terms of black and white. "Lazy", "freeloading", "lawless" people that have no respect for their lives.
Perhaps you should try what I did in younger years, with a few beers. We pulled for different baseball teams. My team was behind his team after pulling a stupid play and I was raising hell with the TV. Fairly well tanked father in law walked in and started shit. I told him to sit and shut up. He took offense and made a motion toward me. I slapped him as hard as I could. Wives came running and screaming. Nothing more to the incident, but he didn't razz me again while my team was losing.

You may want to try it just to get his attention.