Facts pointing to 2020 Presidential Election Fraud


Jun 10, 2003
1.) No future or current president has lost both Florida and Ohio since JFK in 1960....60 years. Biden is the first.

2.). Entering the 2020 election, the alltime highest popular vote was obtained by Obama in 2008 with 69 million. In 2020, Donald Trump beat it and got 72 million and LOST by 5 million votes.

3.) Leading up to the 2020 election, Trump was bringing 25-57k people to his rally’s consistently in each of the battleground states; PA, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, NC, Georgia, and Florida. Out of these 7 states, Trump appears to have lost 6 of them

4.) The most votes any Republican candidate received from Blacks since 1968 was Gerald Ford in 1976 (15%). Trump got 13% in 2020. The most in nearly 45 years. And lost.

5.) Leading up to the 2020 election, a virus with a 98-99% recovery rate was used and heavily promoted to recommend mail in ballots “So Americans don’t get sick!” By Barack Obama and MSM. All the while Americans freely frequented Walmart, etc.

6.) In the final 2 weeks leading up to the 2020 election, Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi oddly and awkwardly guaranteed Trump would not be president on Inauguration Day. During this same time period, Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner made a similar statement threatening Trump not to send poll watchers to Philadelphia or he’s “got something for you”. Ironically, lack of poll watchers is now the root of election fraud allegations in PA, especially Philadelphia

7.).In the final few weeks leading up to the 2020 election, PA went against prexisting rules and extended mail in ballots for the upcoming election without clear postage stamps to be counted an additional 3 days after Nov 3 Election Day. The Trump administration lost the battle by the The US Supreme Court and PA State Supreme Court.

8.) At some point during Nov 3 Election night, Trump went up big in pivotal battleground state of Florida, eventually winning the state by landslide. Suddenly, and mysteriously the election appeared to have been called a “timeout” and all the battleground states stopped counting for the night. All were deeply in Trumps favor. Poll workers were sent home. For some unknown reason new poll workers arrived in many of these poll centers at 1am-4am and resumed counting alone and without both party observers present. Nobody to this day knows their identity or where the coolers and tubs of ballots came from. By the next morning, Biden had somehow made up ground in all these states by adding 150-300k votes himself to take the leads.

9.). Although leading by large margins election night and in every battleground state mentioned earlier, Trump lost all but 1 out of 7. Never at any point did Biden lose a lead election night or lose a state he was up big

10.) Leading up to 2020 election, Biden was having issues drawing crowds to his rallies. He’s biggest rally documented was a generous 6000 in Philadelphia earlier this year. In comparison, mentioned earlier, Trump consistently brought 25-57k to every rally

This is just a top 10 of factual information that should make every American angry and suspicious our election was compromised by some very powerful people. These people decided to take our president down at all costs. The odds of retribution or fixing it are likely a foregone conclusion. We must stand up. Demand recounts in all the states. Not just Georgia. This isn’t just about Trump. It’s about any and every election this day forward.
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1.) No president has lost both Florida and Ohio since JFK in 1960....60 years

2.). Entering the 2020 election, the alltime highest popular vote was obtained by Obama in 2008 with 69 million. In 2020, Donald Trump beat it and got 72 million and LOST by 5 million votes.

3.) Leading up to the 2020 election, Trump was bringing 25-57k people to his rally’s consistently in each of the battleground states; PA, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, NC, Georgia, and Florida. Out of these 7 states, Trump appears to have lost 6 of them

4.) The most votes any Republican candidate received from Blacks since 1968 was Gerald Ford in 1976 (15%). Trump got 13% in 2020. The most in nearly 45 years. And lost.

5.) Leading up to the 2020 election, a virus with a 98-99% recovery rate was used and heavily promoted to recommend mail in ballots “So Americans don’t get sick!” By Barack Obama and MSM. All the while Americans freely frequented Walmart, etc.

6.) In the final 2 weeks leading up to the 2020 election, Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi oddly and awkwardly guaranteed Trump would not be president on Inauguration Day. During this same time period, Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner made a similar statement threatening Trump not to send poll watchers to Philadelphia or he’s “got something for you”. Ironically, lack of poll watchers is now the root of election fraud allegations in PA, especially Philadelphia

7.).In the final few weeks leading up to the 2020 election, PA went against prexisting rules and extended mail in ballots for the upcoming election without clear postage stamps to be counted an additional 3 days after Nov 3 Election Day. The Trump administration lost the battle by the The US Supreme Court and PA State Supreme Court.

8.) At some point during Nov 3 Election night, Trump went up big in pivotal battleground state of Florida, eventually winning the state by landslide. Suddenly, and mysteriously the election appeared to have been called a “timeout” and all the battleground states stopped counting for the night. All were deeply in Trumps favor. Poll workers were sent home. For some unknown reason new poll workers arrived in many of these poll centers at 1am-4am and resumed counting alone and without both party observers present. Nobody to this day knows their identity or where the coolers and tubs of ballots came from. By the next morning, Biden had somehow made up ground in all these states by adding 150-300k votes himself to take the leads.

9.). Although leading by large margins election night and in every battleground state mentioned earlier, Trump lost all but 1 out of 7. Never at any point did Biden lose a lead election night or lose a state he was up big

10.) Leading up to 2020 election, Biden was having issues drawing crowds to his rallies. He’s biggest rally documented was a generous 6000 in Philadelphia earlier this year. In comparison, mentioned earlier, Trump consistently brought 25-57k to every rally

This is just a top 10 of factual information that should make every American angry and suspicious our election was compromised by some very powerful people. These people decided to take our president down at all costs. The odds of retribution or fixing it are likely a foregone conclusion. We must stand up. Demand recounts in all the states. Not just Georgia. This isn’t just about Trump. It’s about any and every election this day forward.

“F’uck your feelings.”
1.) No president has lost both Florida and Ohio since JFK in 1960....60 years

2.). Entering the 2020 election, the alltime highest popular vote was obtained by Obama in 2008 with 69 million. In 2020, Donald Trump beat it and got 72 million and LOST by 5 million votes.

3.) Leading up to the 2020 election, Trump was bringing 25-57k people to his rally’s consistently in each of the battleground states; PA, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, NC, Georgia, and Florida. Out of these 7 states, Trump appears to have lost 6 of them

4.) The most votes any Republican candidate received from Blacks since 1968 was Gerald Ford in 1976 (15%). Trump got 13% in 2020. The most in nearly 45 years. And lost.

5.) Leading up to the 2020 election, a virus with a 98-99% recovery rate was used and heavily promoted to recommend mail in ballots “So Americans don’t get sick!” By Barack Obama and MSM. All the while Americans freely frequented Walmart, etc.

6.) In the final 2 weeks leading up to the 2020 election, Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi oddly and awkwardly guaranteed Trump would not be president on Inauguration Day. During this same time period, Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner made a similar statement threatening Trump not to send poll watchers to Philadelphia or he’s “got something for you”. Ironically, lack of poll watchers is now the root of election fraud allegations in PA, especially Philadelphia

7.).In the final few weeks leading up to the 2020 election, PA went against prexisting rules and extended mail in ballots for the upcoming election without clear postage stamps to be counted an additional 3 days after Nov 3 Election Day. The Trump administration lost the battle by the The US Supreme Court and PA State Supreme Court.

8.) At some point during Nov 3 Election night, Trump went up big in pivotal battleground state of Florida, eventually winning the state by landslide. Suddenly, and mysteriously the election appeared to have been called a “timeout” and all the battleground states stopped counting for the night. All were deeply in Trumps favor. Poll workers were sent home. For some unknown reason new poll workers arrived in many of these poll centers at 1am-4am and resumed counting alone and without both party observers present. Nobody to this day knows their identity or where the coolers and tubs of ballots came from. By the next morning, Biden had somehow made up ground in all these states by adding 150-300k votes himself to take the leads.

9.). Although leading by large margins election night and in every battleground state mentioned earlier, Trump lost all but 1 out of 7. Never at any point did Biden lose a lead election night or lose a state he was up big

10.) Leading up to 2020 election, Biden was having issues drawing crowds to his rallies. He’s biggest rally documented was a generous 6000 in Philadelphia earlier this year. In comparison, mentioned earlier, Trump consistently brought 25-57k to every rally

This is just a top 10 of factual information that should make every American angry and suspicious our election was compromised by some very powerful people. These people decided to take our president down at all costs. The odds of retribution or fixing it are likely a foregone conclusion. We must stand up. Demand recounts in all the states. Not just Georgia. This isn’t just about Trump. It’s about any and every election this day forward.
Biden and Trump both beat the affirmative action President, hence, both are that much better
Biden and Trump both beat the affirmative action President, hence, both are that much better
Obama also lost 4-5 million votes in 2012 from his 2008 election total. Most re-elected President gains more votes than their first term
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Truth be told, there is simply no way to compare the authenticity of the mail-in ballots to the registered voter lists, check for duplicates, compare handwriting samples, etc. and have everything certified before January 20 or before the Electoral College meets in December.

However, states should, when their new assemblies meet in January, introduce new legislation that instructs the local voting boards to purge voting rolls by comparing with death certificates, etc. Obviously, this is a tricky situation as no one wants to remove a qualified voter from the register. Some democrats will claim voter suppression. But, in fairness to our elections, it must be done in a systematic way. Just as an example, if someone is being purged, a registered letter could be sent informing the person of what is happening and giving that person a chance to respond. Many local papers list the names of delinquent tax payers. They could also list the names of those who are being considered to be purged. Other ways can be attempted, like comparing with census information, also but once no response is returned, that name is gone.

Fraud will always occur in an election Always has, always will. We at least have to limit the opportunity and means for it to happen in the future.
11.). Trump is the first sitting President since 1892 to win Ohio but not win the election.
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I will just add a few

Pa asked Dominion in writing right be the election to change the software to allow poll operators to mark up blank ballots and submit them, which they did.

Voting patterns in Oakland, Macomb and Kent counties in Michigan are identical and statically impossible.

Since the modern primary process started in 1912 no incumbent President has lost reelection when gathering more than 75% of the primary vote, Trump got 94%
These of course are all excellent points, and likely will be part of the litigation Trump's legal team is assembling as it continues to build its case for massive voter fraud. I don't believe there is any argument any longer that fraud certainly did occur. The question now is how pervasive was it, and was it enough to change the trajectory of the election? There is mounting evidence both analytically and factually that indeed it did.

To me the biggest "red light" that this was a highly unusual win for the Left lies in their dismal showing in those down ballot races. With record Democrat votes being cast, it defies imagination why more Democrats down ballot did not benefit? In fact over in the House, they didn't defeat one Republican incumbent....not one. They actually lost seats in a record number of votes cast that was billed as a "blue wave" turnout! None of them can adequately explain this, but it defies the normal rules of political logic that the top vote winner at the top of the party's ticket in a record setting year for Democrat voters couldn't produce any down ballot success for his party? :confused:

The lawsuits will go forward, and the arguments pointing out the statistical as well as procedural errors will no doubt make a strong case for voter fraud. I doubt though anyone on the Left will be arguing for why their party lost seats in what appears to be a historic record setting turnout for both sides. Republicans have no such problem. Trump was the top vote winner in Republican party history, and his success at the top of the GOP ticket translated quite well on those same down ballot races.

That's normally the way it's supposed to work.... that is if you aren't cheating to make something else unusual happen.