What exactly is your issue? Why do you find it necessary to attempt to troll every last post I make?
What are you so afraid of?
I don't troll..... ...and you never have a decent reply to my posts. ..unless calling a person a troll is decent,..
What exactly is your issue? Why do you find it necessary to attempt to troll every last post I make?
What are you so afraid of?
Of course you can. Expediency or need does not effect mandatory qualifications. WVU almost lost out to Louisville except for the intervention of Texas. If you could go back to the message boards of Oklahoma and others you would find 'many' did indeed say that. WVU was looked down upon as a leftover from a totally pilfered conference. The same way so many here look down upon other teams that were left behind. It is exactly the same except for expediency. Arrogance is arrogance regardless of the names.
Do you really believe the ACC or SEC and their fan base do not still look down on WVU? I LIVE in SEC/ACC country, I hear the attitudes. Several teams bring much to the table of the B12, monetarily and potential viewership wise significantly more than WVU did.
And tiny TCU came in with very little to offer except to be another pawn for UT. Then they became acclimated and started kicking ass. Do you really believe no team currently outside the power 5 could do the same? How presumptuous.
Works the other way too. Both Miami and VT were something of prime time players when they went to the ACC and who has heard from them since? VT makes a run through the cupcakes and then dies in October. Miami is just the walking dead period.
Wow, what's with all the crapping on Rutgers here at WVU? I'm a Rutgers fan who randomly strolled onto this board because I have nothing to do at work today and my best buddy is a WVU guy. Did Rutgers not prove even a slight bit of legitimacy to you guys in our later years in the Big East together? I've always liked the WVU fanbase.
Just for the record we've sold out most of our games vs premier Big Ten teams up until the last several games of the Kyle Flood tenure. I was at the Michigan State game (as well as every home game), there were no empty seats as mentioned above and counting Kyle Flood's last few games in your sample isn't really fair. He was a poor man's Bill Stewart, except about 80 times worse, the fan base had already completely turned on him by that point and deservedly so.
I also don't think the majority of Big Ten fanbases aren't disappointed with our addition anymore. I think we've established we will not be an Indiana or Purdue, and can potentially grow into a formidable opponent for the elites with time, luck, and the right coaching choices. We're definitely on a better path right now with Kyle Flood gone. And for the record having played Kansas last year, I can tell you the bottom of the Big 12 right now is a lot lower than the bottom of the Big 10. I've always seen Indiana football as a joke as well, but they consistently give teams like Ohio State and Michigan fits and are not an automatic win. I would think you guys feel the same in the Big 12 that any perceived weak team is usually tougher than expected and there are no easy wins in these conferences.
I personally believe we can remain a step ahead of Maryland and have a chance to fit into the middle of a stacked Big Ten East. The fan base's hope is to try to climb the ladder like Michigan State has.
I really think the Big 12 should add BYU and Houston and call it a day. Those are without a doubt the most legitimate, perceived strong football programs out there and to me that's all that matters. We have, actually, dramatically raised the profits of the Big Ten Network and there are numbers to prove that. But I do not believe that's how teams should be selected and I do think those two programs would add genuine value and competition to the Big 12. I think Cincinati is a third option. But UConn will add nothing. That I'm sure of. I'm shocked some of you guys are crapping on Rutgers football while making a case for UConn football in the Big 12. Do you guys realize how irrelevant they are in the northeast? We're light years ahead of them and always have been, I don't know what would make you think otherwise.
I'll be rooting for WVU, as always, next year. I think Holgerson will either prove himself or not this year. He's now had the ability to recruit under the Big 12 banner for 4 years and has hopefully built the depth needed to win a lot of games next year. It seems that is the biggest difference between the Big East and the Big 12/Big 10. I also think you guys have had bad quarterback luck, as we have as well.
I wish we were still playing you guys, always liked your fans and your team and Morgantown. Definitely miss the WVU fans versus the elitist nutjob fans of Ped State and Michigan. And despite us never beating you guys, I'd thought we'd proven we were near the top of Big East competition in the final few seasons there. I miss the Pat White, Steve Slaton, Ray Rice days. Hope you guys do well next year, good luck.
I don't troll..... ...and you never have a decent reply to my posts. ..unless calling a person a troll is decent,..