He uses the Left's infamous "everybody does it" defense to excuse the fact he 100% overlooks and/or can't defend his side while he's steady pointing out flaws on the other side.You are the worst debater I have ever seen lmao. It's absolutely hilarious how often you put words in people's mouths in attempt to save your weak argument. L.O.L.
Just understand that's a trademark "mo" of Leftists...always accuse the other guy of what you do! If you should ever happen to get called on it, just claim "everybody does it" then you don't ever have to answer for what YOU did!
See 'ya can't criticize anyone if you're guilty of the same thing...hence the "everybody does it" defense.
I'm not debating. Just showing how your team is just as bad as my team at protecting criminals and pedophiles, even electing or appointing some of them to high positions of power.
That charlatan unsheathes it like the' Sword of Damocles' , but never criticizes his own side for the very things he's constantly bitching about on the side he's always accusing. 😏

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