it's almost time... Epstein Island and the lyin' fbi....

It's new to alot of other people. Those that think he only had ties to Isarel might want to read it again. Because he was definitely in bed with our FBI and Intelligence Agencies.

I would ask him to consider the fact that it's not that they don't want to release it but that the SDNY even though they did arrest Maxwell and Epstein they never really conducted a thorough Investigation and what people hope to see doesn't exist or is being hidden. Being Epstein was working for the FBI and Comey's daughter is second in charge of the SDNY. A new Investigation needs to be conducted and the Diddy case needs to be taken from the SDNY if people really want some Justice. I would recommend people concentrate their anger to making that happen.
This guy gets it. Bondi just needs announce she's going to announce a New Investigation that includes Investigation of all this including the SDNY and the FBI handled it. Get a Grand Jury and start charging people. Outside of NYC.

What we are seeing right now with this Epstein stuff is the culmination of all the dumbass engagement farming posts on this site over the past six years about Epstein. “All I want for Christmas is the Epstein files to be released.”No, that’s not what you wanted for Christmas and no, there isn’t some client list just sitting at the FBI. These ridiculous posts get so much engagement and ultimately created enough pressure to force Pam Bondi to feel like she needed to promise ridiculous things while trying to become AG.And here we are. Pam Bondi rolling out influencers with binders of nothing in an attempt to satisfy the mob. And many of the people currently complaining about her have played a big role in this mess and don’t even realize it.

It's new to alot of other people. Those that think he only had ties to Isarel might want to read it again. Because he was definitely in bed with our FBI and Intelligence Agencies.

They are going to need to Investigate the Investigators to get this. He was in their employment.

I would think it would be impossible for the fbi run by kash to stonewall the ag. I'm calling bullshit. Kash can go yo any office see anything.

Kash and Bondi aren't fighting. They are both fighting the SDNY and the FBI there. They have been ordered to turn everything they Investigated over. It's Criminal not to follow that lawful order. So let them hang themselves if they insist on resistance.
I would think it would be impossible for the fbi run by kash to stonewall the ag. I'm calling bullshit. Kash can go yo any office see anything.
Kash and Bondi aren't fighting. They are both fighting the SDNY and the FBI there. They have been ordered to turn everything they Investigated over. It's Criminal not to follow that lawful order. So let them hang themselves if they insist on resistance.

They gave the public a tweet. They have them a lawful order in writing.

I would think it would be impossible for the fbi run by kash to stonewall the ag. I'm calling bullshit. Kash can go yo any office see anything.
They gave the public a tweet. They have them a lawful order in writing.

NY got a letter too. It's called a lawful order. Or exhibit A when you don't comply during your trial.

"Exhibit A" is an expression that refers to someone or something that is used as evidence or proof of something. It can also be used figuratively to refer to the foremost example of something, often with a negative connotation.

I will explain this one more time for those that can't see the forest for the trees. Of course he had contact with former liberal Jewish intelligence and leaders. But they were holding the tail. The FBI and our Intelligence people loyal to Democrats were fvcking the cat. That's how this works. There wouldn't be a Isarel if they tried to muscle us. Obama would have seen to that. It's a tiny fvcking dot on the map. It's not Anti-Semitic. It's a theroy that doesn't hold water in the big picture of the real world. There's bad Jews. Look at the damage Soros does. He doesn't control the whole world. Meaning there's alot of competition out there.

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Kash and Bondi aren't fighting. They are both fighting the SDNY and the FBI there. They have been ordered to turn everything they Investigated over. It's Criminal not to follow that lawful order. So let them hang themselves if they insist on resistance.
Didn't say they was fighting.
I clearly said it's bullshit story .
If kash wanted the information he would have flew to NY walked in and got the info and fired people on the way out . He does have that authority and the president will back him up . If the AG and Kash don't have all the files to release then they clearly are stonewalling .
Didn't say they was fighting.
I clearly said it's bullshit story .
If kash wanted the information he would have flew to NY walked in and got the info and fired people on the way out . He does have that authority and the president will back him up . If the AG and Kash don't have all the files to release then they clearly are stonewalling .

I'll be a little more direct. Let them hang themselves then open a criminal Investigation on them. Nobody really knows what they have left as far as evidence. But lying to the FBI and the Attorney General is a crime. That includes their own employees. Knowing I'm not a fan of Alex Jones I will share this anyways because it's the most coherent thing I have heard him say that makes sense based on facts that can be proven. Meaning more Conspiracy and less theory.


A good possibility alot of it was destroyed or hidden. The best shit won't be in the evidence room. Hence why everyone that was involved will need polygraphed.

AG Pam Bondi is fighting a leftist culture within the DoJ and FBI. Give her a chance.She is not hiding anything, she is not covering up Epstein. She wants the info released. She knows her reputation is on the line. She needs to drop the hammer on FBi agents who are resisting.
Wendy doesn't understand she wasn't the federal prosecutor? She also had no access to the SDNY who was running Epstein and Maxwell's Investigation then. If she doesn't follow through with Investigaing the SDNY now then Wendy can complain about that.

Good information. Especially starting around the 58 min mark if you don't want to what the entire thing.


Operation Flicker was real. Operations like this happen all the time. NCIS and CID investigate them constantly. However when Biden took over they were taken off this mission and told to hunt "extremist". Same thing happened under Obama. Hence why you never got alot of information and follow up.
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This guy probably needs to take his OCD meds. Preventing WW3 is actually a bigger story and Bondi gave Patel 14 days to get whatever SDNY hasn't destroyed. They will have to review that. They will need to review evidence logs. Then question everyone who reviewed the evidence and handled it. Then determine if FBI employees need Investigated. Start digging into clients and determining if they can be charged still. The SDNY actions will need reviewed. Meaning this is a clusterfvck That's not getting resolved this weekend.


AG Pam Bondi just went on Levin and gave a few updates on the Epstein documents:"I started asking for these documents right when I came into office.""I found resources told me New York SDNY are sitting on thousands of pages of documents regarding Epstein.""You know, Mark, I have not reviewed the information yet.""As a lawyer, as a prosecutor, I want to review everything before I make a firm conclusion. But I find it very interesting that they held that from us. I will find out who withheld that they will not be working for us anymore."
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BREAKING: Head of FBI field office in New York *resigns* after the Department of Justice accused his office of hiding thousands of Epstein documents.James Dennehy says he was forced to resign in an email to staff."Late Friday, I was informed that I needed to put my retirement papers in today, which I just did. I was not given a reason for this decision," Dennehy said.Dennehy had previously told his office to "dig in" after Trump was elected.The resignation comes after AG Pam Bondi instructed FBI Director Kash Patel to launch an investigation into claims that the New York field office was hiding thousands of documents.Bondi said a source came forward claiming the field office had thousands of pages of docs. "I repeatedly questioned whether this was the full set of documents responsive to my request and was repeatedly assured by the FBI that we had received the full set of documents," Bondi said."Late yesterday, I learned from a source that the FBI Field Office in New York was in possession of thousands of pages of documents related to the investigation and indictment of Epstein.""Despite my repeated requests, the FBI never disclosed the existence of these files. When you and I spoke yesterday, you were just as surprised as I was to learn this new information."

You need to understand that Pam Bondi and Kash Patel took over two weeks ago.They now head a group of people who hate their guts. It takes time to replace them and get all the bad actors out.It's not like you just snap your fingers, files are released and people are thrown in jail.
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You need to understand that Pam Bondi and Kash Patel took over two weeks ago.They now head a group of people who hate their guts. It takes time to replace them and get all the bad actors out.It's not like you just snap your fingers, files are released and people are thrown in jail.
This is true.
Most of us are use to the typical government bullshit and used to the cover upset.

BREAKING: Attorney General Pam Bondi says a "truckload" of Jeffrey Epstein files arrived on Friday, says FBI Director Kash Patel is looking through them now."We got them all Friday at 8AM. Thousands of pages of documents. I have the FBI going through them.""It's now in the possession of the FBI. Kash is going to get me a detailed report as to why all these documents and evidence had been withheld.""We're gonna go through it as fast as we can..."
This is true.
Most of us are use to the typical government bullshit and used to the cover upset.

To get real Justice there needs to be a new Investigation. No way was the last one done correctly. Why? Because no one else is in jail.

HUGE update on the Epstein files
-“Truckload” of files from SDNY were delivered to Kash-Kash is investigating why SDNY withheld documents (Dennehy fired)-Kash’s team are currently reviewing the thousands of files-Bondi calls out Biden regime for sitting on these files-Bondi says that the American People are going to see everything-Bondi admits some information will be redacted for NATSEC and grand jury informationIn other words, Bondi and Kash have the situation under control, and everyone just needs to let them do their work.I understand everyone is anxious and angry, but Trump and his appointees have proven their intentions are legitimate.It’s happening. The ball is rolling.
To get real Justice there needs to be a new Investigation. No way was the last one done correctly. Why? Because no one else is in jail.

Since he admits he didn't know much about this until recently I'm going to help him out.

A handful of Far Left "Jews" don't get to hold the entire United States Government hostage through blackmailing our politicians for the entire Mossad or Isarel. That's not how this works in real life.

Someone needs to tell him to read below. Then look into James Comey, Robert Mueller, John Brennan, Maureen Comey, The Clinton Foundation, and USAID.

It's takes our FBI, DOJ, and Intelligence Community being in charge to pull something like this off. Not everyone just the ones in charge.

Going to take a new Investigation by trusted individuals to get Justice and the truth. Because a real one has never been conducted.



The Real Story of the Epstein files. Epstein was roaming free and being a criminal until new attention was brought to his case. This was due to me, via my media company (Cerno Films) suing to unseal files. Later the Miami Herald joined the cause, and to be honest, if they hadn't, my work would most likely have been in vain, as corrupt federal judges could have slow rolled me. Much harder to do that to the Herald.Last week there was much drama and gnashing of teeth by people who, last I checked, never did anything other than engagement farm off of others' serious legal work. The initial batch of the Epstein files were unsealed via a procedural move my lawyer Marc Randazza thought up. It was expensive as hell and Marco was generous with cutting me slack. Even so, EXPENSIVE.This backstory matters, because if you were not there at the time, you don't really understand the timeline of events. We were able to unseal CIVIL files in a lawsuit involving Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein. We were not able to unseal the CRIMINAL files, those were held God knows where. Once it became obvious that the civil files would be unsealed, Jeffrey Epstein was arrested. On July 3, 2019, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals issued its ruling siding with us. Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on July 9, 2019.We documented the case contemptuously. There's no "hindsight" bias. You can check the dates of the posts belows.No one has a better understanding of the Epstein case than I do. Not that this should be some contest. Others have really said some nasty stuff.Ask to see their posts and videos from 2019. Ask to see how much work they put in to get the files unsealed. You'll find out that there wasn't much of anything done by the people yelling at me.The criminal case against Jeffrey Epstein was a containment operation.Epstein had to be charged for something. DOJ and especially SNDY policy is to go to the throat. They overcharge people. You push maximum allegations for maximum leverage.Epstein was charged for comparatively low-level conduct. I'm not downplaying it, so don't try to spin that into something it's not. Read the indictment, which I'll link to it below. SNDY did the bare minimum necessary, which goes against their usual standard operating procedure of going for the neck.Epstein was NOT CHARGED for taking people like Reid Hoffman and Bill Gates to his island. He wasn't charged for running an international sex trafficking ring. He was charged for less than 1% of what he was responsible for.Why would Epstein charged with so little, given the volume of evidence against him?While SNDY issues press releases, no one but me read the indictment. I wrote at the time, "The Epstein indictment charges the minimal amount of conduct. No mention of the trips powerful people took to his private island."This was deliberate. By limiting the indictment to massages in Epstein's NYC apartment, the Island, the West Palm Beach house, the New Mexico house, and the Paris property could be mopped up.Epstein had multiple properties around the country and the world. While all of the attention was on NYC, there were reports about boats being seen off the shoreline of the Pedo Island. People were seen removing the infamous vault that Epstein kept on the island. Who was it? Where did it go? Nobody knows.SDNY, when asked why they hadn't raided the other homes, said that they didn't have jurisdiction over the other properties. This is laughable to anyone who knows how SDNY usually rolls. They'll take jurisdiction over your mom's social security check, because they can and you can't do anything about it.SDNY, known for prosecutorial overreach, suddenly decided to do as little as possible in one of the most significant prosecutions in its history. How does that make any sense? The real Epstein files are in some intelligence vault, somewhere.Much had been made about how I am somehow "Mossad" now, because I made the point, in 2019 (!) that the real Epstein files were mopped up, and have tried to manage people's expectations.This makes no sense because in 2019, no one else but me was making the point that the files were being hidden and destroyed in real time.I was SCREAMING about this. What does SDNY and the FBI currently have?I don't think it's much. They'll have files relating to the 2019 SNDY case against Epstein.The real files are hidden in some place that even Kash Patel doesn't have access to.
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