^^This^^^I thought Oliver Luck got us in the Big 12 through his connections.
He got us in the door. He also asked Don Nehlen to speak to the conference commissioner on WVU behalf and why they would fit into Big 12. Then our politicians got involved when OU wanted to back door us with Louisville.I thought Oliver Luck got us in the Big 12 through his connections.
Yes, many will not like this truth, but Joe Manchin played a significant role. Mitch McConnell was working hard to get the Big12 to reconsider Louisville over WVU and Manchin stepped up. Many people played a role. We should all be thankful.He got us in the door. He also asked Don Nehlen to speak to the conference commissioner on WVU behalf and why they would fit into Big 12. Then our politicians got involved when OU wanted to back door us with Louisville.