DHS cyber security said election was free of fraud, so Biff just fired their head...

· Nov 7

To be crystal clear, I’m specifically referring to the Hammer and Scorecard nonsense.

It’s just that - nonsense.

This is not a real thing, don’t fall for it and think 2x before you share.
Nov 11

For those of you eyeing Arizona, you can read about the specific security measures the fine folks in Maricopa County use to ensure an efficient, accurate, and secure tabulated vote count.
Nov 14

Quick Election Security Disinfo Debunker: election-related servers WERE NOT recently seized in Europe by the US Army contrary to #disinfo rapidly spreading across social media. Don’t buy it & think 2x before you share.

ICYMI: On allegations that election systems were manipulated, 59 election security experts all agree, "in every case of which we are aware, these claims either have been unsubstantiated or are technically incoherent." #Protect2020
Sounds like there should be 58 more firings on the way...
Absolutely! He and Melania Braun are hunkered down in a bunker enjoying these final days together....
Chris Krebs.

This reminds me of Berlin 1945 when Hitler starting offing all his generals.
Trump official tells truth, gets fired. That's just how it works in corrupt bizarro Trumpworld. He knew his time was short so why not tell the truth. Every Trump appointee (who will be leaving soon) should do the same. Last chance to save their reputations. "Honored to serve. We did it right. Defend Today, Secure Tomrorow. #Protect2020."
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