"Loss is a loss." Nope. Losing to Oklahoma State in overtime would be nothing like losing to Maryland, Liberty or Georgia Southern.
Am I disappointed? Of course. Miscues harmed WVU at critical times.
But I'm not discounting coming from 15 points behind at halftime to send the game into overtime. A defense that interecepted three Cowboys passes. A defense that tackled the OState QB for a safety.
EVERY team makes mistakes every game. But this team fought back from the deficit. That's not easy when you're playing a top 20 team. Give them credit for that.
A loss to Baylor and TCU would not be equivalent to a loss to Kansas or Iowa State or Maryland.
M ighty defense throttled Georgia Southern, 44-0
O utstanding defense obliterated Liberty, 41-17
U nilaterally decimated Maryland, 45-6, on defense and offense
N oxious offense & special teams against Oklahoma, 44-24
T oo many costly mistakes against Oklahoma State in OT, 33-26. Impressive comeback from 15-point deficit.
A mbush Baylor
I mmolate TCU
N ail Texas Tech
E rectile dysfunction Texas
E viscerate Kansas
R ip open a new one for Iowa State
S kewer Kansas State