Damn your fans are dumb as hell

It looks like he punked out. Why am I not surprised?

Posted for you to see. The profile is old I haven't updated it in a number of years. I didn't really want my contact info on there but it's the same as LinkedIn, so whatever. I trust none of you will go as far as to call or e mail me, or comment on my wife who's in this. But you wanted proof, there it is. I am exactly who I say I am.
And yes, the Joint Chief Chairman was my BN Commander with 2nd BN 6th marines. Which is why you see the French Forragere on my profile. Only two regiments are entitled to that. The 5th (my grandfather was a WW2 vet and was honored with it) and I was too with 6th marine regiment.
My grandfather is this guy.

Who wrote this book, which I'm credited for on page 231-232

And this book, which I'm also credited in and also have my picture in. and work thurman miller&f=false

You can pick his books up on the web, or at any bookstore. Check the credits, you can further validate my service. But, it's up to you Raphony. I told you calling me out was a waste of your time, I love nothing more than to prove a liar wrong.
Nobody cares.

You sure did when you thought you had me over a barrel. Now that the blatant lies have been exposed suddenly you don't care. Pretty typical of a guy who's insecure and lies for what he does for a living.
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Now that that's out of the way I'll go back to my grandfather. If anyone enjoys WW2 history or what coal mining life was like here is his website. There are a number of books to choose from if you're into those sorts of things.
You sure did when you thought you had me over a barrel. Now that the blatant lies have been exposed suddenly you don't care. Pretty typical of a guy who's insecure and lies for what he does for a living.
Who lied about what they do for a living? When did I think I had you over a barrel? Are you ok?
Uh-huh. And the Army, too? What's next, the Swiss Navy?

I don't know your name, never seen you before in my life. Alleged pictures of you, not relevant. The name of some General along with a name you could have swiped to use as a reference? Again not relevant. What General is going to take a call to verify that someone served under him from a stranger out of the blue? None. Nice attempt to cover your ass, but no one is buying what you're selling.

I've seen guys post other people's info as their own regularly on the internet for 20 years, some of them ending up in jail for fraud. How is any of the above relevant? Dollars to donuts, it's another one of your cobbled together tales as backstory for one your aliases. Similar to the sockpuppet that claimed to have played baseball at Marshall, trying to run that IM thing on guys on the board. That didn't work either, did it? Just how many pictures of other people you claim to be do you have floating around?

Have ever heard of "stolen glory"? The DoD takes that very seriously these days. You just went skipping down the primrose path with all of the above. From now on, whenever you really tick one of these guys off you're going to have to think, "Is this the time I get checked out?" You let your ego leave you open to being exposed as a possible felon on a public forum, smooth. As the old saying goes, "Give 'em enough rope......" Son, you took it all and then some.

Bye,bye, Maureen. Call me when you create another sockpuppet.
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Lol, That's the response I expected Raphony. Matter of fact this is the response I expect from children. I did exactly what I told you I'd do. Moving on from Raphony,
And it's called "Stolen Valor" not glory you ****tard. If you're going to play this game at least try to know how to play it.
Who lied about what they do for a living? When did I think I had you over a barrel? Are you ok?
twiggy the stick figure is once again proven to be a dumbass fool. when will you ever stop logging on, just to prove what all of us already know?...that being you're a LIAR. Yag's has proven every inaccuracy you've tossed his way for what? 10 years? Why would two douchebags like yourself and Mikey want to dishonor a man that bravely served his country? You two probably spit in the faces of our veterans. Sadly, you and your ilk is what's currently so wrong with this country of ours today.
Some of these yahoos will stoop to any level they can when you start destroying them. Which is what Raphony did.
I don't I enjoy proving that he is

People lie about me on the board all the time.

People lie about Dave multiple times a day. Neither one of us care enough to try to prove any of you wrong.

We aren't thin skinned.
People lie about me on the board all the time.

People lie about Dave multiple times a day. Neither one of us care enough to try to prove any of you wrong.

We aren't thin skinned.

I'm not either, but I enjoy winning therefore I do what I do.
People lie about me on the board all the time.

People lie about Dave multiple times a day. Neither one of us care enough to try to prove any of you wrong.

We aren't thin skinned.

Well, I'm not answering on behalf of @Marine03 but I would say it bothers him not because Raphony is lying about him directly, rather it's disrespectful to the Marine Corps and shouldn't be tolerated by any Marine, active duty or not.
Well, I'm not answering on behalf of @Marine03 but I would say it bothers him not because Raphony is lying about him directly, rather it's disrespectful to the Marine Corps and shouldn't be tolerated by any Marine, active duty or not.

Yeah, but he's not a marine, so that argument doesn't hold water. :boxing:
Is my Baby Blue still crying about his whippin' yesterday? I wouldn't think you could danglin' from that rope?

Let me call the waahbulance to come pick you up, Bathed in Booze.

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