Cops during the Texas shooting

ever see a grown man naked?..or a pallett of US currency on a tarmac in Haiti with people in uniforms and duffle bags lined up to fill them? .. you help feed the population.
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But for the malfunctioning door, the killer wouldn't have gotten in. But for the killer, the inanimate object (the gun) would have just lied there being an inanimate object.

Catch my sarcastic drift yet?

And fists kill more people than inanimate objects, so what do you propose we do about fists?
fists do not kill more people than inanimate objects. You flat out made that up. Cars, drugs, firearms, knives, etc. vs. fists.

I get it. You want your fireearms. That's fine. But stop with the stupid arguments. All you do is reinforce the stereotypes.

Fists kill more people than inanimate objects. GTFOH!
fists do not kill more people than inanimate objects. You flat out made that up. Cars, drugs, firearms, knives, etc. vs. fists.

I get it. You want your fireearms. That's fine. But stop with the stupid arguments. All you do is reinforce the stereotypes.

Fists kill more people than inanimate objects. GTFOH!

Absolutely correct. I definitely overstated. My bad. I meant that fists and feet kill more people than rifles, AR-15s included.
Better answer than what I gave before:
"Shall" is a pretty powerful word.
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I didnt read these 8 pages as it got off topic and uninteresting but.... anyone still defending the police here?
I didnt read these 8 pages as it got off topic and uninteresting but.... anyone still defending the police here?

The local police department obviously sucked and need to be held accountable. The LEO that showed up later and breached door deserve a thank you. It's not all or nothing.
The local police department obviously sucked and need to be held accountable. The LEO that showed up later and breached door deserve a thank you. It's not all or nothing.
You mean the parent that showed up and saved his kid and others. He was off duty not acting as law enforcement but as a father.
Did you see the woman that ran in to save her kid while the cops were outside? She wasn't leo and did more than those paid to "Serve and Protect"
You mean the parent that showed up and saved his kid and others. He was off duty not acting as law enforcement but as a father.
Did you see the woman that ran in to save her kid while the cops were outside? She wasn't leo and did more than those paid to "Serve and Protect"

The team that breached the door goofball. You're being silly now and obviously never participated in something like that.
The team that breached the door goofball. You're being silly now and obviously never participated in something like that.
ok that makes since i had not heard it was a team and thought it was the off duty boarder patrol that killed the shooter

did this team go in before or after the individual father/husband and the unarmed woman ran in?
ok that makes since i had not heard it was a team and thought it was the off duty boarder patrol that killed the shooter

did this team go in before or after the individual father/husband and the unarmed woman ran in?

The local department screwed up. The one's who showed up later did their duty. The ones who screwed up should be held accountable. I'm not going to get into specific TTPs. I'm not in the business of training future terrorist. I get in your Anarcho Capitalism Utopia we would hire private security for this but that won't work. The kind of people that will actually run to gunfire do it out of a sense of duty and honor. How much they are getting paid at the time doesn't cross their mind. That's why hiring the right kind of people vs political hires is so important.
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The local department screwed up. The one's who showed up later did their duty. The ones who screwed up should be held accountable. I'm not going to get into specific TTPs. I'm not in the business of training future terrorist. I get in your Anarcho Capitalism Utopia we would hire private security for this but that won't work. The kind of people that will actually run to gunfire do it out of a sense of duty and honor. How much they are getting paid at the time doesn't cross their mind. That's why hiring the right kind of people vs political hires is so important.
i dont want any type of Utopia. I know nothing is perfect. The best you can do is do the moral thing. That is to not steal from people to fund what you think is right (this will ALWAYS lead to corruption) but instead to let the market decide what is right.

What would happen to private security company if it was hired to protect that school and did what those cops did? It would go bankrupt pretty much instantly

What will happen to that police department? Just as the school system underperforms they will say they need more money for more training and such. Guess where that money will come from?
i dont want any type of Utopia. I know nothing is perfect. The best you can do is do the moral thing. That is to not steal from people to fund what you think is right (this will ALWAYS lead to corruption) but instead to let the market decide what is right.

What would happen to private security company if it was hired to protect that school and did what those cops did? It would go bankrupt pretty much instantly

What will happen to that police department? Just as the school system underperforms they will say they need more money for more training and such. Guess where that money will come from?

Maybe they should hire you to recruit and train them. You could just the hit the easy button.
Maybe they should hire you to recruit and train them. You could just the hit the easy button.
I get his point about private security. Out government today is all in on political correctness & hiring on numbers of race & gender. He is 100% correct when all government will do is through more money at the same problem without changing procedures.
You are 100% correct when it comes to hiring the right people, no amount of money can give a person the heart it takes to run into certain death to save others they dont know . Who in the government will openly say a 5'4 skinny azz women shouldn't be a state trooper patrolling our highways......right, not one . A lot of things a woman that size can do to be a major role in it but the actual fighting not so much . This is the problem with government.
I get his point about private security. Out government today is all in on political correctness & hiring on numbers of race & gender. He is 100% correct when all government will do is through more money at the same problem without changing procedures.
You are 100% correct when it comes to hiring the right people, no amount of money can give a person the heart it takes to run into certain death to save others they dont know . Who in the government will openly say a 5'4 skinny azz women shouldn't be a state trooper patrolling our highways......right, not one . A lot of things a woman that size can do to be a major role in it but the actual fighting not so much . This is the problem with government.

If she's got the heart then hire her. There's tools to help her get the job done. However alot of politicians are hiring public relations mindsets and not enough sheep dogs. Properly training and equipping them also goes a long way. Supporting them is also important. Are there some bad cops out there? Yes. There's a process to get rid of them if they are that bad vs having a bad day. This is where the voters get involved locally to put the pressure on.

As far as private security goes its not as simple as it sounds. However if school districts wanted to do it they need to hire the right kind of people also.

Instead of Local Law Enforcement sending someone looking to retire on active duty to work as the School Resource Officer. They need to be putting SWAT trained Officers with Physical Security experience in the schools. That's just a start.