Contact with HPSCI outside chain of command

not the final word. Barr is bought and paid for by Trump, a witness in all this and has been covering up for Trump since he came on board.

LOL Tin Foil Hat Wearing MOE! DEEPSTATE!
not the final word. Barr is bought and paid for by Trump, a witness in all this and has been covering up for Trump since he came on board.

Wait a minute....the Speca Counsel (the darling of the left) as I noted came to the same conclusion in the Russia election interference question and DOJ makes the same (not Barr...DOJ...) argument on Ukraine and you guys on the left think it's a conspiracy....its called following legal precedent. No statute was violated by Trump......because just like "dirt" from the Russians you can't place a value on Trump asking Ukraine to investigate Biden....

The only LAW Trump could break here would be campaign finance law.....he didn't because Ukraine investigating Biden has no "value" (between 250 dollars and 250k under the campaign finance law). So he could ask China or any country for dirt all day long. Is it politically dirty and stinky....yep...illegal...NOPE
BTW you can always try to change the law...but good luck with that because foreign persons on US soil have 1st Ammendment rights and SCOTUS would likely argue they can provide dirt to a campaign just like a US citizen could.....
Wait a minute....the Speca Counsel (the darling of the left) as I noted came to the same conclusion in the Russia election interference question and DOJ makes the same (not Barr...DOJ...) argument on Ukraine and you guys on the left think it's a conspiracy....its called following legal precedent. No statute was violated by Trump......because just like "dirt" from the Russians you can't place a value on Trump asking Ukraine to investigate Biden....

The only LAW Trump could break here would be campaign finance law.....he didn't because Ukraine investigating Biden has no "value" (between 250 dollars and 250k under the campaign finance law). So he could ask China or any country for dirt all day long. Is it politically dirty and stinky....yep...illegal...NOPE
disagree and none of that prevents impeachment.
disagree and none of that prevents impeachment.

Every President impeached to date was accused of violating an Act of Congress or federal statute. Do you think its wise to impeach the President without that? What crime was committed? Mueller has said "dirt" on a candidate is not a thing of value.....asking Ukraine to investigate Biden is even less of a thing of value. You want to remove the President with no crime to charge him with. Where is the House request for a Special Counsel? Why isn't there one? Because there is no crime....

You dont get to remove a President because he does something politically ugly or smelly....that is for the voters to judge in Nov 2020.
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Every President impeached to date was accused of violating an Act of Congress or federal statute. Do you think its wise to impeach the President without that? What crime was committed? Mueller has said "dirt" on a candidate is not a thing of value.....asking Ukraine to investigate Biden is even less of a thing of value. You want to remove the President with no crime to charge him with. Where is the House request for a Special Counsel? Why isn't there one? Because there is no crime....

You dont get to remove a President because he does something politically ugly or smelly....that is for the voters to judge in Nov 2020.
Moe has been crying impeachment since Nov of 2016. He doesn’t care what it’s for or how it’s done, he just wants Trump gone. To be honest, he’s in fairly large company. Most of those arguing with you are in the same boat. It’s Orange Man Bad, and that’s all that needs be in their minds.