Contact with HPSCI outside chain of command

I'm right until I read differently. Just pushing back on the POTUS's laughable lie that Schiff helped write the complaint.

Whether it was commitee or Schiff -- the whistleblower violated the policy and rules of his OWN employer.... which are designed to protect classified information under penalty of law.
I'm right until I read differently. Just pushing back on the POTUS's laughable lie that Schiff helped write the complaint.

Trump's accusation is not proven. However, the WB did go to Schiff and/or Democrats, and not the committee. Nunes knew nothing of it.
Trump's accusation is not proven. However, the WB did go to Schiff and/or Democrats, and not the committee. Nunes knew nothing of it.
It doesn't really matter. Everybody needs help filling out the forms and as has been pointed out, the POTUS admits to it all and some version of the phone call has been released.
Whatever you say counselor. It's a messgeboard and you're free to speculate.

Do you believe -- with all the lawyers that work in the White House (and the other ones who work personally for the President) he would say "China and Ukraine look into Joe Biden for me" -- if he thought it was illegal. In fact I'd bet you dollars to donuts based on the Mueller outcome they believe they have "legal" precedent to say it is VERY LEGAL!!!!

change the law -- that is up to Congress..... (well and to hope SCOTUS upholds it -- which is why Congress hasn't changed it because SCOTUS has pretty much trashed campaign finance law as a violation of 1st Amendment rights).
It doesn't really matter. Everybody needs help filling out the forms and as has been pointed out, the POTUS admits to it all and some version of the phone call has been released.

The complaint is a facade. There are 5 errors at least, the most egregious in that there was no quid pro quo. Text messages released from State employees yesterday even indicate that the president demanded that there would not be any.
what is the classified information?

Since the White House released the transcript -- none right now... but it was Classified... and it is not the whistleblowers position to determine what is and what is not. He does not have declassification authority....
Do you believe -- with all the lawyers that work in the White House (and the other ones who work personally for the President) he would say "China and Ukraine look into Joe Biden for me" -- if he thought it was illegal
Yes. Trump doesn't think like a normal person. POTUS doesn't care and thinks he can get away with anything. He said Article II of the constitution says he can do anything he wants and he has since he was elected, legal or not. Look at all the instances of obstruction of justice that occurred in the Mueller investigation that the Dems sat on. The list is endless.
Official? Don't think that much matters. The House can do it how they want. For the FULL force of their powers they may have to be, but it seems they are more in the introductory phase.
I think it does matter...something to do with the minority party being able to subpoena witnesses as well. There really isn't an introductory phase as I understand it - it's either you have an impeachment inquiry or you don't.
The complaint is a facade. There are 5 errors at least, the most egregious in that there was no quid pro quo. Text messages released from State employees yesterday even indicate that the president demanded that there would not be any.
Quid pro quo is the easiest to prove and was proven further yesterday with released text and other messages.
“Political campaigns frequently conduct and pay for opposition research,” Mueller notes in his report. “A foreign entity that engaged in such research and provided resulting information to a campaign could exert a greater effect on an election, and a greater tendency to ingratiate the donor to the candidate, than a gift of money or tangible things of value.” Though Mueller noted that such information could be more important to a campaign than money, he pointed out that courts have not defined uncompensated opposition research as a “thing of value” that could amount to a contribution under campaign finance law.

If the courts have NOT defined "dirt" as a thing of value -- then you are NOT going to charge somebody with that crime.....
From your post (I'm not sure you are reading what you post):
“Political campaigns frequently conduct and pay for opposition research,” Mueller notes in his report. “A foreign entity that engaged in such research and provided resulting information to a campaign could exert a greater effect on an election, and a greater tendency to ingratiate the donor to the candidate, than a gift of money or tangible things of value.” Though Mueller noted that such information could be more important to a campaign than money

It doesn't matter if it has never been charged. There has to be a first time for everything. That's what our court system is for.

This is all such bullshit anyway. Do we want a country where are above the law Presidents can just ask for any political favor they want from a foreign government? Lunacy. I'm betting roles will be reversed when Pres Lib starts doing the same, disgusting shit.
Something else noteworthy -- taking out the Andrew Johnson impeachment proceeding for a minute (because it took place even before the Justice Department existed). In both Watergate and Clinton (and the previous accusations against this President) either the White House or Congress insisted on the establishment of a Special Prosecutor (in the case of Watergate actually appointed by the White House via the Attorney General -- in that case it was Archibald Cox) -- or after formal creation of the Office of Independent Counsel (under the 1978 Ethics In Government Act) Ken Starr in the Clinton scandal. (That Act expired in 1999 and was replaced by DOJ Procedure which governs Special Counsels). --- that nobody on the left is asking for a Special Counsel here? Odd is it not? Could that be because no violation of law exists -- and they know it.....
Do you believe -- with all the lawyers that work in the White House (and the other ones who work personally for the President) he would say "China and Ukraine look into Joe Biden for me"
Yes. He's a batshit rich boomer.
Something else noteworthy -- taking out the Andrew Johnson impeachment proceeding for a minute (because it took place even before the Justice Department existed). In both Watergate and Clinton (and the previous accusations against this President) either the White House or Congress insisted on the establishment of a Special Prosecutor (in the case of Watergate actually appointed by the White House via the Attorney General -- in that case it was Archibald Cox) -- or after formal creation of the Office of Independent Counsel (under the 1978 Ethics In Government Act) Ken Starr in the Clinton scandal. (That Act expired in 1999 and was replaced by DOJ Procedure which governs Special Counsels). --- that nobody on the left is asking for a Special Counsel here? Odd is it not? Could that be because no violation of law exists -- and they know it.....
I love that you are stuck in procedural shit. It's super simple. Will Americans allow Presidents to ask for political favors from foreign governments. That's all this is. Trumpers say yes.
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From your post (I'm not sure you are reading what you post):
“Political campaigns frequently conduct and pay for opposition research,” Mueller notes in his report. “A foreign entity that engaged in such research and provided resulting information to a campaign could exert a greater effect on an election, and a greater tendency to ingratiate the donor to the candidate, than a gift of money or tangible things of value.” Though Mueller noted that such information could be more important to a campaign than money

It doesn't matter if it has never been charged. There has to be a first time for everything. That's what our court system is for.

This is all such bullshit anyway. Do we want a country where are above the law Presidents can just ask for any political favor they want from a foreign government? Lunacy. I'm betting roles will be reversed when Pres Lib starts doing the same, disgusting shit.

The statute requires below monetary value -- to have a conviction......

"Moreover, the investigation would have trouble proving that the value of the promised Clinton “dirt” would surpass the $2,000 threshold for a criminal charge or $25,000 for felony charges — numbers commonly used to establish the value of non-monetary contributions. "
Quid pro quo is the easiest to prove and was proven further yesterday with released text and other messages.
Just forget it. Mod is not interested in anything but blurring lines. They literally have said over and over gain that THEY don't care what the President did. No sense in wasting time.
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I love that you are stuck in procedural shit. It's super simple. Will Americans allow Presidents to ask for political favors from foreign governments. That's all this is. Trumpers say yes.

The law says -- yes -- with some limits..... Change the law....

and the ballot box is where the American people get to decide on the President's political decisions....
The statute requires below monetary value -- to have a conviction......

"Moreover, the investigation would have trouble proving that the value of the promised Clinton “dirt” would surpass the $2,000 threshold for a criminal charge or $25,000 for felony charges — numbers commonly used to establish the value of non-monetary contributions. "
Wouldn't be hard at all. Values are placed on services and information all the time. A valuation expert could figure that up in no time.

But alas. Do your job, loyal soldier. Pretend any of that shit matters when it doesn't.
Quid pro quo is the easiest to prove and was proven further yesterday with released text and other messages.

quid pro quo for what --again the President can suspend aid to a foreign nation for whatever reason he chooses. In this case failure to investigate corruption - (if proven).

President is the sole organ of the nation in its external relations, and its sole representative with
foreign nations.” John Marshall 1804
The law says -- yes -- with some limits..... Change the law....

and the ballot box is where the American people get to decide on the President's political decisions....
The same ballot box that voted the Dems into a majority in the house? The same house that Constitutionally can keep the President in check? Or just different voters? lmao.
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That is not what Mueller said. He said no courts have ruled on it and decided not to push it since it could be argued they did not act with knowledge it was illegal. Good luck using that defense for Trump on his 2nd, 3rd, 4th, how man more times. I mean, ffs, read what you posted.
If you watched Mueller's testimony, he is incapable of forming a thought, wonder who wrote that?It wasn't Mueller.
Whatever you say counselor. It's a messgeboard and you're free to speculate.
Unlike you, he took the time to cite case law, you are citing Rachel madcow as your case law.
Wouldn't be hard at all. Values are placed on services and information all the time. A valuation expert could figure that up in no time.

But alas. Do your job, loyal soldier. Pretend any of that shit matters when it doesn't.

so wait a minute -- the valuation expert could figure it out it no time but the Special Counsel in the investigation into Russian influence our 2016 election (the hero of the left) decided "ah screw it it is a waste of time"....... (or maybe as an experience Federal Prosecutor, Former Dir of the FBI, an esteemed lawyer etc he did have an expert look at it who said no value could be placed on the dirt the Russians provided).
I think it does matter...something to do with the minority party being able to subpoena witnesses as well. There really isn't an introductory phase as I understand it - it's either you have an impeachment inquiry or you don't.
Should be easy enough for you to point out that part of the Constitution that detail the steps the House must take.
Unlike you, he took the time to cite case law, you are citing Rachel madcow as your case law.
He cites it incorrectly.

Not to's all irrelevant. They aren't taking him to the DC Federal court house.
so wait a minute -- the valuation expert could figure it out it no time but the Special Counsel in the investigation into Russian influence our 2016 election (the hero of the left) decided "ah screw it it is a waste of time"....... (or maybe as an experience Federal Prosecutor, Former Dir of the FBI, an esteemed lawyer etc he did have an expert look at it who said no value could be placed on the dirt the Russians provided).
The special counsel decided not to pursue the charges because it could be reasonably argued that they did not act with “general knowledge of the illegality of their conduct.” That cannot be argued by Trump now.

Seriously, read what you posted from Mueller. Also, all of this is irrelevant.
He cites it incorrectly.

Not to's all irrelevant. They aren't taking him to the DC Federal court house.
OK, how about you citing it correctly for me. Shit like what Biden has been doing has been going on for a long time in our politics. I think there should be a whirl wind of change concerning wives, sons, daughters taking positions of influence with corporations, lobbying etc.
The special counsel decided not to pursue the charges because it could be reasonably argued that they did not act with “general knowledge of the illegality of their conduct.” That cannot be argued by Trump now.

Seriously, read what you posted from Mueller. Also, all of this is irrelevant.

That is one requirement of the statute -- Mueller breaks it down in the report --

he says NO value could reasonably be placed on the dirt -- and EVEN IF IT COULD -- the law requires general knowledge of the illegality of their conduct.... that is a 2 part analysis under the statute not a single conclusory statement.....
The FEC chair disagrees with you.

Former FEC --- and an Independent Commission reporting to the Executive Branch (as established by the 1974 Federal Elections Act) doesn't determine what the "meaning of law is" -- SCOTUS does.....
The same ballot box that voted the Dems into a majority in the house? The same house that Constitutionally can keep the President in check? Or just different voters? lmao.

So Constitutionally -- impeachment is for "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" --- we could debate until tomorrow what that means and no lawyer could tell you what it means. Precedent though says it means a President is being accused of "violating a law" -- either Federal Code or an Act of Congress. Even if proven the worst of accusations here -- gotta say I don't think he has violated any law. Probably why no Special Counsel or Special Prosecutor has been appointed....
Should be easy enough for you to point out that part of the Constitution that detail the steps the House must take.
Like I said she's not following House rules or precedent from previous impeachments...and that it'll be funny to watch the whinners bitch about how the Senate does their part if it gets there.
Former FEC --- and an Independent Commission reporting to the Executive Branch (as established by the 1974 Federal Elections Act) doesn't determine what the "meaning of law is" -- SCOTUS does.....

The current chair has come out twice, TWICE, and stated what the President is doing is illegal. Any moron with half a brain knows what he did is illegal. JFC. You are a f'ucking idiot.
Like I said she's not following House rules or precedent from previous impeachments...and that it'll be funny to watch the whinners bitch about how the Senate does their part if it gets there.

Precedent would also indicate for the appointment of a Special Prosecutor or Special Counsel -- interesting they aren't calling for that....
The current chair has come out twice, TWICE, and stated what the President is doing is illegal. Any moron with half a brain knows what he did is illegal. JFC. You are a f'ucking idiot.

Again an Executive Branch Commission doesn't determine what law is -- Congress writes laws -- SCOTUS interprets the law... the Executive implements them.... basic Poly Sci.....