Coming to America soon

The whole world is turning upside down

Too many hard stances and not enough rationality.

I believe that most issues could be resolved relatively easily if partisan politics were left out of it. However, with the current mindset, somebody could present the solution to all ills and it would never get passed because each side would try to change it enough so they could claim it was theirs and "see how great we are to get this done in spite of those idiots across the aisle?".

But by that time, it would have changed so much that it wouldn't be a solution to anything.
Government (and politics) is the great oppressor.

For as much mud that is slung at religion in terms of world strife (and deservedly so) it is AUTHORITY that has slain far more people than religion. Supplement dogmatic rulers with individuals like Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao Dejong and countless others and it is RULE that has served as the chief tyrant to civilization, not religion.

Additionally, there's some dusty old book that seemed to know an awful lot about the future (surprising for a bunch of dim-witted fishermen, huh?) but hey ........ some people have more trust in their fragile convictions and selfie sticks I suppose.

If that's a person's failed take, hey, more power to 'em.
I was actually agreeing with you.

You pointed to the peril of partisan politics and I agreed and pointed out how oppressive and destructive politics of ANY kind and any era have been.
Re: I was actually agreeing with you.

My apologies ... The first paragraph seemed like agreement and then the rest seemed like an attack.

Now that that's resolved.

It pains me when people use religion in pursuit of their power. Even though I'm not a believer and am unaffiliated, I also know that religions predominantly promote good. Then people pervert the message and use it to "rally the troops". It just feels that collectively we are still way more primitive than we should be. We just have more sophisticated weapons than rocks and sticks.
This has always been a primitive world ....... always will be.

People that can actually laugh at Christ's crucifixion need only watch the news and see Christians (and infidel Muslims) nailed to crosses, burned alive, beheaded, stoned (usually reserved for women and homosexuals), and executed in medieval ways. So much for fallacy, huh?

It ain't gonna charge over there where it all started and God forbid, it likely makes it way here in full-force one day. Technically it already is here (the Muslim beheading his wife in the news station and the man who beheaded a co-worker a few months ago) but they are not given much press because we must ........ at all cost ........ protect the demonic entity known as Islam.

Yes, protect Islam and let's mock the Bible. It's really in fashion ........ well, it is for now ...... but that will be corrected in time.
Re: This has always been a primitive world ....... always will be.

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
People that can actually laugh at Christ's crucifixion need only watch the news and see Christians (and infidel Muslims) nailed to crosses, burned alive, beheaded, stoned (usually reserved for women and homosexuals), and executed in medieval ways. So much for fallacy, huh?

It ain't gonna charge over there where it all started and God forbid, it likely makes it way here in full-force one day. Technically it already is here (the Muslim beheading his wife in the news station and the man who beheaded a co-worker a few months ago) but they are not given much press because we must ........ at all cost ........ protect the demonic entity known as Islam.

Yes, protect Islam and let's mock the Bible. It's really in fashion ........ well, it is for now ...... but that will be corrected in time.
I wonder if god meant to include islam as one supplier of abraham's "as many as the stars" decendents when forming his covenant with him considering islam is an abrahamic religion like judaism and christianity both are? Islam is not demonic.
Re: This has always been a primitive world ....... always will be.

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
Technically it already is here (the Muslim beheading his wife in the news station and the man who beheaded a co-worker a few months ago) but they are not given much press because we must ........ at all cost ........ protect the demonic entity known as Islam.

Yes, protect Islam and let's mock the Bible. It's really in fashion ........ well, it is for now ...... but that will be corrected in time.
I doubt this will go well, but I'll put it out there anyway. I'm guilty of mocking the bible here, and I shouldn't have. It was in response to the attitudes of a few and because of that I ended up painting myself in a light that isn't representative. That's my fault.

I'm relatively close with 2 Muslims. They are absolutely nothing like the way Muslims are generally portrayed. But their lifestyle won't make any headlines. It is the extreme cases that make headlines and eventually painting a picture of the entire faith and all it's followers. The cases you mentioned ... there are psychopaths everywhere. I can't think of any real example so this might be a reach, but does anybody know Jody Arias' religion? Do you think if it happened to be Islam that this aspect would have been heavily publicized? There are a lot of people of all faiths (and lack of faith) that murder people.

If somebody is a good person, I don't care what their religion is, or if they even have one. Conversely, evil is evil, regardless of what religion the person claims to be.

In general I don't like it when people paint with too broad of a brush (which ties back to partisan politics "all Republicans are great, all liberals are awful or vice versa"). Because of some things I've said here, that is surely a hypocritical statement, but I've also said things here that aren't truly representative of how I conduct myself in real life. I've promised myself to do better with that part.
Both sides: party great than country **


This post was edited on 3/6 11:40 AM by TarHeelEer
Agreed, the moderate Muslim majority that don't take the Quran literally

are not the problem. They are even sometimes more cultural Muslims rather than religious Muslims.

It's the 10-25% that do take it literally that are the problem. And of over a billion of people, that's a lot to feed ISIS.
How can it change?

You have two political parties. The difference between them is - one is in office and the other wants in.

Leadership in the two parties says come along or you will not be appointed to positions of power. And everybody is running for reelection or retiring.
Re: How can it change?

Originally posted by mneilmont:

You have two political parties. The difference between them is - one is in office and the other wants in.

Leadership in the two parties says come along or you will not be appointed to positions of power. And everybody is running for reelection or retiring.
Term limits.
Re: How can it change?

Offer non-party as alternative. Term limits I could see perpetual power maintained through successorship to appoint the power seats. Outsiders get lower functioning seats.

Non-party, choose your leadership with each congress that sits. 1 year or two years. Strict majority rules with no preference given to party affiliation.