Chinese military scientist Shibo Jiang received over $17M US government grants, mostly through Fauci...


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

Fauci has unnecessarily cost us trillions of dollars and more than a year of unnecessary isolation and human misery...​

and he's behind the entire fraud...

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I've thought from the very beginning this whole thing was a "plandemic" and fraudulent on its face. I've heard nothing to convince me otherwise, particularly as this Fauci fraud constantly contradicts himself and makes a complete joke of the known "science" behind this Covid virus.

I've completely tuned him out, as well as the compliant corrupt media that feeds his fear porn.
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So let me get this straight:

It starts to come out that a money trail connects Fauci to the Wuhan Lab where the Coronavirus was created and almost immediately after this the CDC changes the rules saying that vaccinated people can walk around maskless.

This is not a coincidence.

There are no coincidences.
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Look, I have proven over and over I can say anything I want or do anything I want because the media will NOT call me on anything I say or do and you lemmings will easily believe anything I say or do!

This was too easy.
This whole thing @WVU82 in my mind has been nothing but a giant scam. It was all planned, perfected, and propagated with the help of the corrupt media first as a tool to shut down the economy, blame Trump, then use it as an excuse to get rid of him, set up their own puppet regime, and then set us up to be manipulated and controlled as they see fit to usher in their planned "new world order".

It was as brilliant as it was diabolical. Little do they realize they've sown the seeds of their own destruction because their little "plandemic" didn't work, it won't work, it will fail, and so will their plans for a "new world order". 🙄
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Ex-New York Times health reporter: 'Lab leak' coronavirus theory looking stronger​

Fauci should be hanged in the public square. He is easily the worst human ever.
A fair, complete trial should be conducted (but will NEVER be). I agree with the many who are citing deeds by our agency leadership that demands thorough investigation. The Liberals have NO INTEREST in doing any such inquiry. FOuci and several others will 'skate; without any sort of assigned responsibility. The Press will be there to be certain the public is fed whatever they consider necessary to divert from fact, truth, justice, and responsibilities.