Buck on leaving Congress: More to life than ‘arguing about nothing and telling lies’


Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Fayetteville, WV
Republicans look at what your party has become. If you're not post-truth you may as well retire. So a real Republican retires and leaves behind MAGA RINO cult members. Everyone must repeat Trump lies. The board has got the message as well.

Buck on leaving Congress: More to life than ‘arguing about nothing and telling lies’

“I left because I couldn’t tell the lie,” Buck said, when asked by Stewart if he missed Congress or felt as if he’d left anything undone. “[The] 2020 election wasn’t stolen. The Jan. 6 defendants aren’t political prisoners.”

The Colorado Republican has often sparred with some of Trump’s closest allies in the party, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.). Greene, whom he has labeled as “Moscow Marjorie” over allegations that she has spread Russian propaganda, has been fervent in her belief that the election was stolen.

The host also asked the former lawmaker what he thought would break the current “fever” in Washington, D.C. Buck replied that the country needs another leader who would “unify” the nation with “great leadership” skills.
“I think there is a leader out there that will unify and help unify America, and it’s somebody who has great morals, somebody who has great leadership skills,” Buck said in the interview, highlighted by Mediaite. “A John F. Kennedy. You know, I probably wouldn’t have said this 20 years ago, that he was a great hero, but you look at what John F. Kennedy did in terms of bringing the country together during the Cold War and moving us forward.

“There is somebody there that will help America heal and move forward,” he added.

Stewart then asked if he had someone in mind to fit that mold.

“I know it’s not Ken Buck,” he responded, adding, “And I know that it’s not one of the two candidates leading the country in the polls right now,” referring to Trump and President Biden.
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