Bru....what's up with this big education controversy in ATL?

I haven't followed it that closely over the years it has been in the news so I only know so much. But basically, the head of Atlanta Public School system (school district inside the city limits of ATL which is small comparative to the entire metro-ATL area) put together a hostile environment in order to pressure administrators and teachers to cheat on the testing put forth in the No Child Left Behind law so they would not miss out on federal funding. This head lady has actually passed away a few months ago so she has missed the court action but about 11 or so stood trial and have been found guilty. Huge black eye for the City of ATL. But for the City and many local governments around here, it is just another day as it is my perception that corruption is very widespread and the various trouble they have been accused and found guilty on is proof of that opinion.
Principals and teachers giving students answers and changing wrong answers to get better grades for the school on the standardized test that measues teacher and school performance. Much like the steroids in sports the high grades from the cheating principals and teachers made the non cheaters look like poor performers. Some principals and their cheating teachers were putting overt pressure on the noncheaters to get with the program.Eventuality one of them blew the whistle and got the investigation started. Most of the ones convicted were caught on tape.
It was not just ATL problem, it was happening in a large part of the country. Atl at least did something about it. Of course once it become public it forced their hand, but it resulted in convictions instead of being swept under the rug.
I only taught/coached for 10 years and had enough

I can't imagine the pressure admins and teachers are under now......never agreed with Bush on this one.....I just read where one person was aquited
Haven't cooking test scores been a problem in a number of major urban districts in the past ??
What in hell are they doing taking the test

Waivers have been available. Of course they have another push in education with this administration.
Titled something near the Top.

The original intent of NCLB was good to Id weaknesses areas for teacher and student. Incompetent teachers were being exposed. Unions got active to hide members. That was good in some areas because the measurement of actual and % increase had a cap. For example, a class hits 100% this year and when that is not improved upon next year, it scores as not meeting the benchmark . Of course not many made 100% - but you get the idea that new benchmarks are near impossible to achieve when you have successful classes to begin with.
Just watched on the evening news - bringing felony charges

Against a substantial number of administrators. Changing grades to reflect better performance than actual.

Had a similar case here in Darlington County several years ago. Councilor changed grade for a black girl to make sure she was top in class and dropping a white girl down to second. Councilor(black) was forced to resign at the end of school year, thereby, giving him credited time to retire. Principal(black) terminated. IMO, the best principal in District. He had no knowledge of the events, but on his watch was the reason. Computer system changed to allow fewer people access and authority to change a grade.

No legal charges made. The black girl got scholarship which was a full ride at a 4 year college of her choice. She failed to finish college. The white girl got some scholarship monies, but short of a full ride. She completed undergrad. Not sure about grad

The Supt's contract was not renewed. The councilor went to work at the state dept of Ed. Some other minor stuff happened.