Latest interview from commissioner Bowlsby--broken down in tweets:
ThisIsUConnCountry @MattSchonvisky 11m11 minutes ago
Big 12 Commissioner Bob Bowlsby joined
@CedGolden &
@kbohls & talked expansion: "We have a lot of initiatives going on, but as I've said..."
hisIsUConnCountry @MattSchonvisky 9m9 minutes ago
"before, I'm going to keep conversations between me & people I've had them with. We have lot of moving parts, but what I said about national
ThisIsUConnCountry @MattSchonvisky 7m7 minutes ago
"..competitiveness is close to a good answer as I can give you on this topic too. We need to do the things that will optimize ability to.."
hisIsUConnCountry @MattSchonvisky 6m6 minutes ago
"keep pace with competition at the national level and so our board has been very engaged & President Fenves & Boren are both leaders."
ThisIsUConnCountry @MattSchonvisky 5m5 minutes ago
"ISU President Leath serves on NCAA Board of Directors so we have good representation among Pres & Chancellors & they are thoughtful &.."
ThisIsUConnCountry @MattSchonvisky 4m4 minutes ago
"as engaged as they've ever been in my time here with the Big 12 Conference."
ThisIsUConnCountry @MattSchonvisky 3m3 minutes ago
Bowlsby on Houston win over OU: "I'm not getting into talking about any members who are under consideration. It's not SHORT term discussion"
ThisIsUConnCountry @MattSchonvisky 2m2 minutes ago
"How you do in 1 game or 1 season isn't particularly material. We are looking at metrics on deeper level than that & I'll leave it at that."
Bowlsby on non-revenue sports for potential candidates: "Our aspiration is same for all of our sports as it is for football..."
ThisIsUConnCountry @MattSchonvisky 1m1 minute ago
"This year we won 3 Natl Titles, finished in top 4 in 16 sports, had 3 of last 8 in baseball, won softball champ, in final in volleyball.."
ThisIsUConnCountry @MattSchonvisky 4m4 minutes ago
"We had a team in the Final 4, had a team in Final 4 in football, aspirationally we want to be just as good as we can be everywhere we play"
ThisIsUConnCountry @MattSchonvisky 3m3 minutes ago
"Despite fact that media attention is on football & possibly men's/women's bball during the year, some baseball, those that work on..."
ThisIsUConnCountry @MattSchonvisky 2m2 minutes ago
"inside & on campus, we want to be as good as we can be in everything we sponsor. If we look at adding new members, they are going to have..
"bear up to that pressure because our league is about broad based programming & about winning championships" Bowlsby
ThisIsUConnCountry @MattSchonvisky 32s33 seconds ago
Bowlsby on other criteria: "I'm not going into chapter & verse on criteria we are looking at. Haven't done so far & no desire to do now"