Biden Should Not Debate Trump Unless…

It’s not an opinion. Biden can’t even get through basic interviews without word salading himself. You think in a 1v1 debate against Trump for 2-3 hours he’s going to not come across as the senile old kid sniffing fvck he is. They’re trying to protect him, just like we did Reagan. That’s why they don’t want him to debate Trump.
Right, because Trump is great at debates. He didn't win the Clinton debates. Its not like he's well spoken. He's good at debating. Let's not revise history.

The reason Biden doesn't need to debate Trump is he doesn't need to debate Trump. He's up in the polls. Trump embarrasses himself just about every day. He's had nothing but bad news for months. Why give him the slimmest opportunity to make up ground.

The only way Trump would handily win a debate would be if he bold face lied the whole time and forced Biden to debate a false narrative. So, if you're going to debate, make sure the lying liar can't lie.
Right, because Trump is great at debates. He didn't win the Clinton debates. Its not like he's well spoken. He's good at debating. Let's not revise history.

The reason Biden doesn't need to debate Trump is he doesn't need to debate Trump. He's up in the polls. Trump embarrasses himself just about every day. He's had nothing but bad news for months. Why give him the slimmest opportunity to make up ground.

The only way Trump would handily win a debate would be if he bold face lied the whole time and forced Biden to debate a false narrative. So, if you're going to debate, make sure the lying liar can't lie.

Biden doesn't need to debate Trump because Biden knows how badly he'd come across. He'd be worse than he was during the Dem primaries.

But keep thinking it's something more than just a Chicken Shit position.

He's scared. Simple as that.
It’s not an opinion. Biden can’t even get through basic interviews without word salading himself. You think in a 1v1 debate against Trump for 2-3 hours he’s going to not come across as the senile old kid sniffing fvck he is. They’re trying to protect him, just like we did Reagan. That’s why they don’t want him to debate Trump.

He did fine against all the Dems in the primary. I'm sure he will have no problem against trump. LOL!
Biden doesn't need to debate Trump because Biden knows how badly he'd come across. He'd be worse than he was during the Dem primaries.

But keep thinking it's something more than just a Chicken Shit position.

He's scared. Simple as that.
Like I said, he doesn't need it at this point. He was mediocre in the Democratic debates and didn't need those. He didn't need those for the exact same reason he won't need them or won't need to do well in them when going against Trump. People are just looking for normalcy...boring ass normalcy.

And to think Trump is some kind of master debater is laughable. He's entertaining due to all the stupid shit he does, but he's not a great debater.
Like I said, he doesn't need it at this point. He was mediocre in the Democratic debates and didn't need those. He didn't need those for the exact same reason he won't need them or won't need to do well in them when going against Trump. People are just looking for normalcy...boring ass normalcy.

And to think Trump is some kind of master debater is laughable. He's entertaining due to all the stupid shit he does, but he's not a great debater.

If Trump is such a bad debater then it's a no brainier for Biden.

But I see the left making the same mistake this year that they made in 2016.
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He did fine against all the Dems in the primary. I'm sure he will have no problem against trump. LOL!

Actually that is not true. He was the frontrunner going into those debates, after the first two debates and primaries his campaign was sinking and on Life support.

Kamala Harris dismantled him over his race record. Sanders eviscerated him over his health care plan. Booker embarrased him over civil rights. Warren exposed him over his lack of leadership. He was a disaster!

One by one his opponents cut him down to size, to where he had sunk in preference polls among primary voters to the second tier.

It took a desperate plea from him to S Carolina Black voters to save his flailing campaign. After the DNC cleared the field for him. He was a disaster. What were YOU watching?
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He did fine against all the Dems in the primary. I'm sure he will have no problem against trump. LOL!
Him and Sanders both got confused about the virus, are you shitting me? And that’s him standing up there with 10 other people with long breaks to collect his thoughts and with multiple other people answering before him. He’s a confused old man. My step dad is the exact same way. You all can say whatever you want, it’s evident to anyone who watches Biden why they’re looking for any reason to not debate. Moderators would allow Biden to be further protected by giving him a break in the action.
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If Biden debates and that’s like a minuscule chance...I’m sure the chair/moderator of the debate will be bipartisan...(insert eye-rolling emoji here)
Says the party that won’t debate. Hahaha!!

Why do Leftists want Biden to debate and none of them can defend any of his policies?

What's his "record" that's even worth debating? None of them can tell you. Not one. Biden's going to do better than any of them can?

It’s not an opinion. Biden can’t even get through basic interviews without word salading himself. You think in a 1v1 debate against Trump for 2-3 hours he’s going to not come across as the senile old kid sniffing fvck he is. They’re trying to protect him, just like we did Reagan. That’s why they don’t want him to debate Trump.

The above outlined in Red is an opinion evidently yours and probably others.

Outlined in Blue is your opinion of what I think and you evidently ar guessing.

Outlined in Green is not opinion, Mr Reagan was Good for the Country for his First Term and a portion of his second but time did take its toll.

Finally it is my opinion there is no need for Debates; the cards have been played and are on the table. Let The voters decide.
it is my opinion there is no need for Debates; the cards have been played and are on the table. Let The voters decide.

Hey the argument on the Left against Biden debating is that minds have already been made up....he's ahead in the polls...why give Trump a chance to catch up? Let's just leave things where they stand now and go vote, who needs debates if you're Biden now correct?

OK 4 years ago same scenario. Hillary is absolutely killing Trump in the polls. No one thought Trump had a chance! Debates were seen as her driving the proverbial nail into Trump's dead coffin right?

So why when Hillary was further ahead 4 years ago in the race, and arguably a better candidate, Leftists had no problem with her debating "Orange man bad"? Today, these same Leftists insist there is no need for debates since Biden is comfortably ahead and Trump is even more universally hated, correct? He's just a desperate loser looking for a last chance to spoil Biden's inevitable I right?

Can you explain the reverse psychology on the Left using the same argument they had 4 years ago Pro Hillary debating Trump and now anti Biden debating him? Same exact set of circumstances, totally different arguments.

Why have Leftists done such a 360 in their debate/don't debate logic? Can you explain it?

Give it a spin Fin.
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Anyone else on the Left posting in this thread opposed to Biden debating Trump please feel free to help @D. Denzil Finney out answering the question in post #177. I'm just curious what today's Leftist logic is based on Biden anti-debate v Trump when the same circumstances faced Hillary 4 years ago and your side was all "ga-ga" for Hildabeast debating "Orange man bad"?

What's changed? Anyone? Surely one of you "smarter than the average non College educated Trumper" can explain it to the rest of us rubes?

I know @D. Denzil Finney can! [winking]
Leftists are such mindless dweebs...even those who claim they're NOT Leftists. Know why? No one can defend the Left, not even Leftists!
You say that as if there are no family dealings on the Trump side of the Ledger. i.e.
Ivanka/Jared or Don Junior, or The Donald's neice. Then there is always, Rodger Stone, Cohen etc.

While he was in office? We are talking about using a gov. position to gain wealth for self, family while in office. Biden 100% did that...
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While he was in office? We are talking about using a gov. position to gain wealth for self, family while in office. Biden 100% did that...

He was a walking sandwich board for Foreign donations to line his own pockets!

Look if 'ya can't raise money, 'ya might as well call your campaign "malarkey"

does that include your kids too Joe?


All this stinkin' money we gonna hide it?

Rudy: "These two are as corrupted as career criminals"

Biden: "I've kept it all in the Family, so shut up Rudy!"
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He was a walking sandwich board for Foreign donations to line his own pockets!

Look if 'ya can't raise money, 'ya might as well call your campaign "malarkey"

does that include your kids too Joe?


All this stinkin' money we gonna hide it?

Rudy: "These two are as corrupted as career criminals"

Biden: "I've kept it all in the Family, so shut up Rudy!"

Anyone else on the Left posting in this thread opposed to Biden debating Trump please feel free to help @D. Denzil Finney out answering the question in post #177. I'm just curious what today's Leftist logic is based on Biden anti-debate v Trump when the same circumstances faced Hillary 4 years ago and your side was all "ga-ga" for Hildabeast debating "Orange man bad"?

What's changed? Anyone? Surely one of you "smarter than the average non College educated Trumper" can explain it to the rest of us rubes?

I know @D. Denzil Finney can! [winking]

Why should he debate? If you were in his shoes, would you debate?
He has to debate since it's part of the deal. I can see first question, Trump, can you name all 50 states backwards? Joe, do you know your first name?
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Why should he debate? If you were in his shoes, would you debate?

Honestly no I wouldn't if I were as physically handicapped and mentally crippled as Biden is. I understand why his handlers don't want him anywhere near Trump side-by-side on a debate stage, what amazes me is the lengths folks on the Left are going to justify it.
Him and Sanders both got confused about the virus, are you shitting me? And that’s him standing up there with 10 other people with long breaks to collect his thoughts and with multiple other people answering before him. He’s a confused old man. My step dad is the exact same way. You all can say whatever you want, it’s evident to anyone who watches Biden why they’re looking for any reason to not debate. Moderators would allow Biden to be further protected by giving him a break in the action.
If you're way up in the polls and your opponent is bogged down by COVID why bother? There is no major upside when you're polling almost 10 points higher across the board. The right strategist would tell him to stay in the basement, do the minimal amount possible, and let Trump bury himself.

And you keep acting as if Trump is a good debater. He ain't. Might be better than Biden...Biden certainly didn't do well in the Democratic debates, but you talk about word salad. I guess you don't watch Trump interviews much.
If you're way up in the polls and your opponent is bogged down by COVID why bother? There is no major upside when you're polling almost 10 points higher across the board. The right strategist would tell him to stay in the basement, do the minimal amount possible, and let Trump bury himself.

And you keep acting as if Trump is a good debater. He ain't. Might be better than Biden...Biden certainly didn't do well in the Democratic debates, but you talk about word salad. I guess you don't watch Trump interviews much.
I don’t think Trump is a good debater. I think he is very witty and very quick with responses and I think he comes across as having his faculties. Joe Biden comes across as a confused old man unable to complete thoughts, jumbling sentences, etc.

Just acknowledge the reality, you are all saying it. You don’t want Biden to debate because his mental decline will be highlighted and that’ll be bad for him and by extension you all. We get it. It’s what we’ve been saying. You all and Joe are afraid to debate Trump. It’s not hard.
NYC's TDS has finally been surpassed by something: His abject fear that Biden will escape from his basement bunker, participate in a debate, and reveal his dementia to the entire free World. NYC is fighting with every fiber of his being to convince you as to what a terrible debater that Trump is, but if this true, then why isn't this shameless orange man hater rooting for Biden to "step in the ring" with Trump? #Exposed
I don’t think Trump is a good debater. I think he is very witty and very quick with responses and I think he comes across as having his faculties. Joe Biden comes across as a confused old man unable to complete thoughts, jumbling sentences, etc.

Just acknowledge the reality, you are all saying it. You don’t want Biden to debate because his mental decline will be highlighted and that’ll be bad for him and by extension you all. We get it. It’s what we’ve been saying. You all and Joe are afraid to debate Trump. It’s not hard.
That isn't what I'm saying. I'm saying there is not enough upside given what is going on. And I have no idea if Biden wants to debate or not. I would imagine he would. I don't think he'd shit the bed. It would be the worst debate ever. Neither are well spoken, and neither would say anything meaningful.
That isn't what I'm saying. I'm saying there is not enough upside given what is going on. And I have no idea if Biden wants to debate or not. I would imagine he would. I don't think he'd shit the bed. It would be the worst debate ever. Neither are well spoken, and neither would say anything meaningful.
It might be a big gaff that either could say. Ford and his Poland doesn't consider itself under Russian influence.
still has his family running the business, which can very well lead to corruption and profiteering off of being President.

Sniff definitely used his position as Vice President to make himself and his family rich. His corruption is self-admitted, for crying out loud!

What's your point?

You're accusing and ridiculing Trump of everything you're voting for. Can you really not see how foolish and hypocritical you are looking?
Do Trumpers legit think Biden isn't going to debate? I don't understand this thread. You're basically lowering expectations to Biden just needs to not change his own diaper on stage during the battle of the old f*cks.

No need for more debate or less debates.
NYC's TDS has finally been surpassed by something: His abject fear that Biden will escape from his basement bunker, participate in a debate, and reveal his dementia to the entire free World. NYC is fighting with every fiber of his being to convince you as to what a terrible debater that Trump is, but if this true, then why isn't this shameless orange man hater rooting for Biden to "step in the ring" with Trump? #Exposed
Why would I need to convince anyone on here of anything. Why so mad?

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