Biden Should Not Debate Trump Unless…

Because anything that wasn't true 100% that came from Trump would be classified as a lie. Anything not true from Biden would be because he "misspoke".

It isn't what's said that would be the problem. It would be how it would be framed and repeated by the media that would be the problem.
Whether it’s a lie, 100% true, purposely misleading, a moronic mistake, or simply the fact he can’t speak well...fact checking all his lies and “mistakes” along with Biden’s seems logical to me.
That's the difference between Trump reading what someone else wrote on the Teleprompter and what he'd say in a debate. So, you're trying to make the claim that Trump doesn't lie? Jesus Christ. I wouldn't risk much fighting that battle.

And then to your point, if Trump doesn't lie what harm could possibly come from a little fact checking? He should welcome it. It should only make things fair when debating that Lyin' Biden.
Now, you're just making sh!t up. I never said that Trump doesn't lie. Biden lies his a$$ off, but don't worry, a "fact checker" would keep both candidates in line, right? The candidates would never agree on an acceptable, "fact checker," and that's why you, Tom Friedman, and other lefties have proposed this nonsense. Of course, I'd love to know who this mythical objective, unbiased, fact checker would be.
Whether it’s a lie, 100% true, purposely misleading, a moronic mistake, or simply the fact he can’t speak well...fact checking all his lies and “mistakes” along with Biden’s seems logical to me.

You are aware we already have a "fact checked" statement from Biden correct?

He's on record saying he had no idea of the investigation the Obama DOJ ordered against Gen. Flynn after the FBI had cleared him...we know from the Jan 5th meeting in the White House from the Deputy AG's notes that it was in fact Biden who suggested using the Logan act to go after Gen. Flynn.

Wonder if that would be part of any "fact checking" during a debate.....he flat out lied about that "fact" didn't he?
Because anything that wasn't true 100% that came from Trump would be classified as a lie. Anything not true from Biden would be because he "misspoke".

It isn't what's said that would be the problem. It would be how it would be framed and repeated by the media that would be the problem.

Biden doesn't want to debate Trump. If he did there would be no "conditions" no "ifs" no "unless" just let's T it up and play all 18 holes.
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Although, you can't say that about the fact checking. That would be a procedural and would affect both candidates, unless you think Trump lies more so therefore being called out on ones lies would affect Trump more. I certainly would, but its still procedural. You can't say something isn't procedural simply because Trump lies too much.
Here is my problem with moderators during a live debate. The debate ceases being a debate and becomes a stage for the moderators. Who do we pick as moderators? Hannity, Carlson, and Beck? Because anything you throw up separate from them would have the equal palatability to our side. The MSM has proven to lie by distorting the truth or reframing the truth into a narrative of untruth.

We see it all of the time. Classic example is the wall. We all know Trump has built 100s of miles of the wall. It’s not debatable. But yet, the MSM will say it’s a lie and obfuscate the point of it being a substantial upgrade. How about kids in cages? The horrific pictures shown were from the Obama administration. I can literally do this all day. Even the alternative facts thing with KellyAnne that everyone jumped on. We all know what she meant. There is two sides to every debate and both bring a set of facts. Simple concept. The economy, jobs? Dems claimed it was a continuation of Obama. Was it? There were specific Trump administration policies put in place that snapped the chalk line. Tax cuts, reforms to regulations impacting small business, Urban enterprise zones, etc. Obama didn’t do any of that. There actually isn’t a policy Obama put in place that had a positive impact on the economy, it rebounded, naturally, the way it always does.

But, the MSM will sits there and nitpick. Then, they end up becoming the story and the headline. Put them on stage, allow the electorate to view for themselves who they want. They can listen and then go fact check. You hold the microscope this administration has been under up to any other President in history and it’ll look the same. The parsing of words by the media on this admin is unlike any I’ve ever witnessed. It makes what conservative media did to Barry look like a kids bake sale. Stop trying to nanny the electorate and let them judge, get informed, etc. on their own.
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I'd actually like to hear from someone on the Left well informed enough to do so, describe the specific policies Obama put in place that matched Trump's employment numbers?

I don't think any of them are mentally capable or well enough informed on their own to even attempt it. He did plenty that caused companies to shut down their operations though, and it wasn't due to a viral outbreak!
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I'd actually like to hear from someone on the Left well informed enough to do so, describe the specific policies Obama put in place that matched Trump's employment numbers?

I don't think any of them are mentally capable or well enough informed on their own to even attempt it. He did plenty that caused companies to shut down their operations though, and it wasn't due to a viral outbreak!
I have never met a well informed libtard
.117 days.

Can you compare and contrast Obama's policy denying construction of the Ketstone XL pipeline to Trump's "fast tracking" of the RFP bids on it and ultimate approval that in part helped us attain our current status as the #1 energy producer in the world?
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Biden doesn't want to debate Trump. If he did there would be no "conditions" no "ifs" no "unless" just let's T it up and play all 18 holes.

Its the Democratic Party that doesn't want Biden to debate Trump. If you watched the primary debates, Joe was always in the middle - literally and figuratively. He wasn't given a lot of tougher questions, especially the ones directed to those on the periphery like Andrew Yang and the lispy woman.

A debate hurts Joe Biden more than it would ever help Trump. He's going to bumble questions and look out of touch and senile. This would alienate those few people left who don't know for sure which way they are going to vote. Trump will answer it outright. The answer might be full of crap but he'll come across more authoritative and "presidential".

But, worst of all, Joe Biden is a moderate. Always really has been. He answers questions accurately, he turns off the BLM and freakazoid voters who will see him as really nothing more than a lower-keyed racist senile DJT. He goes rogue and starts answering questions like the socialists side of the party wants he loses the moderate core of the party who can't get behind someone who wants to defund police departments and supports looters and rioters destroying their streets.

Biden has way more to lose than to gain. He's hiding in his basement for a reason - right now its working for him. He isn't gaining much, but he's not pulling Hillary's and alienating his party. Like a groundhog, he's gotta come out sometime. The trap just has to be set...
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Its the Democratic Party that doesn't want Biden to debate Trump. If you watched the primary debates, Joe was always in the middle - literally and figuratively. He wasn't given a lot of tougher questions, especially the ones directed to those on the periphery like Andrew Yang and the lispy woman.

A debate hurts Joe Biden more than it would ever help Trump. He's going to bumble questions and look out of touch and senile. This would alienate those few people left who don't know for sure which way they are going to vote. Trump will answer it outright. The answer might be full of crap but he'll come across more authoritative and "presidential".

But, worst of all, Joe Biden is a moderate. Always really has been. He answers questions accurately, he turns off the BLM and freakazoid voters who will see him as really nothing more than a lower-keyed racist senile DJT. He goes rogue and starts answering questions like the socialists side of the party wants he loses the moderate core of the party who can't get behind someone who wants to defund police departments and supports looters and rioters destroying their streets.

Biden has way more to lose than to gain. He's hiding in his basement for a reason - right now its working for him. He isn't gaining much, but he's not pulling Hillary's and alienating his party. Like a groundhog, he's gotta come out sometime. The trap just has to be set...

Everything you said here makes me remember how he even screwed those debates up! Remember, he was the front runner going into the debates, and by the time they got to the first primary in Iowa his candidacy was hanging by a thread.

It took black voters in South Carolina to rescue his sinking ship. He's been a disaster ever since, even with the DNC removing all of his primary opposition. Trump will eat him alive, and Dems know it. That's why they're suggesting all of these "conditions" to debate Trump, who they know will never go for such nonsense.

Then they'll have their alibi to weasel out of the ass whipping they know Trump will give to that half brain dead Mummy.

Hey atl, now you listen to me....I can debate Trump right here, right now!!!!...I just don't want to do it all by myself.
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Whether it’s a lie, 100% true, purposely misleading, a moronic mistake, or simply the fact he can’t speak well...fact checking all his lies and “mistakes” along with Biden’s seems logical to me.

In a debate, the questions should be formed in a non-biased way that allows the candidates to respond candidly.

For example: Mr. Trump, what are your views on abortion and should a woman have the continued right to have one?

After his response, "Mr. Biden, same question."

Instead, we see debates with leading questions, like "Mr. Trump, in July you claimed that 99% of the people who get the virus are going to live. What would you say to the father whose daughter caught the virus 3 weeks later and died in his arms?

Mr. Biden, you recently said the 170 million people have died from the virus. That was obviously a misstatement. What was it you meant to say and what would you have done differently so that that father would not have lost his child?

We see these logical fallacies all the time - assuming the question, etc. How do you "fact check" those? Any answer, like above, that Trump would give would be considered a lie. Any answer Biden would give would be considered the truth.

Want to be fair? Let the Republican party choose the moderator to ask Biden questions and a democratic moderator to ask Trump his.

Or do it right and quit trying to get "gotcha" moments you can peat and repeat over the new cycle for the next week.
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Its the Democratic Party that doesn't want Biden to debate Trump. If you watched the primary debates, Joe was always in the middle - literally and figuratively. He wasn't given a lot of tougher questions, especially the ones directed to those on the periphery like Andrew Yang and the lispy woman.

A debate hurts Joe Biden more than it would ever help Trump. He's going to bumble questions and look out of touch and senile. This would alienate those few people left who don't know for sure which way they are going to vote. Trump will answer it outright. The answer might be full of crap but he'll come across more authoritative and "presidential".

But, worst of all, Joe Biden is a moderate. Always really has been. He answers questions accurately, he turns off the BLM and freakazoid voters who will see him as really nothing more than a lower-keyed racist senile DJT. He goes rogue and starts answering questions like the socialists side of the party wants he loses the moderate core of the party who can't get behind someone who wants to defund police departments and supports looters and rioters destroying their streets.

Biden has way more to lose than to gain. He's hiding in his basement for a reason - right now its working for him. He isn't gaining much, but he's not pulling Hillary's and alienating his party. Like a groundhog, he's gotta come out sometime. The trap just has to be set...
Awesome. You better pray Trump does well as it's his only chance. Actually, I'm kidding. I don't see Trump having any chance to be re-elected. Biden beats Trump. I'll be surprised if you don't lose the Senate too.
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You must know the Dems can't really win based on the merits of the platforms. To win, they need a charismatic leader good-looking enough to win the soccer mom vote but not so far out there to alienate the moderate wing of the party.

Think Clinton and Obama. Both younger, good looking dudes. Both good speakers. Both charismatic and charming. Guys that when you first met them you'd think you'd like to have a beer with them.

Its only after spending real time with them that you realize you'd never let either in your house - your children would be molested and your silver would be gone.
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In a debate, the questions should be formed in a non-biased way that allows the candidates to respond candidly.

For example: Mr. Trump, what are your views on abortion and should a woman have the continued right to have one?

After his response, "Mr. Biden, same question."

Instead, we see debates with leading questions, like "Mr. Trump, in July you claimed that 99% of the people who get the virus are going to live. What would you say to the father whose daughter caught the virus 3 weeks later and died in his arms?

Mr. Biden, you recently said the 170 million people have died from the virus. That was obviously a misstatement. What was it you meant to say and what would you have done differently so that that father would not have lost his child?

We see these logical fallacies all the time - assuming the question, etc. How do you "fact check" those? Any answer, like above, that Trump would give would be considered a lie. Any answer Biden would give would be considered the truth.

Want to be fair? Let the Republican party choose the moderator to ask Biden questions and a democratic moderator to ask Trump his.

Or do it right and quit trying to get "gotcha" moments you can peat and repeat over the new cycle for the next week.

Very well illustrated. [thumbsup]
Awesome. You better pray Trump does well as it's his only chance. Actually, I'm kidding. I don't see Trump having any chance to be re-elected. Biden beats Trump. I'll be surprised if you don't lose the Senate too.

You said the same thing about Hillary. Your ignorant posts from then were recently re-posted and we all spent the whole day laughing at how ignorant you apparently were then and remain today.
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Awesome. You better pray Trump does well as it's his only chance. Actually, I'm kidding. I don't see Trump having any chance to be re-elected. Biden beats Trump. I'll be surprised if you don't lose the Senate too.

It could happen. I remember when Americans got so angry at the Republicans they elected a peanut farming governor from Georgia who promptly screwed the economy and country so badly it led to 20 straight years of Republican rule (I count Clinton as a republican, his policies were much more truly conservative than the spend it faster than I can make it George Junior).

Either way, the Dem's get in, they are gone by 2024. They will have proven they can only destroy an economy even further and what's worse, keep it there.
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You said the same thing about Hillary. Your ignorant posts from then were recently re-posted and we all spent the whole day laughing at how ignorant you apparently were then and remain today.
Can’t wait to see Moe crying in fetal position in November .
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Can’t wait to see Moe crying in fetal position in November .

He won't be here. None of 'em will be after Trump wins in a landslide. They'll all be off somewhere bailing like this chic

'Ol girl was in PAIN!!!!!!!! I mean she was HURT!!!!!!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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You must know the Dems can't really win based on the merits of the platforms. To win, they need a charismatic leader good-looking enough to win the soccer mom vote but not so far out there to alienate the moderate wing of the party.

Think Clinton and Obama. Both younger, good looking dudes. Both good speakers. Both charismatic and charming. Guys that when you first met them you'd think you'd like to have a beer with them.

Its only after spending real time with them that you realize you'd never let either in your house - your children would be molested and your silver would be gone.

LOL....made me spit my Beer out on that one!
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Here is my problem with moderators during a live debate. The debate ceases being a debate and becomes a stage for the moderators. Who do we pick as moderators? Hannity, Carlson, and Beck? Because anything you throw up separate from them would have the equal palatability to our side. The MSM has proven to lie by distorting the truth or reframing the truth into a narrative of untruth.

We see it all of the time. Classic example is the wall. We all know Trump has built 100s of miles of the wall. It’s not debatable. But yet, the MSM will say it’s a lie and obfuscate the point of it being a substantial upgrade. How about kids in cages? The horrific pictures shown were from the Obama administration. I can literally do this all day. Even the alternative facts thing with KellyAnne that everyone jumped on. We all know what she meant. There is two sides to every debate and both bring a set of facts. Simple concept. The economy, jobs? Dems claimed it was a continuation of Obama. Was it? There were specific Trump administration policies put in place that snapped the chalk line. Tax cuts, reforms to regulations impacting small business, Urban enterprise zones, etc. Obama didn’t do any of that. There actually isn’t a policy Obama put in place that had a positive impact on the economy, it rebounded, naturally, the way it always does.

But, the MSM will sits there and nitpick. Then, they end up becoming the story and the headline. Put them on stage, allow the electorate to view for themselves who they want. They can listen and then go fact check. You hold the microscope this administration has been under up to any other President in history and it’ll look the same. The parsing of words by the media on this admin is unlike any I’ve ever witnessed. It makes what conservative media did to Barry look like a kids bake sale. Stop trying to nanny the electorate and let them judge, get informed, etc. on their own.
Eh. Trump backed out of a Fox News debate. How right wing does one need to be in order for you and Trump to feel safe?
Eh. Trump backed out of a Fox News debate. How right wing does one need to be in order for you and Trump to feel safe?

Now hold on there Big Apple soldier boy....if I don't show up you're going to look pretty stupid.
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Hey @NYC_Eer just calm down OK?.... Look, I know what I'm doing here setting up all these debate "conditions" Trump will never agree to...
iu're trying too hard...just back off and try not to remember why I'm running....I sure can't!
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I am sure you know what is said about opinions.

Truth hurts doesn't it?
It’s not an opinion. Biden can’t even get through basic interviews without word salading himself. You think in a 1v1 debate against Trump for 2-3 hours he’s going to not come across as the senile old kid sniffing fvck he is. They’re trying to protect him, just like we did Reagan. That’s why they don’t want him to debate Trump.

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