as I have found more often than not in these 'discussions', I am pretty much in agreement with you.. There is undoubtedly some level of fraud or issues in most elections, IMO.. but is it widespread and material enough to have changed the results? I'd like to think in our society and system that if that were the case the truth would eventually come out and be a court of law and not just in the court of public opinion. To date at least, that doesn't appear to be the case.
Completely agree w/ you on the need for election reform (federal holiday, ID requirements, etc.).. I work in the cybersecurity and identity tech industry and the technology absolutely exists to enable fully secure digital IDs for all citizens (preferably biometric based).. other countries are moving in that direction, but in the US it will be difficult to get there because rolling out a secure digital ID program to all citizens will be perceived as infringing on rights or gov't overreach by some..