As stated a year ago...

I wish him well. However, it's really a stupid decision. He's not an NBA player. Maybe with another year of Huggins, he possibly could've developed more.
it's the right move. He's isnt an NBA-level athlete, and another year of school wasn't going to change that. Don't risk some career-ending injury when you've maxed your potential already.
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it's the right move. He's an NBA-level athlete, and another year of school wasn't going to change that. Don't risk some career-ending injury when you've maxed your potential already.
How much does this set next years team back? Macon showed flashes, but is NOT the big man that Williams was for us. With Paige graduating, our offense seems in trouble. I know Bolden helps, but will we look to Macon and Watkins, or is one of the two new freshman potentially a possible replacement for productivity?
35 points, 21 rebounds out the door with Williams, Holton, and Paige....

Gradual progression from the entire rotation is needed to consume that production, but no single player "needs" to step up and be the man............... Esa has to make the biggest leap. Have to get more out of the SF position.
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Best of luck to Williams but I am optimistic we won't need as many rebounds next year. This team missed a lot of bunnies that attributed to additional boards.
Didn't the OP also say things 'must have changed' when Williams was considering staying ? It's hard not to be right (while ignoring also being incorrect) when you pretty much predict every scenario.
I wish him well. However, it's really a stupid decision. He's not an NBA player. Maybe with another year of Huggins, he possibly could've developed more.

Doesn't have to be a NBA player. No lose for him. Impress one NBA team and he's good to go. Or, go to Europe and make $100,000 plus most expense. Or, go back to Morgantown and take Hugy's abuse for one more year. He can develop and make money at same time. Only a homer would not understand this.
Doesn't have to be a NBA player. No lose for him. Impress one NBA team and he's good to go. Or, go to Europe and make $100,000 plus most expense. Or, go back to Morgantown and take Hugy's abuse for one more year. He can develop and make money at same time. Only a homer would not understand this.
# of WVU players that have gone overseas and developed into an NBA player: 0. I'll admit, I don't know, how much does a pro team spend on developing a player versus a college team? If the player needs exposed to better competition to improve, I could understand that. But Devin can get better at some things at the college level. I don't believe that Devin can improve more with a pro team (very likely to not be an NBA team) than with Huggs. I hope I'm wrong
lol, nope...

I don't recall your exact words...but yea, you absolutely did back off of your original claim. I don't care enough to search thru all your posts...but if you claim otherwise then I just know (in the future) that I'm dealing with a liar.
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I think Huggins will run the offense through Ahmad. Best athlete on the team. Esa is a good passer and that should get some open looks for our guards.

I don't recall your exact words...but yea, you absolutely did back off of your original claim. I don't care enough to search thru all your posts...but if you claim otherwise then I just know (in the future) that I'm dealing with a liar.

Bless your
A week ago it was the OP laughing out loud at Goodman reporting per a source. Today it's cause for celebration.

No one knew definitively what was going to happen. Not even Devin. Was never a Woodward-Bernstein scoop in the first place. Story was characterized by twists and turns aplenty. Recall all the changing reports and statements from those actually close to the situation. That included Devin, his Mother and Huggins.

Is what it is. Team will go on. I wish the best for Devin in getting a lucrative contract. That will turn his decision into the correct one and remains.
I don't recall your exact words...but yea, you absolutely did back off of your original claim. I don't care enough to search thru all your posts...but if you claim otherwise then I just know (in the future) that I'm dealing with a liar.
Your memory is correct. Keatons actually stuck to his guns for a long time, but wavered late. I think that Huggins' comments about Devin allegedly having not considered Europe made Keatons question his belief that Williams was gone. Keatons would have had good reason to gloat, if he hadn't wavered late, as many other posters had told him that he was wrong in the past year.
"No one knew definitely what was going to happen"

what if I told you that Williams hadn't attended a single team workout since the season ended...... Does that sound like a guy who was wavering? He made his mind up this time last year, and the Coaches set a plan of action....

The stuff said in the press was just to keep them out of Devin's hair, including his mother's comments in the DP. Hell, Huggs said what he did about Europe not being talked about because he was literally in the same room as a recruit and his family at the time he called into Tony's show.....
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I don't recall your exact words...but yea, you absolutely did back off of your original claim. I don't care enough to search thru all your posts...but if you claim otherwise then I just know (in the future) that I'm dealing with a liar.
Don't get hurt patting yourself on the back for all that insider info.

"He's walking on Senior night."

Do you seriously think this Korner guy would try to pat himself on the back ? That would be absolutely pathetic, no way possible.... That's like jr high stuff
it's the right move. He's an NBA-level athlete, and another year of school wasn't going to change that. Don't risk some career-ending injury when you've maxed your potential already.

If his potential is maxed .... then this really is a stupid move.
lol, nope...

Orlaco is correct. I remember you saying that too.
And he is correct on his assertion that you are a liar.

The longer and the more you post .... the more people actually get to know you.
You can't help yourself. Some people drink. You tell lies.
If DW's potential has maxed, then staying in school would cost him a year's salary, wouldn't it?
I'm not so sure about that.

I just think he's a man without a position in the NBA. He's not big enough to be a 4, but not athletic or skilled enough to be a 3.

I know next to nothing about European leagues, but I'm guessing there will be plenty of teams interested in him, and I bet he will make a good living playing over there. So, good for him.
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If his potential is maxed .... then this really is a stupid move.
it really is IMO. I'll admit if I'm wrong. I just don't see him in the NBA. I wish him the best and I'll root him on to prove me wrong. He seems like a good kid. Best of luck Devin.
If DW's potential has maxed, then staying in school would cost him a year's salary, wouldn't it?

...or earned him a college degree that he could use when his short 'pro' career ends...

Sure, he could return to college later... ...but just like people who 'take breaks' (aka a semester off) the odds that isn't gonna happen.
Doesn't have to be a NBA player. No lose for him. Impress one NBA team and he's good to go. Or, go to Europe and make $100,000 plus most expense. Or, go back to Morgantown and take Hugy's abuse for one more year. He can develop and make money at same time. Only a homer would not understand this.
Apparently sPitt doesn't teach English.
...or earned him a college degree that he could use when his short 'pro' career ends...

Sure, he could return to college later... ...but just like people who 'take breaks' (aka a semester off) the odds that isn't gonna happen.
Keatons, the "insider" (LOL), stated months ago that Devin was close to graduating, and could take the classes he needed to complete his degree online. If this is true, then he should make his euros while he can.
...or earned him a college degree that he could use when his short 'pro' career ends...

Sure, he could return to college later... ...but just like people who 'take breaks' (aka a semester off) the odds that isn't gonna happen.

He will finish his degree online, as has been explained countless times...... His MDS degree..... With a starting salary of about 25k.......

but you knew that
I just think he's a man without a position in the NBA. He's not big enough to be a 4, but not athletic or skilled enough to be a 3.

I know next to nothing about European leagues, but I'm guessing there will be plenty of teams interested in him, and I bet he will make a good living playing over there. So, good for him.

He has gotten A LOT of interest from Euro clubs due to his ability to rebound. He will have a long career.
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For all those on here ripping Keaton: please list those things he claimed to know and was wrong. Keaton, could you do the same?

People on here are aggressive and angry all the time. If someone is FOS, then call them out, otherwise let people report on what they hear....this isn't a newspaper. I haven't been on long, but Keaton seems like he says what he hears, and doesn't claim to know things just to feel like an "insider". Maybe I'm wrong?
water under the bridge, but yeah, to me, this would be characterized as wavering:

Dev was asked what is next March 18th after SFA game: Mixed emotions right now, so I don't want to say anything I'm not sure about. I just want to get with my family. I have a family member out there supporting me. The most important part is getting my grades. I don't know man. Just a lot of feelings right now so I wouldn't want to say anything outlandish.

From Greg's report on this site:
With his junior season complete, Williams faces one question: will he returning to West Virginia for his senior season?

“Yeah,” Williams said, following West Virginia's early exit of the tournament.

“I need to continue to expand my game. I have a lot more that I haven’t tapped and I just need to continue to become a better team leader.”

Williams didn’t want to discuss the specifics of his decisions, but could have contemplated options of either an attempt to reach the NBA or to play professionally overseas.

“The most important part is worrying about my guys,” Williams said.

“I can’t think about leaving. My head is messed up, with taking a loss like this. I need to rally up with my guys.”
I haven't been on long, but Keaton seems like he says what he hears, and doesn't claim to know things just to feel like an "insider". Maybe I'm wrong?

Hmm... There's no maybe about it, you are wrong. If he just said what he heard (from NJGman mind you) then no one would care.

It's overstating his opinion as fact, trying to dominate every thread on every board and being an all around pompous douchebag that ******** is now widely known for on WVU message boards.
# of WVU players that have gone overseas and developed into an NBA player: 0. I'll admit, I don't know, how much does a pro team spend on developing a player versus a college team? If the player needs exposed to better competition to improve, I could understand that. But Devin can get better at some things at the college level. I don't believe that Devin can improve more with a pro team (very likely to not be an NBA team) than with Huggs. I hope I'm wrong

But he can make money while trying to develop his game. So you are wrong. Why is this so hard to understand?
Does this mean, "That the get the ball down low to Deniz Offense"', is now, "History".....?
He has gotten A LOT of interest from Euro clubs due to his ability to rebound. He will have a long career.

You get it Keatons but some on here are refusing to give this kid credit. I'm Pitt guy that has been to Morgantown 100 times for WVU games over my lifetime. Root for WVU as long as they don't play Pitt. I would love to have Williams. When he goes off with each double double these guys talk about how good he is. Now that he has left the same guys say he basically has no professional talent and he needs Hugy.
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what if I told you that Williams hadn't attended a single team workout since the season ended..

I'd say you read the same post as everyone else on the blue lot written by one of the best longtim hoops insiders that said exactly that. Great scoop.
Jeff Goodman reported the scoop. a) Williams signed with an agent b) the agent's name. No one put that out before Goodman. A & B are the difference between speculation and reposting on fan boards what's widely rumored.

Now it's a matter of signing a lucrative contract and sustaining it. I hope it is so and think D. Williams can and will make it so. Once that happens, sure, it was the thing to do and great for him and his family if that's what's needed. I wouldn't know directly.

His absence is a bummer for WVU - or should be - and the situation is pretty abnormal, forgoing senior season, not for the NBA. WVU & others have had four-year players go on to earn money abroad. Not in the cards here for whatever reason.

Williams would've changed the prospectus for the coming season in a big way. He's one of my favorite 'Eers and turned in countless big time performances during the revamping of our program to Press Virginia.

But as it always is, the show goes on. Huggins has done this for three decades plus. Thanks for the memories, Dev. Next man up.