An open letter to WVU's football coach next year

I never said I was ok with the direction, but I think Brown moving to a more mobile QB with zone read running plays was the right decision. Look at the previous QB's we had under Brown and compare the product today to then. It's been better with the QB running the football than it was when we had someone standing back in the pocket.

But he didn't really optimize the system for Greene. You need lean linemen and good lateral zone blocking to make Greene/White/Donaldson a possible rushing centered offense. Doesn't look like they did that and honestly I think it is much harder to tailor a scheme to the player than vice versa. The issue with Brown begs the question: Is Nicco just not as good as his recruiting rank or is Brown treating Greene like Doege with blind loyalty to more veteran player.
Dr. Mr. (fill in the blank with anybody other than Neal Brown):

Those who do not learn from mistakes are doomed to repeat them. So, please, do not repeat the blunders of Neal Brown and his overpaid and underperforming assistants. You are in a results-based business and the results of Coach Brown and his staff were embarassingly poor, which resulted in their dismissal. You are left to clean up Coach Brown's mess and return the Mountaineers to respectability. You will be given several years. Here are a few things that must be at the top of your immediate To-Do List:

1. Recruit a quarterback who is actually a threat to complete a pass.

2. No more midget quarterbacks.

3. Recruit some skill-position players who are quick-twitch athletes. WVU's best teams had quick-twitch guys, like Tavon Austin, Jock Sanders, Steve Slaton, Pat White, Amos Zereoue, etc. The teams under Coach Brown had no quick-twitch guys, which meant it was filled with guys who could not make tacklers miss and create something out of nothing, which meant no explosive plays.

4. When the son of a former WVU standout wants to play quarterback at WVU, and he's being recruited by other Power-5 programs, and is better than any quarterback you have on your roster, then offer him a scholarship and put him at the top of your recruiting board.

5. A dual-threat quarterback is always better than one-trick pony at QB.

6. Recruit -- please, please, please -- recruit size and strength. Make it a priority. WVU was laughed at by Big XII opponents for looking like a high school-sized team, not a Power-5 program. For years, our front 7 on defense was pushed around like ragdolls by Big XII teams that play grown-man football (Kansas State, Iowa State, Oklahoma State, Oklahoma etc.) and the number of missed tackles, because our defensive players are too small and too weak -- that's the No. 1 cause of missed tackles -- was alarming. Our offensive line also failed to generate push when playing legitimate defenses, so recruit size on the OL. Remember, bigger is better.

7. Recruit a center who can make a shotgun snap without sailing it over the QB's head.

8. Do not go to the transfer portal for defensive backs from places like Duquesne, Charlotte and bad I-AA programs. The guys were at those schools because they do not have Power-5 skills. If you're going to get guys from the portal (which is a must at WVU), you get guys from Power-5 programs.

9. Hire assistant coaches who actually like -- OK, at least don't hate -- recruiting and are good at it.

10. Recruit a fullback. You can easily find a good one because most D-I teams don't utilize a fullback, so there are a bunch of good ones out there. Try putting the FB into the offense. You'd be amazed what a FB can do for your running game.

11. Don't be afraid to try something different on offense. I don't care if you want to run the triple option. At least then you would establish an identity. Coach Brown was here for six forgettable years and failed to establish an indentity for WVU football, other than that of a team that loses "big" games and lets down its fanbase with regularity. Under Coach Brown, you couldn't tell if WVU was trying to be a running team, a passing team, a spread team, an Air Raid team, a pro-style team. It seemed like every week Coach Brown was trying to throw something at the wall, hoping it would stick. That method doesn't work. Develop a system and stick with it. Recruit to it. Make it the core of your program.

12. Don't cost WVU wins over Pitt twice in three years, like your predecessor did.
I was slammed on the blue lot for saying that, although I give you credit for better writing. Which is why I am o longer a member.
But we have very very little quickness, different than speed.
Have a fullback to keep defenses honest. I remember having a runaway beer truck. How about some extra beef for inside the 10?
Recruit like you not still at Troy. I don't think Neil sees the difference, seems he still brings in most players to compete at that level.
There are other things, we have half a season to go. I bought into being a decent team, capable of 9 wins. But now we have to win them all to get to nine. And we keep dropping down as to the prestige of the bowl game we will get.
Les's regroup and beat Kansas State.
Then let's talk about how it goes game by game. By game 6, we should be cohesive as a team. Not one part playing good, the others not so much.
Someone ask me , " Could you do a better job" my answer is yes. There is a lot I understand about coaching and being prepared. And from experience, you surround yourself with coaches who excel at the position the are assigned to, and listen to them. Even IF you think you know better.
We talk about how Rich won here. Umm, remember Calvin? Remember Kirlav? Calvin was the O.C. when we had an intern Coach, and we trashed Oklahoma in a bowl game.
Dr. Mr. (fill in the blank with anybody other than Neal Brown):

Those who do not learn from mistakes are doomed to repeat them. So, please, do not repeat the blunders of Neal Brown and his overpaid and underperforming assistants. You are in a results-based business and the results of Coach Brown and his staff were embarassingly poor, which resulted in their dismissal. You are left to clean up Coach Brown's mess and return the Mountaineers to respectability. You will be given several years. Here are a few things that must be at the top of your immediate To-Do List:

1. Recruit a quarterback who is actually a threat to complete a pass.

2. No more midget quarterbacks.

3. Recruit some skill-position players who are quick-twitch athletes. WVU's best teams had quick-twitch guys, like Tavon Austin, Jock Sanders, Steve Slaton, Pat White, Amos Zereoue, etc. The teams under Coach Brown had no quick-twitch guys, which meant it was filled with guys who could not make tacklers miss and create something out of nothing, which meant no explosive plays.

4. When the son of a former WVU standout wants to play quarterback at WVU, and he's being recruited by other Power-5 programs, and is better than any quarterback you have on your roster, then offer him a scholarship and put him at the top of your recruiting board.

5. A dual-threat quarterback is always better than one-trick pony at QB.

6. Recruit -- please, please, please -- recruit size and strength. Make it a priority. WVU was laughed at by Big XII opponents for looking like a high school-sized team, not a Power-5 program. For years, our front 7 on defense was pushed around like ragdolls by Big XII teams that play grown-man football (Kansas State, Iowa State, Oklahoma State, Oklahoma etc.) and the number of missed tackles, because our defensive players are too small and too weak -- that's the No. 1 cause of missed tackles -- was alarming. Our offensive line also failed to generate push when playing legitimate defenses, so recruit size on the OL. Remember, bigger is better.

7. Recruit a center who can make a shotgun snap without sailing it over the QB's head.

8. Do not go to the transfer portal for defensive backs from places like Duquesne, Charlotte and bad I-AA programs. The guys were at those schools because they do not have Power-5 skills. If you're going to get guys from the portal (which is a must at WVU), you get guys from Power-5 programs.

9. Hire assistant coaches who actually like -- OK, at least don't hate -- recruiting and are good at it.

10. Recruit a fullback. You can easily find a good one because most D-I teams don't utilize a fullback, so there are a bunch of good ones out there. Try putting the FB into the offense. You'd be amazed what a FB can do for your running game.

11. Don't be afraid to try something different on offense. I don't care if you want to run the triple option. At least then you would establish an identity. Coach Brown was here for six forgettable years and failed to establish an indentity for WVU football, other than that of a team that loses "big" games and lets down its fanbase with regularity. Under Coach Brown, you couldn't tell if WVU was trying to be a running team, a passing team, a spread team, an Air Raid team, a pro-style team. It seemed like every week Coach Brown was trying to throw something at the wall, hoping it would stick. That method doesn't work. Develop a system and stick with it. Recruit to it. Make it the core of your program.

12. Don't cost WVU wins over Pitt twice in three years, like your predecessor did.
we were the top rushing offense in the nation last year (P5)...WVU is not small..where did you come up with that garbage? our OL from left to right

LT 6' 6" 318 LG 6' 6" 317 C 6' 4" 310 RG 6' 5" 322 RT 6' 5" 302
That only works if you run an unconventional scheme. Even if Greene/White/Donaldson could fill the White/Slaton/Schmitt roles, the line couldn't get up to speed on the zone blocking to make it effective. The time to tailor the scheme to Greene was the Spring.

But he didn't really optimize the system for Greene. You need lean linemen and good lateral zone blocking to make Greene/White/Donaldson a possible rushing centered offense. Doesn't look like they did that and honestly I think it is much harder to tailor a scheme to the player than vice versa. The issue with Brown begs the question: Is Nicco just not as good as his recruiting rank or is Brown treating Greene like Doege with blind loyalty to more veteran player.
Having a QB that is a threat to run adds a new dimension to the offense, regardless of what type of offense you are running. We have had more success since we started adding zone-read QB runs at the end of 2022. Since WVU is not going to get the quality of lineman that an upper-tier Sec. and Big 10 school has, we need to find other ways to get it done. Greene isn't the best, but he isn't the worst either. I think Greene and Nicco are about the same; at this point, we will find out how good Nicco is next year.
Offensively, WVU faces several problems...

Line play isn't really one of them. That is one thing that really did improve under Brown's tenure. Dana's lines were much more tenuous. Their play has led to WVU being one of the best rushing offenses year after year. Pass blocking, while not on par with the run blocking, has been pretty good, too. Greene rarely gets sacked, and when he does its because he held on to the ball too long or the defense just brought more than could be blocked anyway.

Won't talk about the running back position, either. That's improved under Brown also. Especially the blocking side.

So, that leaves just two areas...

QB play isn't great. Not bad, either. Let's face it, Greene is short and a better runner than a passer. He's a 50% passer, has been and will be. His throws are between the hashes because he can't see the middle of the field so that takes away 1/3 of the field the defense has to worry about. The deep post and seam routes are nonexistent. Thus, he's always having to throw into the boundary with out-routes and hitches/curls which limits YAC. Oftentimes, with tight windows. It seems that when the pressure ramps up, so does he, and bad things happen.

The receiving corps has improved over the Brown years from suck to terrible to bad to now decent. They don't drop many balls, which plagued WVU in the early years of Brown so that's good. The problem is there is no one who is a deep threat, a breakaway threat, or one who just plain scares defenses. They are all just a bunch of possession receivers who make the catch and then are immediately tackled.

When they play the better defenses on the schedule, they have to stay "on schedule". They aren't good enough, fast enough, or strong enough to impose their will on anyone of quality. Brown's going to have to throw in some wrinkles of some kind because his play calling has become predictable - after the first two or three possessions WVU has run through its repertoire of plays for the day. From that point forward its just a matter of analytics about what's going to be run next and more than likely the guess is right.
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Our "fans" never dissapoint...recruiting should take off after this...well done

This is not going to do anything with recruiting but what it does, is it hurts the people involved on a personal level and that's not fair and it's not right. This kind of stuff happens at every single school and team. It's not going to play anything into recruiting. The junkies hanging out downtown Morgantown have a better chance of hurting recruiting than something like this.
This is not going to do anything with recruiting but what it does, is it hurts the people involved on a personal level and that's not fair and it's not right. This kind of stuff happens at every single school and team. It's not going to play anything into recruiting. The junkies hanging out downtown Morgantown have a better chance of hurting recruiting than something like this.
I'm sure no opposing coach would show this to a recruits parents and use it against us..wouldn't happen would it?
I'm sure no opposing coach would show this to a recruits parents and use it against us..wouldn't happen would it?
Well if they do then I'm sure that has been happening for decades. I just don't see this as anything new although I agree with you on the premise of it. I think it is disgusting behavior.
I have news for you. Threatening the parents of players does not happen'd have to be an unhinged psychopath to do something like that.
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I have news for you. Threatening the parents of players does not happen'd have to be an unhinged psychopath to do something like that.
But who knows if this is actually real or an imitation from some deranged individual. Was it verbal threat? Media threat? Or just plain letter sent to attack? Personally I think it's fake news and would hope if it's real the son would say something as well as staff and coaches. Hope there would be a full investigation and action taken. I have yet to see anyone in Morgantown with a police protection.

We know Pat McCafee was a real attack and threats against Rodriquez were real. Those were proven and backed up by other individuals. Let me see someone back that up in her defense. Until then I believe it to be false.

There are unhinged psychopaths out there.
I have news for you. Threatening the parents of players does not happen'd have to be an unhinged psychopath to do something like that.
Well, bring back mental institutions. There is a problem in America right now with people like this. Threatening players is definitely more common, you're right. Bringing the parents into it is definitely taking it to another level. But the truth is, I've heard of this kind of stuff happening in so many times over sports teams I can't even count over the years. It's nothing new, maybe the parents thing is new, like you say, but we don't even know if this is a true story yet
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Well, bring back mental institutions. There is a problem in America right now with people like this. Threatening players is definitely more common, you're right. Bringing the parents into it is definitely taking it to another level. But the truth is, I've heard of this kind of stuff happening in so many times over sports teams I can't even count over the years. It's nothing new, maybe the parents thing is new, like you say, but we don't even know if this is a true story yet
I would hope there is a full investigation going on now if statements are true.
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I just looked at it..she has posted for several years and has over 500's not a fake account
Didn't say her account was fake. But why no mention before this? Why no comments from the son, staff or front office? Where is that escort crew from Morgantown police. Somebody has to be investigating something, right. I want to know where and how far they are along in knowing the truth of persons real identity, what was said, posted this, emailed it, post card sent or anything verbal and witnessed.

Somebody needs to be doing something.
Didn't say her account was fake. But why no mention before this? Why no comments from the son, staff or front office? Where is that escort crew from Morgantown police. Somebody has to be investigating something, right. I want to know where and how far they are along in knowing the truth of persons real identity, what was said, posted this, emailed it, post card sent or anything verbal and witnessed.

Somebody needs to be doing something.
she doesn't specify what was could just be fans, drunk of course, harassing her when she's walking to the stadium...who knows?..what would there be to investigate when someone is yelling "Greene sucks!" or words to that effect..
let's look at some things...Mylan Puskar died over a decade ago..not only did WVU lose a huge booster for football, the Mylan company merged and the plant shut down in Morgantown...they don't give money to the football team anymore..they did give to the Childrens Hospital just before the merge.

Our two largest boosters are in their 80's...they won't be with us forever... I doubt if KK's offspring give a dime to the football team..they both went to AZ and the daughter seems to be a save the world type...Where is the money going to come from?

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