An examination of Media Bias...

This type of low level leak, the President shouldn't waste his time on it, unless he seeks to prevent any information not approved by his administration from being reported in the press.
I think the issue with these leaks is manifold: bad press for Trump, which he hates; possible issues with staffer contact with Russians; possible cover-up by the WH; possible issues with interference with the FBI investigation.

The only true way for this to end is to wait for the FBI to complete their investigation and see all of the facts. I think Trump and the WH would be best served by laying-low on this and wait it out. The more they stir the pot the worse it looks for them even if they end up being vindicated.
I think the issue with these leaks is manifold: bad press for Trump, which he hates; possible issues with staffer contact with Russians; possible cover-up by the WH; possible issues with interference with the FBI investigation.

The only true way for this to end is to wait for the FBI to complete their investigation and see all of the facts. I think Trump and the WH would be best served by laying-low on this and wait it out. The more they stir the pot the worse it looks for them even if they end up being vindicated.
Agree. That's why it's curious that Trump is crazed about these leaks. If not true it either 1) plays directly into his narrative about the media and CNN or 2) makes other unnamed sources about Russia lack even more credibility....or both. If true, I see why he wants the leaks stopped immediately.
I'm a 1978 grad, so we may have had some crossover. Masters?

Actually ex-pat I never even got my undergrad from WVU. I was hired as an afternoon anchor at WCLG during my Senior year (where I was interning) before I even graduated. I was getting 8,000/yr to do afternoon drive newscasts for Mark Russo. A guy from Texas happened to hear one of my reports on the AP radio network and offered me a job at KNIN/KGTM just outside of Dallas. I jumped at the immediate doubling of my meager wages...from 8K to almost 18K a year! Hey in 1983 THAT was big money for a starving Cub reporter 2 years out of College.

From there (Wichita Falls TX) I moved back to my hometown of Buffalo New York where I became the 5:00 anchor on the #1 rated ABC/Disney Capital Cities TV station (WKBW- Ch7 Eyewtiness News) where I worked until I got got hired as the main Anchor in Los Angeles by Fox-TV at their "O&O" (KTTV-11). I worked at Fox in LA and did network reporting for them as they got their cable news network up and running and would have stayed with them, however I got a better offer to join CBS (KCBS/KNX Newsradio) where I worked as a legal affairs reporter and education correspondent until moving here to Atlanta in 1994. I worked for Gannett News service here in Atlanta (again as a Legal affairs correspondent) and as a Weekday Anchor on (WXIA-TV-11) NBC until I decided to get out of the business for personal reasons in the late 90's...not the least of which was the incredible bias I often encountered trying to ruffle feathers as a Legal affairs Reporter in a Democrat controlled city.

I made many enemies, and got tired of threats of Lawsuits and physical harm to me & my Family because of my frequent exposure of Democrat corruption in Atlanta. (still ongoing BTW)

I got into the Auto parts business through a mutual friend who just happened to be a major advertiser (Dealer) with Gannett News Service and he sort of set me up as a Warehouse and wholesale parts & inventory control Manager which I now currently do for a living.

So maybe now you understand a little better my distrust of Government and how it operates. I've seen too much, and know too much to ever trust them (bureaucrats) of either party.
So maybe now you understand a little better my distrust of Government and how it operates. I've seen too much, and know too much to ever trust them (bureaucrats) of either party.

Being a conservative in downtown Atlanta and challenging the establishment, especially as an African-American male probably got you off a lot of Christmas card lists. [winking]

Your actual experience is deeper than mine. Worked for a group called the WV Travel Council (I don't think they exist anymore) first job out of school, whopping $11k/yr. in 1978 dollars. Barely able to keep my head above water. Moved on after a while to a real job in marketing and sales promotion with a printing firm, they doubled my pay, and never looked back. I have been gainfully employed in the business sector ever since.

I have always keep my toe in the water, so to speak, by writing for various organization (some paid, some not), and as a contributor for a local paper and a couple of internet sites.

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