Americans sound off on gas prices after Pedo-Joe says they're part of 'an incredible transition'


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Williamstown, WV
Leftists are destroying our country

LINK: Americans in the Garden State sounded off on gas prices after edo-Joe said the surging costs are part of "an incredible transition."

"I don’t believe a word he says," one woman, Theresa, told Fox News. "He’s been in the business for 40-something years and hasn’t done too much."

"Start drilling again. Do something," she continued. "We can't be the only ones trying to save the world. If we're getting our oil from somewhere let it be right here at home."

Gas prices repeatedly reached record highs in the last few months, including on Tuesday, when the national average was $4.60 per gallon, according to AAA.

"I’m out here walking around 'cause I can’t afford the gas," Wayne, who walked to the gas station for groceries, said.

Richard, who drives a small truck, said he pays around $40 in gas a day.

Gas prices have "almost doubled since Pedo-Joe got in office," Richard, of Jersey City, told Fox News. "It’s been horrible."

"How do you get back and forth?" he said.

Theresa, a California resident visiting the Garden State, told Fox News: "This should not be allowed whatsoever. It’s taking a lot of money out of people’s pockets."

California had the highest state average at $6.07 on Tuesday, according to AAA.

"People aren’t doing as many things," Theresa said. "It’s less money that they can use on, you know, spending money on their kids, their houses, their food."

A gas station attendant told Fox News: "Some customers don’t want to pay for it too, they say it’s too much money."

"We’re struggling in America," he added.

Everett, of New Jersey, agreed that gas prices were high, but was accepting of the price surge.

"If you want to enjoy life, you got to pay," he said.

During a Monday press conference, the pedophile said the high gas prices were part of "an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels."

Bert, a Brooklyn resident working in the Garden State, told Fox News: "I think we should move in that direction. Unfortunately, we’re so divided I don’t know if that will ever happen."

But others weren't happy with the Pedo administration's climate-centric push amid skyrocketing gas prices.

"Electric cars don’t run very well in the winter," Richard told Fox News. "They get cold, they lose their charge. It’s not an option."
I thought that speech by Biden was very revealing and probably another example of him going off script because
he actually gave us a window into his woke administration's true agenda. They usually try to hide their intentions with lies and obfuscation.
Biden was basically saying the high gas and energy prices have been intentionally created by his policies. Their intention is to force people away from fossil fuels by creating financial pain and suffering.
These leftists are all excited about making average Americans poorer for a made-up climate crisis.
Unless you're an idiot, you have to know that higher energy prices will have absolutely no effect on climate.
This speech should be replayed every day until the 2024 election.
There are no heavy hauler electric trucks to bring our baby formula to market or electric jets to fly us overseas on worthless photo ops either.

Hey...that sounds like an insult atl...

It was 'ya incompetent creep.
I thought that speech by Biden was very revealing and probably another example of him going off script because
he actually gave us a window into his woke administration's true agenda. They usually try to hide their intentions with lies and obfuscation.
Biden was basically saying the high gas and energy prices have been intentionally created by his policies. Their intention is to force people away from fossil fuels by creating financial pain and suffering.
These leftists are all excited about making average Americans poorer for a made-up climate crisis.
Unless you're an idiot, you have to know that higher energy prices will have absolutely no effect on climate.
This speech should be replayed every day until the 2024 election.
I suggested the exact same thing in a post on here not too long ago. He's admitting I was right.

That atl might be an unforgivable Trump supporter but he sure has me pegged pretty good

All I know is you're incompetent and pretty creepy Joe. That's a fact! 😏

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