Americans Must Watch This ! Also pay attention how Anti-American Neo-Marxist try to interrupt and hijack the thread.

Bolivia Is Now Using China’s Yuan for Trade, Challenging Global Dominance of U.S. Dollar​

Bolivia Turns to China Amid Historic Economic Crisis​

Amid tensions with Washington, President Luis Arce’s government is leaning heavily on Beijing for trade, investment, and economic support.

Bolivia Is Now Using China’s Yuan for Trade, Challenging Global Dominance of U.S. Dollar​

Bolivia Turns to China Amid Historic Economic Crisis​

Amid tensions with Washington, President Luis Arce’s government is leaning heavily on Beijing for trade, investment, and economic support.

This is a possibility. Moving from the Socialist to the Communist stage. Would be awesome if they were attempting to stop the Communist transition but that would be a pleasant surprise.

The “coup plotters” of Bolivia are left-wing soldiers, meaning this operation can occur due to two situations: 1) internal strife between Evo Morales and Luis Arce, the former wanting to return to power through a fast track that he can later legitimize with a referendum2) self-coup with failure planned in advance to “reset” the government and introduce communist expropriation laws to the private sector given that the country is on the way to total meltdown because it ran out of natural gas (the Bolivian CB has been selling gold reserves since last year)
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The general commander of the Bolivian Army, Juan José Zuñiga, who heads a military group that aims to "change the Government Cabinet," says he will "free all political prisoners" and "reestablish" democracy in the country.

The current CIA isn't going to overthrow a Socialist Leader that's in Bed with China and supports joing Brics. That's what the New Democrat Party wants. However there's a good chance they might of assisted in the getting rid of the Conservative Leader there several years ago.
It's Narco-Terrorism. Tactics designed to raise money for more Terrorism. Not to mention the deaths we accumulate, money we have to spend to treat people, the zombies we create committing crimes that cause Anarchy, and depletion of our most valuable resources being our people. The Soviet Union used the same Tactics in the 60's, 70's, and early 80's. Now the CCP and Middle East Jihadist are doing the same.

The United States Marines, Navy Seals, Delta Force and Rangers with Air Support and Naval Support could put a stop to it rapidly. All it would take is the will from the American People to support the Commander in Chief and Congress to approve the Direct Action Missions.

if you like your drugs stick to weed. This different. You need to get behind defeating it.


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