Incoming effortpoast.
Looking at how the war has turned out, it is hard to say that the Russian approach hasn't worked amazingly well.
Look at the political landscape a year and a half after the start of the war.
American military recruiting has collapsed.
GAE satraps have begin to abandon the dollar and rebel against the empire in the middle east.
GAE/NATO logistics have been drained to the point that some countries lack enough ammo for two weeks of warfare.
American wonder weapons continue to underperform, fail, or otherwise disappoint.
The American people become less supportive of their government and the economy gets worse and worse.
This isn't the Russians breaking America's back.
This is them leaning on a knife pointed at the heart of the GAE, while DC desperately tries to keep it from piercing their heart.
The West has gotten too used to lightning victories against insignificant foes and forgotten the real purpose; short victorious wars were a political tool.
They were waged to show the terrible cost of defying the hegemon.
Now Russia is fighting a different kind of war, and the GAE didn't get its latest short, victorious war.
War is an expression of state power, applied to achieve state aims.
Viewed in this light, the Russian prosecution of this war has been fantastic.
Can anyone really say that Russia is worse off or America is better off than in February 2022?
Consider what the deaths of the Russian military and civilians killed in this war have achieved.
The Russian state is the strongest it has ever been, and only getting stronger.
Their goals are getting achieved.
Russia survives, the Russian people survive, and a world where the GAE does not dictate politics is becoming more and more realized.