A very dangerous poll


Gold Member
Jan 27, 2005
I could understand if this poll were conducted on a college campus full or narcissistic profs and adolescent students. But nationwide? Truly scary. What is this country coming to.

I could understand if this poll were conducted on a college campus full or narcissistic profs and adolescent students. But nationwide? Truly scary. What is this country coming to.

Sounds like censorship and against the 1st amendment to me. I fully support the right of the people to their hate filled rants of all sides to include desecration of the flag, piss Christ, the Black Panthers, etc. I don't agree with any of it, but I support their right to do it.
lol So, you all think the 1st Amendment will be overturned soon? Keep me posted, thanks.
No, I don't think that will be the case at all actually. Your flippant reply led me to believe you would support the polling results. I apologize if I misunderstood.
lol So, you all think the 1st Amendment will be overturned soon? Keep me posted, thanks.

I could easily see a liberal court bowing to "the will of the people" and start to "refine" the First Amendment. We already see speech codes on college campuses and "free speech zones." We see the PC movement's war on words. I think the risk is higher than you think that our First Amendment freedoms will be eroded in the future if that speech happens to offend someone. Jonathan Capehart of the Wash Post wants to restrict the First Amendment when it comes to tweets about the President that he says are hateful (and he is a flippin journalist). Pamela Geller was attacked by many people claiming that she unlawfully went too far with her cartoon contest.
No, I don't think that will be the case at all actually. Your flippant reply led me to believe you would support the polling results. I apologize if I misunderstood.
Nope, was just making fun of WVPATX's breathless posting of this "very dangerous poll" like it was indicative of anything happening.
I could easily see a liberal court bowing to "the will of the people" and start to "refine" the First Amendment. We already see speech codes on college campuses and "free speech zones." We see the PC movement's war on words. I think the risk is higher than you think that our First Amendment freedoms will be eroded in the future if that speech happens to offend someone. Jonathan Capehart of the Wash Post wants to restrict the First Amendment when it comes to tweets about the President that he says are hateful (and he is a flippin journalist). Pamela Geller was attacked by many people claiming that she unlawfully went too far with her cartoon contest.
People in hell want ice water but you know the rest of that.
Nope, was just making fun of WVPATX's breathless posting of this "very dangerous poll" like it was indicative of anything happening.

Appparently you're not aware of how the Supreme Court operates. In this case the SC will define the limits of free speech as they have done before. You can't yell fire in a crowed theatre. You can't incite violence with "fighting words" directed to a person.

From the website United States Courts:

What Does Free Speech Mean?
Among other cherished values, the First Amendment protects freedom of speech. The U.S. Supreme Court often has struggled to determine what exactly constitutes protected speech.

If you don't believe a future Supreme Court could decide that some forms of "hate speech" is unconstitutional, you're very sadly mistaken.

But the broader point of my post was not partisan. It is unsettling that a slight majority of our country doesn't want to protect "hate speech."
I could understand if this poll were conducted on a college campus full or narcissistic profs and adolescent students. But nationwide? Truly scary. What is this country coming to.


The troubling word is "intended." Who is supposed to determine what other people intend?

I agree in general though that free speech isn't as free as it needs to be. Everybody says they're in favor of free speech but unfortunately a lot of them then object to speech they don't like.
I am simply amazed at how many college campuses are being run. Free speech zones? Trigger warnings? What the heck are we teaching young people? We're not educating them, we are babysitting them and certainly not preparing them for life.