7 uncomfortable truths for Republicans in the wake of the health care collapse

McConnell will take a huge hit if ACA is repealed and not replaced with something else. It was reported that 20% of Kentucky residents were uninsured before ACA, and now that number is down to 7%. If it is repealed, there are going to be many voters who will remember McConnell when they go to the polls.
It's going down the crapper either way - better to finish it off and have both sides work on something to replace it.
It's going down the crapper either way - better to finish it off and have both sides work on something to replace it.

Let's say you have a's crappy.....but it still runs, but it costs you money to fix it. But it's your only way to work every day. You don't have the money for a new car...YET. So you would get rid of your only form of transportation just because it's "crappy" and costing you money, even though you haven't gotten the new car yet?
Let's say you have a's crappy.....but it still runs, but it costs you money to fix it. But it's your only way to work every day. You don't have the money for a new car...YET. So you would get rid of your only form of transportation just because it's "crappy" and costing you money, even though you haven't gotten the new car yet?
Or you could hope it'll last just long enough to get you down the road...when it actually can't.
Let's say you have a's crappy.....but it still runs, but it costs you money to fix it. But it's your only way to work every day. You don't have the money for a new car...YET. So you would get rid of your only form of transportation just because it's "crappy" and costing you money, even though you haven't gotten the new car yet?
If the "crappy" car repair bills costs more than monthly payments on an acceptable car, how long are you willing to go further and further into debt with something "crappy"? Obamacare puts us taxpayers further into debt. It looks worse and worse as time goes on. The country cannot stand to go more into debt, but this legislation has no end in accumulating more and more debt. No reasonable person bought into lowering cost by paying insurance premiums for 20 million more people. And keep the same DR at lower cost and not lose providers in long term. Are you really living in a "world of make believe"? Or, do we really have people walking around in such a stupid trance?
Or you could hope it'll last just long enough to get you down the road...when it actually can't.

That's not exactly an answer to my hypothetical. Do you put money in to a car that is crappy just to keep it running until you can afford a newer car.....or do you allow it to fall apart, without a replacement car, and lose your job?
That's not exactly an answer to my hypothetical. Do you put money in to a car that is crappy just to keep it running until you can afford a newer car.....or do you allow it to fall apart, without a replacement car, and lose your job?
I'm dealing in hypotheticals...especially ones that aren't even close in comparison.
If the "crappy" car repair bills costs more than monthly payments on an acceptable car, how long are you willing to go further and further into debt with something "crappy"? Obamacare puts us taxpayers further into debt. It looks worse and worse as time goes on. The country cannot stand to go more into debt, but this legislation has no end in accumulating more and more debt. No reasonable person bought into lowering cost by paying insurance premiums for 20 million more people. And keep the same DR at lower cost and not lose providers in long term. Are you really living in a "world of make believe"? Or, do we really have people walking around in such a stupid trance?

Nobody seems to care about paying the insurance premiums for the members of Congress. If they repeal government insurance for the citizens, then these elected officials should forfeit the health plan they receive and be forced to find their own private coverage too. What's fair is fair.
I'm dealing in hypotheticals...especially ones that aren't even close in comparison.

It is extremely close.....some people rely on the ACA for affordable health care. If it's dropped, without a replacement, they have NOTHING.......
That's not exactly an answer to my hypothetical. Do you put money in to a car that is crappy just to keep it running until you can afford a newer car.....or do you allow it to fall apart, without a replacement car, and lose your job?
Without reliable transportation, you are going to lose your job anyway. You would be up shit creek, without a job and no way to replace the car without ability to pay for it.
It is extremely close.....some people rely on the ACA for affordable health care. If it's dropped, without a replacement, they have NOTHING.......
If it's dropped it's on BOTH sides to find an answer.
Nobody seems to care about paying the insurance premiums for the members of Congress. If they repeal government insurance for the citizens, then these elected officials should forfeit the health plan they receive and be forced to find their own private coverage too. What's fair is fair.
You are broadening the discussion, because you have no answer. Who votes on spending money or not for congresses insurance. You are getting much farther away for a reasonable solution.
It is extremely close.....some people rely on the ACA for affordable health care. If it's dropped, without a replacement, they have NOTHING.......
They had nothing before Obamacare. There is no money to pay for the extra premiums. We would be in the same position with people having no coverage - exactly as before Obamacare. One little exception of paying for all the extra premiums we didn't have prior to Obamacare.
We have no money, so put it on the tab that was $20 trillion before. Now the intelligent people has us still indebted $20 trillion and guaranteed monthly insurance premium for an additional 20 million people? Still believe in spending ourselves out of debt? We are finding out how well that works.
I think that they'll struggle to repeal it with no replacement so they may end up trying to fix the ACA...we'll see.
What is the "fix"? More spending? Where do all of those suckling people find more and more welfare?
you hope...
We should all hope. It's a dog. It's impacted business growth, costs have gone up, consumers premiums and deductibles have risen. The only good it does is what is negatively impacting costs. It's unsustainable. Period. Stop trying to throw good money after bad.

I'm fine with going single payer or whatever will control costs, but for anyone still saying this piece of shit is worth saving/tweaking is a moron.
Nobody seems to care about paying the insurance premiums for the members of Congress. If they repeal government insurance for the citizens, then these elected officials should forfeit the health plan they receive and be forced to find their own private coverage too. What's fair is fair.
I agree, I think the Congressional coverage set aside is bullshit as well. Put their ass on Tri-Care and let them experience what the rest of society has to.
What is the "fix"? More spending? Where do all of those suckling people find more and more welfare?

So, you relate ACA to "suckling people and more welfare?" You do realize that people with no job, and on state assistance already receive free health insurance and don't pay a dime. But the ACA effects the working poor.
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We should all hope. It's a dog. It's impacted business growth, costs have gone up, consumers premiums and deductibles have risen. The only good it does is what is negatively impacting costs. It's unsustainable. Period. Stop trying to throw good money after bad.

I'm fine with going single payer or whatever will control costs, but for anyone still saying this piece of shit is worth saving/tweaking is a moron.
Single payer will not be good for this country IMO...there is no drive to make strides in healthcare if that happens.
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Single payer will not be good for this country IMO...there is no drive to make strides in healthcare if that happens.

I'm sure they'll want to use Canada as their example of how single payer works. *eyeroll*
McConnell will take a huge hit if ACA is repealed and not replaced with something else. It was reported that 20% of Kentucky residents were uninsured before ACA, and now that number is down to 7%. If it is repealed, there are going to be many voters who will remember McConnell when they go to the polls.
The only increase in kentucky was medicaid just like almost every state. Therefore, the other residents of the state and elsewhere are paying for it, not the people themselves. People really like free stuff. 50% of all births last year were by medicaid women. Not exactly the people you want reproducing on a large scale.
after the 2018 elections, there should be a clear path to fix this...

I don't see these idiots working it out right now...
So, you relate ACA to "suckling people and more welfare?" You do realize that people with no job, and on state assistance already receive free health insurance and don't pay a dime. But the ACA effects the working poor.
Do you see a difference of welfare? Giving a supplement for insurance for people who can only partially afford the insurance(working) vs those who cannot afford to pay any(unemployed). In either instance, the government is paying a bill with money they have none of. Sick people go to Dr with different degrees of insurance or none. Government aides the welfare by paying directly to provider, or they subsidize via an insurance card.
Do you see a difference of welfare? Giving a supplement for insurance for people who can only partially afford the insurance(working) vs those who cannot afford to pay any(unemployed). In either instance, the government is paying a bill with money they have none of. Sick people go to Dr with different degrees of insurance or none. Government aides the welfare by paying directly to provider, or they subsidize via an insurance card.

And do you not understand the problem here? You are in favor of to getting rid of insurance that is primarily going to those who have low-paying jobs (but have jobs)..........while we have lazy Americans with no job, no desire for a job, with 5 children running around, getting free health care.