"52 percent of Republican voters think Trump won the popular vote in November,


Aug 23, 2016
although he lost by 3 million votes." [roll]

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 21h21 hours ago

Thanks u fans for this upresidented victory over liyan Hillary! We one by a buncha million over her thank to u!

Don't forget his November 7th, 2016 tweet......"the electoral college is bad for a democracy"........Wonder if he still feels that way? ;)
Who is getting inaugurated on January 20th? Popular vote is completely irrelevant. Always has been. Always will be.
yeh, it's pretty damn relevant that over half of Republicans are too ignorant to live in reality.

This isn't surprising since Trump won the election. Do you want to talk about Dems that believe Bush planned and executed 9/11? Libs still believe that Michael Brown was shot with his arms raised in the air signaling surrender. It lead to an entire Dem movement.

Keep thinking that libs are superior, if it helps you sleep at night.
Rise? Me posting factual information isn't a "rise". It's called proof.....[thumbsup]

Did you even read your own post? per capita? Small states have a lot of military installations and did you happen to notice which states are the worst run?
Did you even read your own post? per capita? Small states have a lot of military installations and did you happen to notice which states are the worst run?

Yeah, I read it. I'm not trying to disprove anything you posted. I've never been a fan of "handouts", but I've never been a fan of turning my back on those in need, especially the children in situations that they cannot control. I also do not like being lumped in to a group simply due to my political party. Many of you on here said you voted for Trump not because you necessarily like or believe him, but he was "the lesser of two evils". Well, for those other people that voted for Hillary for the same reasons, you guys go nuts on about their vote. Why is that? I don't believe to either group....I voted write-in. I have a clear head about my decision.

However, if you think a Republican controlled government will change things you are kidding yourself. In fact, I wouldn't doubt if things don't get worse in some shape or form. New policies normally don't mean better results. Time will tell.
Yeah, I read it. I'm not trying to disprove anything you posted. I've never been a fan of "handouts", but I've never been a fan of turning my back on those in need, especially the children in situations that they cannot control. I also do not like being lumped in to a group simply due to my political party. Many of you on here said you voted for Trump not because you necessarily like or believe him, but he was "the lesser of two evils". Well, for those other people that voted for Hillary for the same reasons, you guys go nuts on about their vote. Why is that? I don't believe to either group....I voted write-in. I have a clear head about my decision.

However, if you think a Republican controlled government will change things you are kidding yourself. In fact, I wouldn't doubt if things don't get worse in some shape or form. New policies normally don't mean better results. Time will tell.

Real numbers, in 2010, there were 3 mill californians on foodstamps. 9 times the number of wv and doubles, triples, and quadruples some of the other states. California is one of the worst run states. First thing next govt needs to do is cut food stamps back to pre obama taking office from 48 mill to 23. I certainly hope that since the Repubs control all three houses they can do for business what Obama never took an interest in.

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