125 Indiana University Health employees quit today... no vaxx for them...


Nov 25, 2011
Nurses quitting in droves over this vaccine because they have seen it fail. It does not protect and has been causing many serious issues, mostly congestive heart failure.
But there is a nursing and other staff shortages 🙄🙄🙄

aka we don’t want to employ staff because that increases our cost but want to increase revenue by reimbursement from the US and State government and make PR statements that “we are overflowing with patients in ICU, etc but we will continue doing elective procedures and other procedures that may include a day or 2 in ICU or CCU”
There is enough false information and lies about Covid and the vaccines that are safe and effective for the prevention of catching and spreading this deadly virus without right wing fools on message boards spreading more of it.

Other countries have had more success fighting this deadly disease because they dont suffer fools who are actively working to KILL citizens.

This absolute bs from the right wing must stop- stop playing make believe with other peoples lives. There are numerous diseases people are vaccinated for all the time and for decades without this political lunacy. No complaints until dear leader pretended this disease was concocted to get his worthless ass out of office and Told you fools it didnt exist until he of course caught it and hundreds of thousands DIED as a result of his narcissim. Again stop playing right wing conspiracy games with other peoples lives.
There is enough false information and lies about Covid and the vaccines that are safe and effective for the prevention of catching and spreading this deadly virus without right wing fools on message boards spreading more of it.

Other countries have had more success fighting this deadly disease because they dont suffer fools who are actively working to KILL citizens.

This absolute bs from the right wing must stop- stop playing make believe with other peoples lives. There are numerous diseases people are vaccinated for all the time and for decades without this political lunacy. No complaints until dear leader pretended this disease was concocted to get his worthless ass out of office and Told you fools it didnt exist until he of course caught it and hundreds of thousands DIED as a result of his narcissim. Again stop playing right wing conspiracy games with other peoples lives.
That bile right there is why many people refuse to comply. You have no clue, do you? (I've been vaccinated for 7 months, but you can't convince people by calling them names.)
If they get sick refuse to treat them. They made a choice to not take the vaccine so the hospitals should make the choice not to treat them if they get sick Win Win. Get vaccines to people and places who needs them and some dummies might just cull themselves
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Right wing? Explain how over 50% of the left leaning non-whites are not vaccinated?

The problem is the mixed messaging from the CDC, government and media depending on which way the wind is blowing. This time last year schools were closing and going remote, businesses were shut down, all with the infection rates at or less than today. Strange thing is the only true difference was Trump was in office back then, media blaming every death on him, cities across the country were being burned, looted,, etc. It all stopped after they got Trump out of office and now it’s on Uncle Joe’s watch and he can’t remember where he is at most days.
Right wing? Explain how over 50% of the left leaning non-whites are not vaccinated?

The problem is the mixed messaging from the CDC, government and media depending on which way the wind is blowing. This time last year schools were closing and going remote, businesses were shut down, all with the infection rates at or less than today. Strange thing is the only true difference was Trump was in office back then, media blaming every death on him, cities across the country were being burned, looted,, etc. It all stopped after they got Trump out of office and now it’s on Uncle Joe’s watch and he can’t remember where he is at most days.
Wow the trumpt*rd is strong in this one. Yea increased data a new variant and the fact that there was a lockdown has nothing to do with the lower numbers. PSSSST Qanon is calling
How's Hoppy gonna spin this?
He is very far from the voice of WV. The article he wrote about brining in Afghan refugees to fill job openings in the state was utterly pathetic. His take on the vaccines is pathetic. Most of what he says these days is pathetic. Another Trump derangement syndrome weirdo.
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Woke umm no I am not Woke but i am also not a flaming trumptard either
I had never heard of Qanon before you Marxists referenced it in the OTD board. Anybody eaten up with Qanon and crying about Trump at this point has to be a an Antifa wannabe. Trump lost. Get over him, and tell us what your drooling imbecile is doing to help America.
I had never heard of Qanon before you Marxists referenced it in the OTD board. Anybody eaten up with Qanon and crying about Trump at this point has to be a an Antifa wannabe. Trump lost. Get over him, and tell us what your drooling imbecile is doing to help America.
He is better than the previous guy thats all that matters and damn you are an idiot
If they get sick refuse to treat them. They made a choice to not take the vaccine so the hospitals should make the choice not to treat them if they get sick Win Win. Get vaccines to people and places who needs them and some dummies might just cull themselves
Might be the dumbest response I’ve ever heard. Doctors should also refuse to treat illegal immigrants, AIDS/HIV patients, Hepatitis B patients, Hepatitis C patients, anyone who gets measles, mumps, rubella, anyone who gets meningitis, anyone that has liver failure, anyone that has diabetes, anyone that has kidney failure, any athlete who tears any ligaments or breaks any bone, etc.
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He is very far from the voice of WV. The article he wrote about brining in Afghan refugees to fill job openings in the state was utterly pathetic. His take on the vaccines is pathetic. Most of what he says these days is pathetic. Another Trump derangement syndrome weirdo.
He doesn’t realize that it’s his group that keeps pushing for increased wages, but that always ends up with them cutting positions with benefits and increases part-time employment or they switch to automation.

How about WV focus on being the new manufacturing chain/supplier in the USA that way you don’t have to import everything and depend on China, etc. Hoppy will never talk about that because it supports America First ideals. Lower the hiring age down to 16.. Maybe have these dumb HR departments hire whoever applies instead of looking And waiting for purple-haired trannys to fill jobs.

tldr: Hoppy is an old Democrat party line stepper and is out of touch with the wishes of WV citizens. Maybe he can have/visit his dystopian democrat hell when he passes away.
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If they get sick refuse to treat them. They made a choice to not take the vaccine so the hospitals should make the choice not to treat them if they get sick Win Win. Get vaccines to people and places who needs them and some dummies might just cull themselves
Absolutely. And anyone more than 20 pounds overweight also should be banned from medical treatment. Also, smokers, even if they quit 20 years ago. And definitely no AIDS sufferers. Spent time in the sun as a kid? No dermatologist should treat you. And on and on.
Absolutely. And anyone more than 20 pounds overweight also should be banned from medical treatment. Also, smokers, even if they quit 20 years ago. And definitely no AIDS sufferers. Spent time in the sun as a kid? No dermatologist should treat you. And on and on.
Thats not what your wife says
Gays should be refused AIDs treatment. They choose to pursue a lascivious lifestyle, know the possible outcomes, and should deal with the consequences.

Inner city residents should not be treated for gunshot wounds. They choose to life in a dangerous area. They choose to pursue a lifestyle rife with violence and criminality. They should deal with the consequences.

Car accident victims should not be treated for injuries until is it determined that they were wearing a seatbelt, were driving the speed limit, were not texting/eating/messing with the radio, or had their hands anywhere beyond 10 and 2 and their alert eyes everywhere than on the road.
ATTENTION: If you're a nurse that has NOT gotten the JAB and the hospital/doctor you currently work for is threatening you your job if you don't get it...go to Nebraska. They are paying UN-VAXXED Nurses $5,000 bonus every three months to work there.

If you're interested...start calling Nebraska hospitals to see which ones are offering this.
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Gays should be refused AIDs treatment. They choose to pursue a lascivious lifestyle, know the possible outcomes, and should deal with the consequences.

Inner city residents should not be treated for gunshot wounds. They choose to life in a dangerous area. They choose to pursue a lifestyle rife with violence and criminality. They should deal with the consequences.

Car accident victims should not be treated for injuries until is it determined that they were wearing a seatbelt, were driving the speed limit, were not texting/eating/messing with the radio, or had their hands anywhere beyond 10 and 2 and their alert eyes everywhere than on the road.

This is extreme, but the same jackasses who say let the unvaccinated go untreated in the media were passing and moaning when a town in Ohio threatened to stop having EMS resuscitate recurrent overdose patients. So it's inhuman to not care for the person that repeatedly chooses to put lethal doses of a substance into their body, but it's fine not to care for someone who is choosing not to mitigate their risk. Even if both are wrong, one is clearly more unreasonable than the other.

Personally, I think COVID 19 risks outweigh the risks of the vaccine. Even if it doesn't confer full immunity, it is protective against severity of illness. I believe that if you choose not to get vaccinated, it would be advisable that you avoid high risk of transmission events and take steps to prevent infection. However even if you choose not to get vaccinated and kiss every stranger you see, that is still less risk of life threatening illness or being a burden on the Healthcare system than being obese or smoking cigarettes.
Wow the trumpt*rd is strong in this one. Yea increased data a new variant and the fact that there was a lockdown has nothing to do with the lower numbers. PSSSST Qanon is calling
You mean the research that said up front that the vaccines were effective against the delta variant - oops you need a booster.
The FACT that cloth and paper masks do not stop the virus from passing through and infecting the wearer - wear the mask ! Wear the mask !
Get the shot, it’s 90% plus at protecting you, BUT now you need to wear a mask, because, well it would …. We’ll just because we said so, because we have no clue.
Look around where the great Democrat Governors states have just as many or more deaths per capita and all the lock downs and restrictions did not stop it. Michigan citizens were not even allowed to do yard work or grow a garden outside in the fresh air.
New York State sold off the stock piled ventilators and the federal government had to come to the rescue of the citizens with funding and one of the hospital ships. Same for California. Both run by … you guessed it, Democrats.

Mixed messages and severe damage to people’s lives due to job loss and let’s not forget the damage done to children’s loss of education.

Now you want to compare facts or just keep up with the name calling. Plus we can dive into the riots from last year if you want.
But there is a nursing and other staff shortages 🙄🙄🙄

aka we don’t want to employ staff because that increases our cost but want to increase revenue by reimbursement from the US and State government and make PR statements that “we are overflowing with patients in ICU, etc but we will continue doing elective procedures and other procedures that may include a day or 2 in ICU or CCU”

My wife's hospital (a major regional anchor), is having staffing issues.

Her floor is dealing with quarantined staff....who are all vaccinated. If you have symptoms and need to quarantine, the hospital is providing COVID pay (basically equals their normal paycheck) - you can draw your own assumptions on how that is being used.
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You mean the research that said up front that the vaccines were effective against the delta variant - oops you need a booster.
The FACT that cloth and paper masks do not stop the virus from passing through and infecting the wearer - wear the mask ! Wear the mask !
Get the shot, it’s 90% plus at protecting you, BUT now you need to wear a mask, because, well it would …. We’ll just because we said so, because we have no clue.
Look around where the great Democrat Governors states have just as many or more deaths per capita and all the lock downs and restrictions did not stop it. Michigan citizens were not even allowed to do yard work or grow a garden outside in the fresh air.
New York State sold off the stock piled ventilators and the federal government had to come to the rescue of the citizens with funding and one of the hospital ships. Same for California. Both run by … you guessed it, Democrats.

Mixed messages and severe damage to people’s lives due to job loss and let’s not forget the damage done to children’s loss of education.

Now you want to compare facts or just keep up with the name calling. Plus we can dive into the riots from last year if you want.
Sure the Capital can be the first stop
Sure the Capital can be the first stop
All the ones who broke the law in the capital are being arrested, charged, jailed, etc. No Republican has stepped forward, raised money to bail anyone out of jail. Justice is being served on several hundred people. Justice is being served and I support the efforts..

Now tell us the number of rioters in several cities, that looted, burned buildings, cars, etc, assaulted police and innocent people last summer across the country that have been arrested, charged, jailed, etc? Hint: the number is around zero. Tell us the number of Democrats that raised money to bail out the rioters? Answer: several, headed up by the now vise president.

We the people is not based on political parties.

Care to keep going?
All the ones who broke the law in the capital are being arrested, charged, jailed, etc. No Republican has stepped forward, raised money to bail anyone out of jail. Justice is being served on several hundred people. Justice is being served and I support the efforts..

Now tell us the number of rioters in several cities, that looted, burned buildings, cars, etc, assaulted police and innocent people last summer across the country that have been arrested, charged, jailed, etc? Hint: the number is around zero. Tell us the number of Democrats that raised money to bail out the rioters? Answer: several, headed up by the now vise president.

We the people is not based on political parties.

Care to keep going?
Who and where you are full of shit trumptard. And it was the trumpublicans are the ones who stormed the capital and should be charged with sedition. Typical republicans , McCarthism now trumpism same party
Who and where you are full of shit trumptard. And it was the trumpublicans are the ones who stormed the capital and should be charged with sedition. Typical republicans , McCarthism now trumpism same party
Can you not read? “The ones who broke the law in the capital were arrested, …”

My mention of Republicans was that they are not bailing the criminals out of jail.

Now that it (by any normal average intelligent person standard) has been cleared up, let’s hear your opinion on the Democrats that bail out the rioters, looters, etc that ran wild last summer. Defend the support for the low life criminals that injured people, stole and destroyed property by the Democrats.
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Can you not read? “The ones who broke the law in the capital were arrested, …”

My mention of Republicans was that they are not bailing the criminals out of jail.

Now that it (by any normal average intelligent person standard) has been cleared up, let’s hear your opinion on the Democrats that bail out the rioters, looters, etc that ran wild last summer. Defend the support for the low life criminals that injured people, stole and destroyed property by the Democrats.
Stop watching One News trumptard