“We have black supremacists in basketball because they play basketball better than we do,”

well at least I haven't tried to get elected to an NAACP post yet...are you listening Rachel Doelzal?:scream:.........I'd surely like the opportunity to share an adult beverage or 6 with you would be real interesting

No sh*t Snow my man. There might be some snowflake sitting over in the next booth while we sip our suds who might call management all offended we were even allowed into the building, let alone allowed to sit interracially within earshot of her "safe zone".
I'm having fried chicken tonight...and I just might go out and buy a watermelon...just to show solidarity with my oppressed black supremacist brothers......and I also might go shoot a few hoops for dessert
Be careful. This time of year a watermelon would be a Mexican import.

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